~Chapter 20~

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What's up guys! Just a little DISCLAIMER before you continue! There is a gory scene in this part so if your not into that shizaz, once the name Jay pops up, skip ahead. I just felt like the book needed more action so I decided "Welp! WHY THE HELL NOT" but anyways, if you read this, thanks. If not and you don't like blood? Sorry! I tried to warn you!

Your POV my dude

     "(Y/N)..." I heard a familiar someone mumble into my ear, causing me to groan as I tightened my eyes closed.
     "(Y/N) we're gonna be late for training" the voice mumbled again, but louder. Then came a soft push on my shoulder, causing to to groan louder and pull the covers over my head.
     There was a sigh before I felt the bed dip down and back up, indicating that someone just got off of it. There was silence for a few quick seconds before the person began speaking again.
     "I'll grab the bucket-" I felt my eyes widen
     "IM AWAKE-" I screamed out while throwing the covers off of myself and falling off the bed, earning a loud 'OOF' to escape from my lips. Followed by an annoyed groan.
     "Jesse?..." I questioned quietly while looking up towards the bed, only to be met with brown eyes and brown hair.
     "Your an asshole." I called out while pointing up at him, only earning a chuckle to escape his lips. I then lifted myself up, holding onto the bed as I managed to get to my feet, a sigh escaping my lips, followed by a yawn.
     "Heads up." I heard Jesse call out as something landed in front of me, or somethings...
     "Knew that you didn't want to risk talking to Eclipse this morning. So I went and got your warm ups for you. Luckily, he was already gone by the time I got there." He smiled as he threw on his hat, indicating that he must had already gotten ready while I was asleep.
"Thanks... but there's no avoiding him today. I have training with him... hell, he basically lives as one of the soldiers." I chuckled at the end as I walked to the bathroom, closing it behind me as I began to take of the red hoodie he lended me last night.
"Oh by the way- heard we were training with a newby... Gecko?... Gengo? Somewhere along the lines of that." I heard Jesse call out through the door, causing me to let out a laugh as I pulled on a sports Bra, a black tank after.
     "His name is Genji, Jesse." I laughed as I pulled on my black tights, a satisfied sigh escaping my lips.
     "Well I was close!" Jesse mumbled loudly as I heard the click of what I could only guess was peace keeper. I quickly pulled my hair into a tight ponytail, not bothering to check if it was messy or not, considering it would be ruined one way or another today.
     "Yea sure McCree." I chuckled as I walked out of the bathroom, dusting particularly nothing off of my legs. I then lifted my head and examined what he was wearing. He basically wore the same thing as me, except instead of a tank top, he wore a shirt and his belt. His hat was also tipped forward slightly as he flicked it back up into place.
     "I reckon you've met this person before?" He questioned as we both made our way towards the door, it opening in the process and letting us out.
     "I may or may not had saved him from Angela's hands" I smirked as we rounded a corner, the hallway becoming larger as we began to reach a larger part of the facility. He was about to respond before we reached the black watch training deck, my smile turning to a straight face as the door opened.
     "Well McCree, lets go meet Reyes." I murmured as we both turned, taking a right as we made our way to a separate closed off part of the deck.
     You see— Jesse and I... were not your normal soldiers. Though it's pretty obvious. But Over the two years and with my powers, and Jesses... High noon thing- we really need to give it a name...
     Anyways- Gabriel and Jack along with Ana, Torbjorn, Reinhardt and a few others decided for us to train in a separate room, as to protect the others. We also, considering our background were stronger than the others and more well built... plus maybe Uncle was a little protective over the fact that I was almost the only female in the Blackwatch part of the base.
     But there was one thing that everyone in the base, minus the people that we have grown close too, are not aware of. McCree and I never show our carefree sides when training or in front of others. It was just something we grew up with and we didn't want others thinking that we were easy pickings.
     So we made our way to the top. Made our way onto Commander Reyes top team, that was made only of us three.
      Even if-
     "WALKER. GET YOUR DAMN HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS AND TURN AROUND!" I heard a loud voice call from behind us, causing Jesse and I to stop and turn, a glare forming in my eyes as they landed on the one person I didn't want to see today. Sigh, and just when my day was getting better
     His name was Jay... he wasn't important at all, more like a back up if anything, but he happened to think he was better than Jesse and I in every way. To be honest I forgot he existed...
He tried to hit on we once... yea Jesse and I don't talk about that day... Nether does Uncle.
      "What do you want Jay?" I questioned loudly, gathering everyone's attention in the room. I could hear Jesse begin to growl under his breath as we stared at the same person.
     "What I've wanted since Commander Reyes put you on his team, a fight. After all, he did put you on it because of favoritism, right?" He called out, a crazed smile formed on his lips as he tilted his head up. A confident expression on his face while a laugh escaped from his mouth.
     I let out a scoff as I crossed my arms, my glare worsening as I stared at the over confident idiot. But I couldn't help but feel sorry that he didn't even know that Reyes was my Uncle.
     "Nah, don't feel like wasting my time." I replied while looking up at Jesse, tilted my head to where we were headed in the first place, my mood lightening as we took a few steps forward.
     "Oh so it's gonna be like that huh? WELL GUESS WHAT? WOULDN'T WANT TO BEAT SUCH A PUSSY ASS WEAKLING LIKE YOU ANYWAY!" He yelled out causing us to stop again and turn around swiftly, a few gasps echoing through the air. At this moment I heard the door open, indicating that someone had walked in but at the moment I could care less.
     "Son of a-" Jesse growled as he took a step forward, ready to beat some ass, his eyes flaring with anger. Quickly, I set my hand in front of him, telling him to stop as I did so.
     "Stop McCree. It's about time I thought this bitch a lesson... And Every One Else One Too." I called out as I walked onto the mat, the other soldiers clearing my way as I cracked my knuckles. There was some murmuring before a few people began whispering. Then the words became louder and louder as we circled each other on the mat.
     The chanting was blaring into my ears, but at the moment my mind was only centered on one thing, and that was the dumbass who was circling right in front of me. The person who was about to get there ass beat.
     "Ready to die, Slut?" I herd the poor excuse of a man call out to me as we began to circle each other faster, my fist tightening as his smile widened.
     "I don't know, are you?" I questioned back, a grin plastered on my face as I positioned my footing. His face twisted in anger as he stared at me. He then lunged at me, something so predictable that even dove could avoid it.
     Swiftly, I jumped to the side. Causing Jay to fall to the ground. Surprisingly though, he rolled and lifted himself back up quickly.
     Turning, he lunged again, anger dashed across his face.
     Again, I dodged, but this time I lightly hit his neck cashing him to stumble. A few laughs emitted from the chanting causing me to smirk.
     "Stop Dodging You Fucking Pussy!" Jay yelled out as he lunged again, his eyes full of rage that only made the situation more entertaining.
     Lunging to the side, I actually decided to land a hit. Swiftly, I kicked him in the side of his stomach, earning a groan to escape his lips and smirk to grow on my face.
     "You should forfeit while you can. I don't want to kill you." I called out as Jay lifted his hand from his side, his eyes glaring at me. He then reached both his hands into the back of his pants, pulling out two fairly large knives.
     He began to smirk, causing me to glare. I then shifted my eyes around the room, hearing the chanting grow louder slightly. But only one face caught my attention.
     He stood there with an angered expression, as if he were pissed that someone had even grown the balls to stand up to me. But behind his tough guy act I could see the worry in his eyes, and the panic was clearly there if you knew him.
     "Jesse..." I whispered quietly, letting him see my lips to let him know that I would be fine. He let out a huff and taped his foot once, indicating that he was alright.
     I was turning my head when I felt something sharp slide against my cheek swiftly, earning a grunt to escape my lips as I dodged another attack. The chanting became more wild as my breathing hitched
     I looked to the ground, already seeing drops of blood, indicating that that was probably going to leave a scar.
     "Aw look! Is little (Y/N) getting weak?" The cheating bastard called out. I felt my blood begin to boil as I dodged a few more knife attacks. I then felt a slice hit my leg, causing me to let out another grunt as I stumbled.
     "We all know the story! Little Girl lost her mother, then her father! Boo hoo~ You will never be anyone (Y/N)! NOTHING!" He screamed out, a crazed smiled piercing his lips. He then lunged and time seemed to go slow
     I felt something snap in me as a small amount of energy escaped my body. I felt my eyes widen as a familiar large cat lunged over my head and pinned down my attacker, a loud roar echoing through the large, clouded room.
     The knives were tossed away and I lifted myself up, my face twisted in anger.
     "Eclipse, Stand down!" I called out as the Panther lunged off of the dumbass, a pissed off look on his face. I then began walking over to Jay slowly, his fear obviously showing as he shook. His eyes darting across the room.
     "Let Me Tell You Something. Let Me Tell You All Something!" I called out as I leaned over and grabbed the collar of Jays shirt, easily lifting him up into the air.
     I then hauled my fist back and lunged it as far as I could into his face. There was a loud crunching noise, casing the room to go quiet. A loud yell erupted from his mouth as I threw him to the ground, not bothering to know if he would be ok or not.
     "None Of you, NONE OF YOU! Know the story! Sure my father died and so did my mother, but let me ask you something!" I called out my hand reaching down as Eclipse tail curled around me and his head lifted my hand up slightly, he's purple eyes shifting back and forth between the crowd.
     "Have Any Of you Heard Of 'The Summoner?" Old leader of Blackwatch, and a legend to the whole fucking base!" I again shouted, Eclipse letting out a low growl as the whole room began mumbling among themselves, a groaning jay squirming on the ground.
      "Well let me tell you this! After two fucking years my secrets out! You all may know Eclipse but he's not my pet! He's my partner, he was my fathers!" I yelled as Jay slowly got up, a loud roar escaping Eclipse as his claws dug into the mat.
     I then turned to Jay, Eclipse walking in front of me as Jay stumbled over to me.
     "Eclipse." I mumbled a the large cat lunged, a few screams including jays as He sunk his teeth into his hand, another loud crunch ringing through the room. Sure it might seem cruel, but I wasn't just wining a fight. I was making a fucking stand. Plus, he cheated first
"None Of you have the right to call me by my first name!" I saw Eclipse lift his head up, his mouth covered in blood as he licked his lips.
"NONE of you have the right to call me by my last name!" I yelled again as Eclipse walked over to me, taking a stance in front of me and holding his head high, his tail flicking back and forth.
"You shall call me!" Eclipse then let out an ear piercing roar, casing a bunch of people to cover there ears. I could see Jesse smirking at me as I made my stance.
" The Summoner!" I called out as I raised my hands, a black smoke covering them and exploding into the air, sending some into panic and others into a frozen state. But yet again there was Jesse, a smile on his face as he tipped his hat off to me.
"About damn time darlin, was wondering when you would beat his ass." He smirked while closing his eyes. He then took out one of his vanilla cigars and lit it, taking in a breath of the smoke as he did so.
Without hesitation, I bowed with a poker face and made my way to Jesse, his left eye opened slightly as he stared down at me.
"Alright McCree, I personally don't feel like training today. So Let's go see Angela. See if she can stop the bleeding on my cheek and calve." I mumbled while slowing down as I passed him. He quickly nodded and followed as we slowly left the room. With plenty of Blackwatch agents knowing to watch there backs.

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