Chapter 17

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Kong's POV

Either P'Arthit has forgotten what my personality is like or he has severely underestimated me. Did he actually think I was not going push into the reason why he was lying to Rune and me? And his extremely hot and cold behavior? Today I was ready for his lunch time interrogation. Today the tables were going turn.

My friends and I were gathered around the cafeteria benches and I waited the inevitable. As expected P'Arthit and his friends made their way to our table. P'Arthit was not even discreet as he sharply nudged Oak to move from next to me before he occupied the vacant seat. The rest of the table now proceeded to ignore me since it was expected that P'Arthit would start badgering me with ridiculously mundane questions.

"So Kong how are you? Did you go have dinner at the restaurant last night?"

"No, last night I went by your apartment."

" apartment?"

"Yup. I was hoping you and Rune would feed me a home cooked meal. Also, I miss Rune. But no one answered the door."

" we were out. Rune had dance classes. So then you went straight home after that?"

"No, I went to buy a gift for Rune. You think I can come by today to give it to her?"

"NO! She has a birthday party today. She will sleep over."

I could see he was getting uncomfortable with the topic around Rune. Does he know he is a terrible actor? I don't know if that should make me happy that I can see through his lies or sad that I am intensely aware that a man so important to me is blatantly lying to my face.

"Where did you go to buy the gift? The mall?"


"Did you stay there long after?"

"P'Arthit how about I come over tomorrow to give her the gift. I haven't seen her in so long. She is going to be upset with me."

"Uhh she has a class and she..."

"I am sure she can miss one day."

"No, they are really strict about skipping, and she really likes them. I doubt she would want to miss. You didn't tell me what you did in the mall after..." Likes them? Bullshit!

"Ok then let me pick her up from school and take her to class. I can bring her home after too. And as a thank you, you can feed me."

"No, no Kong I am sure you are busy with hazing training and assignments and stuff. You don't have to bother."

"Nope I have absolutely nothing to do. I am all free."

"But I am free too, so I don't need you to babysit, also the place is really hard to find. It took me close to an hour the first time I was ..."

Ok now we are entering the realm of ridiculous. But if this is how he wanted to play, so be it. He was still babbling some inane excuse when I leaned really close to him. My lips were almost brushing his ear as I whispered, "P'Arthit, I think I am about to reach my breaking point. I am going to kiss you soon. Do you want it to be at this lunch table or can we talk somewhere more private?"

He scuttled back with a blush creeping up his face. He looked at me perhaps to determine if I was serious about the threat. He should know by now that I never back down from a challenge.

He gave a brief nod, "Umm, you can pick up Rune after her class tomorrow. I will text you the address."

He collected his untouched lunch tray and hurried away. I should have been happy about my small victory but the unsettling feeling in my stomach just grew. Why was he making such a big deal about me picking up Rune? I have done it hundreds of times before.

Obviously I wasn't going to let him continue dictating our interactions. He should have known I wasn't about to let him go just yet.

I was waiting outside the campus gate. P'Arthit's last class was about to end and I knew he would rush home, just like he had done every day for the past 3 weeks. I was walking home with him today, and unless he knocked me unconscious nothing was going to stop me.

Well, something did. The knock on my head turned out to be the most unexpected person. When did P'Arthit and Prae go home together? They live in completely opposite directions. Wait. That's the wrong questions. Why were they together at all? They were not even friends. I was annoyed when I saw them talking to each other on campus, but now I was also jealous, and angry, and frustrated. He has been ignoring me for the past 3 weeks but seems to want to talk to her just fine. All these multitude of emotions together were about to reach a boiling point.

I was following them trying to go unnoticed as they made their way to ...Where are they going exactly? It's not the way to P'Arthit's apartment. It's not even close to Rune's school.

I stopped suddenly when I saw them enter a building. My heart was beating so loud I could practically hear the beat in my ears. This can't be happening. This can't be true.

Did P'Arthit and Prae just.....enter a hotel together?    

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