Chapter 12

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Kong's POV

Ever since the day Rune was taken to the hospital P'Arthit has become a more serious version of himself. He seems constantly nervous and jumpy. Every minute outside of classes he has been spending with Rune.

It's been two weeks since he has asked anyone to babysit her or pick her up from school. He has even stopped letting her go to sleep overs or play dates. I earlier thought it was cause he was disciplining her for slipping up for the apple juice but that didn't seem to be the case. He was pampering and over indulging her like never before. Something was going on with him and I hoped he would talk to me about it.

I had decided to give him some space regarding us. He was obviously dealing with some things and I did not want to pressure him. Rune was his whole life and I understood how shook up he was after the hospital. I could tell he was feeling guilty regarding her, even though none of it was his fault. And I wanted to be there to support him. Right now he definitely needed a friend much more than a lover. But as expected maintaining status quo is never easy.

We were currently sitting by the benches near the cafeteria working on our assignments when a girl from my year approached me. I had barely spoken to her a few times in the past 2 years and was having a hard time figuring out what she would want with me, but I definitely did not like the way she was blushing while she was talking to me.

When she asked to me step aside to talk to her I felt everyone's eyes were on me. I briefly held P'Arthit's gaze before I walked away with her. When she continued talking I had to try hard from rolling my eyes at her.

Good lord! Was she really confessing to me right here, in front of all my friends and seniors? When I walked back to the benches, there seemed to be a pin drop silence. What were the chances that they would drop the topic and not inquire further?

"Hi there Kong."

"Yes P'Bright?"

"What did that pretty little thing want from you?"

"Nothing she just wanted to talk."

"Talk about what?"

"Nothing important."

"Nothing important huh? Is that why she pulled you away from your amazing friends and books? Boys it looks like our Kong has scored himself another girlfriend."

"What? No. It's nothing like that. I didn't score anything."

"You telling us you actually rejected her? Woah man I have never seen you turn down a date before? You got some secret girlfriend we don't know about?"

Throughout this conversation P'Arthit that kept his head down staring at his notes. This was not a conversation I wanted to have in front of P'Arthit but I needed to do some damage control.

"Actually I am trying to get involved with someone." At this his head snapped up and he stared at me wide eyed. I held his gaze as I continued.

"It is kind of one sided right now so I don't want to say anything."

"What? There is someone out there who actually rejects the great Kong?"

"Well I haven't gotten rejected yet so I may still have hope."

"Whoever she is better snap you up quick cause I doubt the ladies in our university will stop confessing to you. Man! I wish I had Kong's problems."

I continued looking straight at P'Arthit as he squirmed under my gaze. I could see the tint of a blush creeping up his cheeks and after a few uncomfortable minutes he packed his books and started to leave.

I knew I had said I would give him space. I had given him space. But this was not something we could ignore forever. I packed my stuff soon after and took off after him. We had a natural opening to the conversation and I did not want to let this chance go.

"P'Arthit! Wait. Stop. Please listen to me."

He had stopped but hadn't turned around. Atleast he was waiting for me to reach him and hadn't run away. Perhaps I should take that as a good sign.

"P'Arthit I just wanted to say that I.." Before I could finish my sentence he had grabbed my arm and pushed me against the wall next to the lockers. Thankfully the lockers shielded us from view cause we were currently in a very compromising position.

I once again opened my mouth to ask him what he was doing when his lips crashed against mine. It took me a second to realize what was going on before I responded to his kiss. This was the first time he had initiated any contact between us and I let him take the lead. I parted my lips further when his tongue probed to gain access and I felt his hand slide to the back of my head to pull me in closer. He increased the pressure against my mouth and I was finding it a little hard to breath but I had never felt such urgency before.

He let me go as abruptly as he had kissed me. "This doesn't mean anything. It's just revenge from last time." He turned around and walked off leaving me completely speechless.

When I finally came to my senses I couldn't help but smile. I think I like jealous P'Arthit very much.    

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