~Chapter 4~

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I felt my head pound as I slowly opened my eyes. My throat was dry and my body felt as stiff as a board. Quietly, I lifted the top half of my body up, only to regret it and quickly falling back into my previous position.
"Oh god..." I mumbled to myself as I rubbed my eyes with my hands. The only thing I could remember is being stabbed with a needle, hurting and then falling unconscious. Maybe I was only asleep for an hour or two... wait... where the fuck am I even?
I think that's when my mind decided 'Hey (Y/N), you should make sure your not in a rape dungeon or something'
Quickly, through the pain, I lifted myself up again. My eyes scanned around the room I was in. It was pretty clean... considering where home is. I was in a bed with dirty red covers. Beside that bed was an IV drip thingy.... I mean... I've never been in a hospital soooo... yea one of those things.
"You know, just sitting there isn't gonna get you anywhere." I heard a familiar voice call out. Slowly, I turned my gaze to see Jesse standing in at the doorway. How I had not seen him the first time? I had no idea.
I stayed staring at him for a few seconds pondering if I should jump up and try to run or see why I was here and what happened. Slowly, I chose to choose the second option.
"What... what happened?" I asked quietly while he took in a breath. His posture changed from just leaning to arms crossed and a small frown on his face.
"Well...Ta Tell ya the truth, when ya turned and ran into that alleyway I was curious and chose to follow ya. Then I ended up getting punched in the face and pinned to the wall, which hurt by the way. Then after some talking that I couldn't really make out, I saw outa the corner of mah eye them put a needle inta your neck. And then I freed myself and ended there lives. Then brought ya over to my gangs hideout-"
"Wait wait wait wait.... you mean to tell me that I'm in the deadlocks hideout... and not held as a hostage..." I asked slowly more to myself than him. He seemed to ponder for a few seconds before he tilted his head
"Uh... yea" he replied with a straight face.
"So I could get up and just leave." I asked while raising my eyebrow.
"I mean... ya could but I'd rather ya stay here." He murmured moving his gaze to a suddenly very interesting wall.
"What do you mean?..." I asked blushing slightly while he let out a small sigh. He then stared directly at me with his chocolate brown eyes.
"Them people that hurt ya arnt just any normal people. I've heard they're part of a huge society... calon I think?... No it's Talon... yea talon." He replied to my question while looking at the 'amazing' wall.
"So... in other words they are dangerous?." I asked as I pulled myself out of bed, my head feeling wobbly. Quickly I leaned myself onto the wall for support. He tried to help me but I shot up my hand telling him to stay where he was.
"W-well yea... I mean deadlock is dangerous too but as long as you know me and I know you, none of my pals should harm you..." he murmured while looking down at his hands.
"And why does knowing you make me special? I mean, you've had many girls in your life so how does me knowing you save me from them?" I growled slightly while staring at him. Quickly he lifted his head with a slight panic in his eyes.
"It's not like that with you!" He stated a little loud. A cold sweat dripping down his face.
"Oh? And what am I to you McCree?" I huffed while walking up to him and poking his chest. He looked down at me and smiled slightly while closing his eyes.
"A girl I'm not interested in? A possible friend? I mean, it all depends on what you want to be to me. Hell, I guess you could be my enemy if you wanted to." He whispered the last sentence while he opened his eyes slightly. I stood there for a second staring at him. This was not the Jesse McCree I had heard so much about. He was not the boy who killed for fun and had a different girl every night, he was not the boy who had everything he could ask for, he was not the cruel bastard I thought him out to be. The boy standing in front of me was smart, friendly, kind and seemed to have a soft spot under his heart. He was a boy trying to fit into this world. Trying to survive just like me.
I let out a sigh as I leaned back slightly. My hair falling in my face slightly.
"Where's the nearest bathroom? I mean if you have one." I asked with a straight face. He seemed to be confused as he stood there. His features twisting slightly as he stared at me.
"Why?" He asked putting a hand on his hip in a sassy way. It almost made me laughing at the sight I was seeing.
"Well first of all, I doubt you want me pissing on the floor. And Id like you not to look at me while I bathe." I stated flatly. His face turned red as he silted his hat over his face.
"Y-yea, sure darlin' It's just down the hallway. We may live in a small town but we know how to keep clean.... most of the time." He murmured quietly. He then turned around and beckoned to follow, which I did. I looked around the hallway as we walked. Wooden walls, with a window here and there. Not many rooms... well then again I guess I was in the medical part of the base.
"Oh by the way. Do you perhaps have any clothing I could borrow?" I asked walking a little faster, causing me to walk beside him.
"Sure, I've got some old clothing that don't fit me anymore. You can borrow those." He replied as his boots clicked against the ground.
"No way in hell im wearing your clothing." I said looking at him. He returned the gaze and raised an eyebrow.
"Do you want to stay in your emo attire? I mean blacks a good look but then again, I can see dirt all over you from a mile away. Probably needs to be washed don't you think?" He replied while he stoped. He then opened up a door to reveal a fairly large bathroom with a few showers. There were also med kits and a few other things. Towls and such.
"Fine... I'll borrow some clothing of yours..." I grumbled as he smirked.
"Mighty fine, I'll leave them outside of the door. You can lock it, I mean this is where the injured shower and such and you were the only one plus your a woman so... yea. We have our own on the other side of the building." He said as he turned to the right and headed down to what I guessed was his room or something. Quickly I rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. I then let out I sigh.
"Well. I don't know about anyone else in my situation but I'm gonna enjoy the hell out of this." I smiled to myself as I began to strip my clothing off, and leaving me in nothing. I staring at my reflection and let out a scoff. I looked disgusting. Hair messy, with dirt all over my face and a few cuts and bruises all over my body. I mean when you live in an abandoned town with barely enough food to survive, you can't really bathe as much as you want to.
I let out a sigh as I started the hot water. Steam erupted from the heat causing the room the be filled with a relaxing atmosphere. I smiled as I washed my hair and scrubbed every inch of dirt off of my body. I then just stood there for a few minutes enjoying the feeling of being clean.
After turning off the shower head I stepped out and grabbed a towel. I then dried myself off and used it to put my hair up. I then slightly opened the door and looked down to see a bundle of folded clothing. Quickly I grabbed the bundle and dragged the bathroom. I then unfolded the clothing and stared at it for a second.

    (Y/N) I chose the flannel one for this, you of course can choose the other two)"Hmm

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(Y/N) I chose the flannel one for this, you of course can choose the other two)
"Hmm..." I hummed to myself in delight as I pulled on the black shirt and buttoned up the flannel. I then pulled on the jacket and adjusted it for more comfort. I then pulled on the tight black pants and adjusted the buckle. I stared at myself in the mirror.
"How tight do his pants have to be?" I questioned myself as I grabbed a nearby brush. I then ran it through my hair and dried it with a blow drier. I then thought to myself 'why do a bunch of ruthless killers have a blow dryer and brushes...'
I quickly shrugged it off and walked to the door. I then unlocked it and stepped outside to be greeted with a cold atmosphere. I then realized I didnt know where the hell I was supposed to go.
"He went right so I guess I should just go that way?..." I asked myself quietly as I turned right and began walking. It didn't take long for me to come to a large room full of men, eating, smoking, playing cards and such. Quickly I backed away and leaned against the wall, hoping they didn't see me.
"What did I tell you about them not hurting you?" I heard a light chuckle from my left. I then snapped my head to the side to see Jesse walking down the hallway with a cigaret in his mouth. I sighed out of relief.
"Thank god, I don't want to be in there with uh... them..." I murmured while glancing back at the door way. He hummed in response
"I hear ya. I'm pretty sure they'd attack you on sight but as long as you're with me you'll be fine. I mean, they arnt even close to good people but they are the people I grew up with. Not a family, just people looking to make a living." He said as he walked into the room dragging me along with him. I stood there awkwardly as the chatting stoped and all eyes were on me. I glanced at McCree to see him with a glare.
"Howdy gentle men, just wanted to tell y'all that this fine lady right here's gonna be staying here for awhile. She's helping me out with a bounty that will give us more money. So if Any of ya think ya should even touched her I'll end your lives myself." He stated in a threatening tone, his eyes scanning the area. I noticed that a lot of people nodded at him and continued on with there lived while others just lit more cigars.
"See what did I tell ya, as long as your my friend ain't no body gonna harm you. Not if I have anything to say about it." He grinned as he stared at me. I felt heat rise to my face as my heart skipped a beat.


Hey guys! Hoped you liked this chapter, I made it longer than usual as you can tell because I wanted as much story line as possible! I hope you all way stay tuned for the next chapter!

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