Chapter 23

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Arthit's POV

I am a despicable human being. I seriously needed a trip to a shrink, and I am sure even they would run me off for how messed up I was.

It was over a week since I finally came clean to Kong about everything and he has basically taken over the responsibility of chaperoning Rune everywhere she goes. Which left me time to go around making inquiries.

Although all I have done is managed to hit one dead end after another. I have asked around everywhere I can think of, her school, my university, any extra-curricular classes she went, any frequent spots we visit, but absolutely nothing. No weird people lurking around. No creepy bearded men taking photos of little girls. Nobody had any information that would be helpful.

I was sure he would try to make contact with her again, but honestly I had also expected him to send me some sort of a message by now. The fact that it hadn't happened yet made me slightly anxious. But in any event I needed to explore some form of permanent apartment. Maybe I can look into complexes with better security. It was difficult for Rune to survive in such a small room, and along with Kong who splits his nights between the hotel and his apartment, there was barely any space left. She almost had no toys with her and was nearly always making up games to play with Kong.

Which brings me to my reason for being a despicable human being. I am jealous of my baby sister.

Ughh! It's embarrassing to even consider such a ridiculous thing. But I had received almost no attention from Kong since he moved into the hotel room with us. Perhaps he is still mad at me for hiding everything from him, or this is a twisted version of revenge for when I ignored him those few weeks. It could also be as innocent as Kong feeling guilty about forgetting to pick up Rune and therefore spending all his time showering her with attention. I don't know what it is, but I have never known a Kong who wasn't being cheesy or flirty with me and dammit I wanted that Kong back.

Did he not realize I had missed him too? That it was hard on me too constantly having to run away from him, lie to him, keeping Rune and him apart. And when he finally knew the reason why, I had hoped things would be back to normal with us. Ok, maybe not normal. There was nothing normal about this situation, but atleast that I could find some comfort being with him. I was tired, and frustrated, and scared, and constantly kept hoping for Kong to hug me tight and tell me things would be alright.

It wasn't that he was being spiteful or even ignoring me, infact I would barely have to ask for something before he shot up to do it. There was just......this distance. And I didn't know how to close it.

So here I find myself sitting on the hotel room desk watching my baby sister giggling while trying to braid Kong's hair. And after another frustratingly long day of getting no answers all I can think of was how nice it would if I could touch his hair too. I am sure my fingers would like the feel of his silky strands. Actually, they would like the feel of anything they could come in contact with. Cause unless I used some ridiculous reason to brush against him, we haven't even accidentally touched in a week. How can two people in such a minuscule room, and even tinier bed not ever come in physical contact?

Sometimes I really wish I was bold like Kong to do what I wanted, but since I clearly I wasn't, I was left fantasizing from across the room. And this new version of Kong somehow didn't want the same things I did.

Then ofcourse there was the constant stream of girls calling him, keeping his phone always lit up like a Christmas tree. Maybe Bright was not kidding then when he spoke about Kong getting snapped up by some girl. And by the looks of it there was more than one girl wanting to do the snapping.

Kong was once again on the phone with one such hussy while I prepared Rune for bed. Tomorrow was her annual health check up and they always tended to be very long tiring days for both of us.

"Rune already asleep, P'Arthit?"

"Hmmm....yeah we have to wake up early for the appointment tomorrow. You should go on home if you want. You must be tired, I know Rune was a little extra excited today."

"No no P'Arthit I promised to say bye to her before her appointment tomorrow. Also, she asked me to pick up some stuff from your apartment. So I was planning on dropping by while you are at the hospital."



"You are not going to the apartment. I told you that psycho has broken in there multiple times already. It's dangerous."

"I know, but you go there all the time."

"That's because I am trying to run into him."

"But then it will be good for me to run into him too. I might actually recognize who Rune is talking about."

"No you aren't going there. I can go after the appointment tomorrow."

"P'Arthit you are not making sense."

"It doesn't matter. You are not going."

"Ok how about I take Aim and Wad with me? I won't tell them anything, plus it would be a good thing then to run into him."

"Let me think about it. Let's talk about it tomorrow."

I know he wouldn't give up easily. It was always so hard to argue with him. Why could he not understand I didn't want him anywhere near that psycho or the apartment. Every time Rune and Kong left my sight my chest would automatically constrict, which wouldn't come back to normal until I saw them again. I will find a way to talk him out if it tomorrow. I will send him on some useless chore to keep him occupied.

I was standing over Rune watching her sleep peacefully. Kong was still in the shower when his phone flashed again with some girl's name. I observed the phone beep rhythmically with the ring tone as I felt the last of my restrain snapping. I was just so tired of being controlled by everyone around me. For just a brief moment I desperately needed to take my life back in my own hands.

So I did the only impulsive thing I have ever done in my life. I cancelled the call on Kong's phone, and walked straight into the shower.    

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