~Chapter 3~

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One Week After The incident with McCree
McCrees POV

It's been about a week sense I've seen (Y/N), am I complaining? Well yea I guess. I mean usually when I meet a girl she usually goes head over heals for me, but (A/N)... damn she pushed me away just like that. I mean, I don't like her in that sorta way. Nah, I see her as someone interesting... kind of like a locked chest with millions of chains wrapped around it waiting for the right key. Whether that's me or not? Eh, I'll fine out.
"Well look what we have here" I said to myself as I leaned against a wooden post. There she was, leaning against a wall in an alleyway. Her black hood held over her face, her dark jeans and black boots... I took this time to look at her, noticing that her belt was kind of ripped, her gun kind of looked like Peacekeeper... though different designs.
"Hmm..." I hummed as she looked around, meeting my gaze. She seemed to be surprised as a smiled and waved. Slowly she raised her right hand and waved in return. She then quickly walked down The alleyway in means to hide.
"Darlin, you ain't getting away that easily" I laughed quietly. I then proceeded to follow her down the alleyway. Only to be greeted by a punch to the face.


~Before McCree got punched~
I was leaning against a wall next to the saloon, just a place I hang out. My mind was clouded with thoughts of the damn cowboy. He was... weird. Very weird but... interesting at the same time.
"End my life" I sighed as I turned my head to the side only to be greeted with a pair of dark chocolate brown eyes. It was that damn cowboy, Jesse McCree. My mind started to lean to the thoughts of him forgetting me and such but all of that disappeared when he smiled, lifted up his hand and waved.
I felt my heart skip a beat at his smile, his cigar hung there lazily as smoke floated from it. Slowly, still captured by his eyes I lifted my right hand and waved back. Almost wanting to smile. I then saw from the corner of my eye movement. Quickly I backed away and speed walked down the alleyway only to be met with man jumping down from one of the roofs, and landing in front of me. Quickly I reached for my gun only to be pushed up against the wall.
"What the hell!?" I questioned as more men jumped down from the roof,
"This is the one?" A singular guy asked as he looked at me, his black eyes piercing my own. I felt a growl erupt from my throat.
"Yep that's her-"
"Boss! Lookie what we found!" I heard a voice yell. Quickly, I shifted my gaze to the right to see McCree being pinned up against a separate wall. Why the hell was he over here? Did he follow me? Or did he make this happen....
"Do you think I care? Just take care of him or something. We got to get this one back to base. Got some experiments waiting for you girly." The leader chuckled deeply as he started at me. That's when I started to struggle.
"Go kill yourself." I spat as he motioned for one of his men to come up to me. Slowly he pulled out a needle and stuck it into my neck.
"W-What the hell!" I growled as my vision became blurry. A painful sting went through my body as I felt my body hit the ground. Sounds of yelling and gunshots heard but quickly faded away. Then dark was greeted me waist a warm hug.

McCree POV

"Ack!" I yelled as I held my nose. I was then pushed up against a nearby wall, hard I might add. Pretty rude if I do say so myself.
"Boss! Lookie what we found!" I heard the poor excuse of a man laugh as he held me in a tighter grip. I grunted as I looked at (Y/N). She seemed so confused and angry. Was it really that hard to believe that I followed her here?
"Now that was definitely Uncalled for" I whispered as the guy smiled. I looked to my right to see (Y/N) struggling as they pulled out a needle and stuck it into her skin. That's were they crossed the line.
"I believe y'all have messed with the wrong guy." I spoke loud and clear as I lifted my head and head butted my capture, who let go of my arms and stumbled backwards. I then swiftly reached down and pulled out peacekeeper.
"Partner" I smirked as they tried to get out there weapons. They started yelling at each other as some advanced on me.
"Y'all know what time it is?" I asked as a bright red smoke surrounded my feet. I then lifted my hat slightly.
"It's High Noon" I smirked as I watched peacekeeper fire and all the bodies drop to the ground. Quickly, I put peacekeeper away and ran to (Y/N)s body, checking for a pulse before anything.
I sighed in relief as I felt a weak one. Quickly I picked her up and used my hand to whistle. Within a few seconds later a tall horse ran into the alleyway and stoped in front of me. Quickly, I hauled myself onto the brown saddle, still holding (Y/N) I might add, and grabbed hold or the reigns.
"You know where to go girl." I said loudly. The horse the let out a snort and sped onto the road causing people to panic and run.
I shifted my gaze to (Y/N)s body. She seemed to peaceful like this. But she needs to wake up.
"Now don't you die on me Walker." I mumbled as I held onto her tighter. My horse speeding up as we sped out of town towards a place I knew very well. The Deadlock Gangs hideout.

Hmm not gonna lie I liked this one. Thought it had a nice ring to it.

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