~Chapter 19~

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      HEY. DONT WATCH THE VID! Until said, because I swear it will make you laugh if you just wait. TRUST ME

Your POV

      I heard myself laugh as the large prehistoric creature let out another screech like roar, it's teeth glistening in the light. It then closed its mouth and let out a loud snort, it's head dipping down as it stared at me.
     It then nudged the top of my head as it let out a small rumble from the back of its throat, causing me to smile and reach up to him, touching the though skin.
     "What is that thing?" I heard Genji call out, causing me to jump slightly. Almost immediately, Sukos head snapped towards Genji as he took a protective stance in front of me.
     Genji seemed to notice the danger as soon as Sukos eyes narrowed down towards the man, but before he could react, I felt myself jump in between the two, my arms spread out as I spoke quietly.
     "Easy... I was just startled. There is no need to panic, or become defensive." I murmured while staring directly into Sukos eyes, knowing that if I shifted them for a second, he might lunge for an attack.
     Luckily, he seemed to understand completely and let out a soft growl, his head dipping down and nudging my head.
     Smiling, I reached up and patted the side of his face slightly, his rough skin warm under my touch.
     "Genji, I would like you to meet Suko..." I turned my head to Genji as he stared right back at me with wide eyes. He then stood up slowly and began put out his hands slightly, in a calm sort of way.
     He then quietly and slowly walked up next to me, glancing at the large creature a few times before shifting his gaze to me.
     "May I?..." He asked quietly while motioning up towards the large prehistoric creature.
"Of course. He understands now that you do not stand a threat..." I smiled while retracting my hand from Sukos snout, earning a small whimper like noise to come from the dinosaur. I then grabbed Genjis hand and slowly guided it to Sukos snout.
"This is his first time meeting another human, so you'll have to excuse him if he wants to play. Every creature I have summoned seems to have a... playful nature." I chuckled at the end as Genji softly stroked the snout of the large creature, his eyes full of wonder. He then glanced over at me, his mouth open as he began to speak.
"You said 'creatures?' What do you mean by that?..." he questioned quietly as he returned to petting the puppy like creature. Before I could respond, something call out my name mentally, causing me to turn around towards the door.
"Eclipse?" I called out as there was a loud thump at the steel door, followed my a growl.
Covering my mouth to stop myself from laughing I made my way to the door, forgetting that Genji and Suko we're watching me in a confused matter.
"You do know that you could summon yourself in here, right?" I stifled a laugh as a low growl erupted from the other side, continues with scratching.
"God dammit Eclipse!" I panicked as I made the door slip open, allowing the stubborn feline to bound on in, his eyes squinting at me as he passed me.
"Your damn lucky that you didn't leave a mark on the door, remember what happened last time? Uncle Almost killed my ass!" I called out to the large Panther who was crouched towards the floor slightly, his glare vowing straight through me.
"Well if some stubborn girl didn't leave me behind, I wouldn't have had to do it!" He yelled out within my head while letting out a loud roar, his purple eyes glistening in anger.
"Maybe if you didn't get lost in the first place-" I was cut of with Eclipse roaring again, his claws showing as he stood straighter.
"That Is Not The Point, AND YOU KNOW IT!" He called out. I took this time to realize that he must had sent back Suko, considering a bunch of Energy had return and a small gasp could be heard from Genji.
Eclipse must not had known that I was alone and his cat eyes widened as he turned his head to see the Cyborg staring confusingly. He then snapped his head back to me and let out a loud chuff, his tail flicking back and forth as he turned and walked out of he room, taking one last glance back at me before growling and running out into the hallway.
     "Who was that?..." I heard Genji question after a few minutes of silence, casing me to turn my head over to him. I then let out a sigh.
     "That was Eclipse... he's not like my other creatures..." I mumbled the last part while shifting my gaze.
     Of course he was confused. All he heard was my yelling and the snarls and growls that came from Eclipse. After all the I was the only one that Eclipse was able to speak to... well for now that is.
     "Oh well... If you wish to leave it be I shall not push. But I would like to meet the leader of Blackwatch so I may possibly get my own room and get my Weapon back... I personally do not like being kept in a room where I'm treated like some toy." He spat out the last sentence as he walked next to me, motioning to the door.
     "Thanks Genji, and yes let's go talk to Gabriel. I have a feeling he'll like you." I smiled gratefully towards him as We walked out of the room and made our way the the other side of the base- or well, the Blackwatch side at lest.

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