Chapter 3

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Kong's POV

I had rushed back home after dropping Rune off to her sleep over. She was definitely mad at me for not waiting with her longer for her supposed future boyfriend to show up. But I finally had the opportunity tonight to hang out with P'Arthit outside of campus without Rune around. I took special care to get ready. I knew P'Arthit didn't have the crazy thoughts in his head the way I did but it never hurt to look good right?

When I finally arrived at the club, the first thing I did was scan the room as thoroughly as I could. He wasn't here yet, which was probably a good thing cause now I could try to get my heartbeat under control before he arrived. Rushing to him like a love sick puppy was not the image I wanted to portray.

Little help that proved to be since I kept craning my neck every few minutes towards the entrance. And then he was finally there, standing at the entrance searching for our group member. When did he become so ridiculously good looking. He was wearing simple jeans and a black tshirt but I instantly felt butterflies in my stomach.

Ok Kong! You can do this. Just put on a blank expression. Don't make it too obvious that you are drooling. He walked towards us when P'Knott waved him over.

"Hey Arthit! You are late again man! How's our tiny devil doing?"

"Good, good. Driving me crazy as usual. She is trying to get herself a boyfriend, can you believe it?"

Everyone burst out laughing as P'Bright chimed in, "Wow! Your baby sister will start dating before you. That has got to hurt Arthit. Maybe she can give you some dating tips too."

"She is not getting a boyfriend. Ever. I plan on practicing extreme hazing on any kid who even thinks of coming close to her."

"Ha! As if you can stop Rune from doing anything she wants. You are completely putty in her hands."

"She can do absolutely anything she wants as long as it's not getting a boyfriend until she is atleast 20. Not wait 25, ...maybe 30. Yes 30 seems like the perfect age to wait for."

"Arthit we know that is your target date to lose your virginity but I don't think anyone generally waits that long."

"Arrghh I need to stop talking about Rune and dating before I give myself a headache."

P'Arthit is a virgin? Perhaps it is slightly weird that from the entire conversation that was the only thing I picked up. But that was definitely good information to file away for future reference.

I had forgotten how much fun he could be when he was not constantly running around or worrying over Rune, or pretending to be stern on campus. And without the deadline of going home at a reasonable time everyone kept drinking until we were practically shooed out of the club.

I was holding onto a heavily drunk P'Arthit as we made our way towards the road. There weren't any cars or taxis on the road and I was a little too intoxicated to formulate an immediate plan of action. I came across a bus stop bench and made P'Arthit sit before I plopped down next to him and he promptly fell asleep across my lap. If I was a little more sober my reaction would have been quite different. Honestly, if I was a little more sober we wouldn't be sitting on a bench on a deserted road instead of making our way home.

I was still trying to get my bearings straight when he started mumbling something I couldn't quite hear or understand. I began patting his head in an effort to stop him from talking. It was making me focus and my intoxicated brain didn't want to exert any more energy than necessary.

If anyone asks, I will swear up and down that the following actions were not under my control. I blame it all on the alcohol. Actually a lot on P'Arthit who had bought me more than a few drinks tonight.

Patting his head had somehow turned into running my fingers through his hair. They felt so soft and smooth against my skin. I kept playing with his silky strands as if that was the only thing that could capture my attention at this moment. I am sure they smell as good as they feel. I bent my head to investigate when he suddenly turned his head. I stopped short, barely an inch from his face and looked into his wide staring eyes.

They were so deep and captivating that I couldn't look away. I could feel his warm breath on my face. Both of us were stuck in that moment either incapable or unwilling to move. Suddenly, he raised his head until his lips softly touched mine before he dropped his head back on my lap and fell asleep.

I think this was the fastest I have ever snapped back to sobriety in my life. P'Arthit just kissed me. That happened right? Why had he kissed me? Did he know he kissed me. I stared at him completely shell shocked wondering if I should shake him awake to ask what the hell just happened. But I doubt he would wake up even if I tried.

Tomorrow I am going to get a hold of him and ask him point blank. What was the kiss supposed to mean? And maybe, just maybe if he was up to it he would agree to try it again.

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