~Chapter 7~

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     6 days later

     "Hmph" I mumbled to myself as I opened my eyes. The moon setting, and the sun rising, causing me to shield my eyes from the light. I then leaned my body up and stretched. I felt my back pop along with my shoulders. I then groaned and hunched my body over, tuning my eyes as I did so.
     "Jesse?..." I mumbled as I looked around slightly. He layed on the dirt ground, in his sleeping bad of course. His back turned to me as his chest moving slightly. He then moved, lifting his body up but his eyes still closed. It confused me at first. Usually I would wake up at sunrise, make breakfast and that would usually wake him up. But here he was just... wait...
      "Jesse? Buddy? You awake?..." I snorted slightly as he turned his head to me, eyes still closed. Some drool on the side of his mouth. He then sneezed, causing me to jump slightly, I then saw his body fall backwards, soft snoring following after. For a few seconds I sat there, thinking about what I just witnessed. I then shook my head and let out a sigh.
     "For a sixteen year old he sure acts like a kid... even in his sleep." I smiled as I got up. Turning slightly I saw Hades was already awake, shaking his mane while patting the ground. I walked up to him and pat his neck, getting a snort in reply.
"Hey boy, you hungry? Luckily I've got just enough for today, we should be home soon. Pretty sure we could had made it last night but Mister Cowboy over there was tired." I sighed as I reached down and got a bag of oats, nearly empty. I then hand fed him until he snorted and backed his head up slightly. I then fed Rain, considering it was probably rude of me to feed one animal and not feed the other. Plus Jesse would probably forget.
"Alright- onto a shitty breakfast." I said to myself as I reached into a bag near the ground. I then Stoped myself for a second. It was your average camping basically. The horses obediently stood or laid in the spots we left them. We had made a fire last night to keep ourselves warm, and then we had slept in our sleeping bags on the ground. We were surrounded my small hills so we were kind of covered from others eyes just in case.
"Onward!" I mumbled as I grabbed a few bags. One bag held a few pieces of cooked bacon that I made yesterday, one held bread, another with apples and that was basically it. I then turned and looked at Jesse, who was still asleep. I then grabbed the bag with bacon and shook it loudly. I then saw his body shoot up as his eyes shot open.
"Ima Wake!!" He yelled while looking around, eventually landing on me. He then groaned and leaned backwards back onto the ground.
"Jesse McCree get your ass up right now." I growled as he sunk deeper into his sleeping bag.
"No" he dragged as he closed his eyes and covered them with his hat. I felt myself getting annoyed by the second as he started to fall asleep. I then opened he bag of bacon and took one out. The sound cause him to open his eyes slightly and look at me. I then looked at Hades.
"What's that boy? You want Jesse bacon because he wont wake up? Sure buddy!" I smiled as I saw Jesse lift himself up quickly out of the corner of my eye
"Hey! Ain't no body touching my bacon..." He growled while getting up. He then marched over to me and took his portion of bacon and began munching on it. I stared at him as he basically inhaled all the food. After smiling slightly I began eating as well.
     "Were about three hours away from the base on horse back... money should already be there. Which means we wont get shit for taking so long." He mumbled while rubbing his hands on his pants. I could only nod as I got up, him doing the same. We then both began to pack up, leaving nothing except the burnt wood from the fire. We then saddled up our horses and began our way home. Along the way, maybe almost there I started to strike up a conversation.
     "When and why did you join Deadlock?" I asked tilting my head to look at him. He seemed to tense under my question. He then sighed and lifted his head slightly, looking at the sky.
     "Well, night as well tell somebody my story huh?" He asked closing his eyes.
     "You don't have to tell me Jesse..." I told him as he shifted his gaze to me. He then smiled and shook his head.
     "Nah I want to tell you. Maybe it'll bring us closer together." I replied while keeping his eyes closed. He then opened his mouth to speak.
     "I recon it happened when I was six, or younger. I lived with my pa, very kind man. Ma has died at child birth but he never took it out on me. He was the grateful kind of father, taking me anywhere I wanted to go, keeping a roof over my head, feeding me. He was just like a dad should be. But... one day, while I was waiting for him to come home. He was late... really late and as a kid, I don't think anyone wants to be by themselves. But he did show up. He ran into the house and picked me up. Heh... I remember it like it was yesterday..."

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