Chapter 14

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Arthit's POV

Since the day Rune went to the hospital I have been on edge. Something was off but I couldn't put my finger on it. I have always been able to tell when Rune was trying to lie to me and she always got caught. But right now I wasn't so sure and it was making me very uneasy. There was only one solution I could think of, keep a close eye both on my house and Rune.

I stopped most of my after class activities. I made sure to personally drop and pick her from school every day. I spent all my evenings with her at home and throughout this time I watched her very closely. But she hadn't changed at all. She was still the carefree, mischievous, and awesome sister. If she made a mistake she would own up to it. If I disciplined her, she wouldn't throw a fuss. She was more mature than any 7 year old I could think of and I was starting to feel guilty for not having trusted her.

As the days went by I started relaxing more. I was finally bonding with Rune again in a way I hadn't for a while, Kong had let up some pressure so I wasn't constantly worried about him, and who knew not wasting time with friends actually helped getting assignments and projects completed.

I would even go as far to say that things were looking pretty good until that god awful lunch when some junior confessed to Kong. I mean how bold are kids these days? We seniors were sitting right there. And when Kong shamelessly marched right off with her I just knew my temper would surface. I am not known to handle most things calmly and Kong always manages a way to make me overreact.

I knew I should ignore what people were joking about around me. I knew I should have ignored Kong's responses. I knew I shouldn't get riled up about the girl 'snapping up' Kong. I knew I didn't want to have any claim on him. I knew all of that. But dammit I was feeling emotional and impulsive. Kong has been messing with my head so much lately that it's just not fair that he can go around flirting with girls right in front of me.

Although I should have kicked myself for kissing him and making matters more complicated I couldn't bring myself to regret it. It felt awesome leaving Kong speechless for once. And as irrational as I was being I was prepared to ride my high as long as possible.

As smug as I was feeling I knew Kong had essentially won our battle of wills. He had worn me down with his persistence and both of us knew it. I didn't mind it anymore when he dropped a kiss before entering the apartment on the day of the picnic. I didn't mind when his hand kept brushing against mine all day however accidental he pretended it was. I didn't even mind when he was practically stuck to me while sat on the blanket at the park. In fact I liked it.

I liked being close to him. I liked watching him laugh with Rune. I liked all the attention he showered me with all day. And with all the responsibilities and pressures constantly on my shoulders today I just didn't feel like fighting something that gave me so much joy. During the walk back home when Kong lightly held my hand, my only thought was if I was bold enough to lace my fingers through his. Turns out I wasn't. But that's ok. Next time I will be.

Today had definitely been a great day. I doubt I have smiled as broadly as I did today in a long time. Rune and I were making our way home after dinner. She had been extra excited to spend the day with her P'Kong and had used up every last ounce of her energy. She had fallen asleep in my arms almost instantly after we parted ways with Kong.

I noticed a small package by the door while I was trying to unlock it. It didn't seem like it was addressed to me. Infact it didn't have any identification at all. It was just a sealed brown box.

I settled Rune on the bed before I placed the package on my desk and sat across from it. I wasn't sure if I wanted to open it. There had been a growing dread in the back of my head for the past few weeks and somehow opening this package would validate my fears.

It wasn't addressed to me, so perhaps I could continue ignoring it. Place it in the lost and found and forget about it. But I knew it was meant for me. It had sat outside my door, nameless waiting for my return. Maybe it was time to stop being chicken and find some answers for myself.

I opened the box to investigate and the my first reaction was to run to the bathroom to throw up the contents of my stomach.    

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