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I climb out of the shower, wrapping the towel around my waist. I walked over the the bathroom mirror, I stood there looking at the reflection that started back. My hands slowly traced over a pair of clippers sitting on the bathroom counter. I contemplated on whether I should cut my hair or not until eventually I gave in and picked up the pair of clippers.

I steadily guide the clippers around my ears, folding them down carefully so I don't cut them, the way my father taught me. I trimmed the top of my head, all the way down to my neck, so my hair was short. Abnegation short.

The hair that fell on the counter and to the floor reminded me of who I once was, the life I once escaped. I've done this action so many times that it just feels natural to do, even now.

I sighed and looked at my reflection in the mirror, and starred at the one that starred back. I retreated back to my bedroom dressing in black like always. I made my bed and placed the dirty clothes in the laundry basket.

As I left for breakfast a note sitting on the counter caught my attention. I walked over to the kitchen counter examining the note that was place by the sink.

Four, please meet me in the pit after breakfast. We need to talk.
- Max

I sighed and folded the note in half, I placed it in my back pocket and went to breakfast.

I enter the dining hall full of loud yells and chatter. Will and Christina sit at a table, right near the door deep in conversation while Tris just sits poking at her food.

After last night with Eric, she calmed me down. She doesn't know it, but she did.

I walked past and smile at Tris and sit at a table of dauntless instructors like me. The second I sit Eric immediately scowls at me. "What?" I ask as I sat down.

Last night I won the argument so it's not surprising that he didn't welcome me with chocolate cake.

"Aren't you meant to be setting up for tonight's event?" He growls.

"I will set up, when I am ready." I replied sharply. "Also, do you know if max is in the pit? Apparently we need to talk." I asked as I  picked up a piece of toast from the center of the table and butter it before eating it.

"I think he is up in the pit." Eric replied sounding bored. I nodded and got up and headed towards the pit.
"Four! Four!" I turn to see who is calling out to me, I'm a little surprised when I see Tris running down the hallway with her long blonde hair jumping along behind her.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask as she catches up to me panting as if she's trying to say something. "Everything okay?" I ask as she bites the inside of her cheek.

"You..." she began "You didn't tell anyone about last night did you?" She hesitates. I give her a look of confusion before she continues "about the whole nightmare thing." Her face now bright red. I can't help but laugh to myself

"Yeah sure, I told everyone at breakfast. Especially Eric" I teased. "Don't worry Tris, I didn't. Why?" I asked

"Because if anyone knew, especially Peter, I wouldn't be able to live it down." She stares at her feet. I knew she was thinking about the night he Drew, and Al hung her over the ledge of the Chasm. 

I was on my way home from the control room when I heard a blood curdling scream coming from the chasem. When I got there three shadow figures were holding Tris over the ledge of the Chasem while she kicked and screamed. If I wasn't there who knew what her fate could've been.

I grab her arm and pull her into a hallway lit with a blue light above us. "Are you okay?" I ask as she looks at her hands this time "Trust me, Drew and Peter can't hurt you anymore."

"I know that!" She snapped, "Drew could've died because of you and Al did die! And peter... it's just this place isn't fair! I want to go home! I'm not cut out for this..."

"Really Tris? You're playing this card? You aren't strong, but you're fast. If you  attached first you could win. And don't let me here you say you want to go home again. You're Dauntless now, if you can't accept that then leave." I turn on my heels and walk towards the Pit.

She scowls and walks out of the halfway towards the direction she came from.


The loud yells and the buzz of energy that you will only ever find in the pit has this effect in me, making me hate it but love it at the same time. The crowds surrounding the daily fights, the chants and the cheers making everything more exciting and lively is that makes me love it. But what makes me hate it is that this is what Dauntless used to be like, until they had a new approach on initiation makes harder and more competitive. Once in the pit I scanned the hundreds dauntless faces until I found Max's, he stood over on the other side of it with a bunch of older dauntless I didn't know.

"You wanted to see me." I addressed myself to him without waiting and interrupting their mid conversation.

He turned around with a smile on his face, "Four!" He looked me in the eyes as if he were a kid trying to get away with theft. "I didn't think you'd come."

"I had to do something before training started this morning."

"Well, im glad you came. I'd like you to meet someone, this is Bud, he works with Tori in the Tattoo parlour. You know Tori don't you?" I simply nodded to his question.

"Why are you introducing us?" I asked as I looked at Bud, then back at Max.

Max laughed before continuing, "well Bud over her was just chatting to me before you came over, so no reason in particular. Anyway, have you given anymore thought into the offer?"



"Like last year, and the year before it's a no. I don't want to be apart of the Dauntless leaders, I'm happy with my current positions."

"Well, i understand. Thank you for your time." I nodded and walked away with a smirk on my face knowing that once again Max has tried but failed to get me on the leaders panel.

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