Chapter 21

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Kong's POV

We were sitting at my desk eating quietly. For once even Rune was silent. I had apologized profusely for forgetting about Rune but I don't think I was about to be forgiven any time soon. Honestly, I didn't deserve to be forgiven. I can't believe I let my jealously take over me to the extent that I forgot about Rune.

I hung my head down shamefully not daring to look at P'Arthit. I was surprised he hadn't taken Rune and left already. Even I didn't want to be around me right now.

"P'Kong are you also going to grow a beard?"

"Wh..what?" As glad as I was for the awkward silence to break I could never get used to how random Rune could be at times.

"P'Kong I don't think you should grow a beard. I don't think you will look as handsome then."

"Umm...ok. Why did you think I would grow a beard?"

"Because your friend had one. But it didn't look good on him either. But he was also really old. Maybe when you are old and get a beard it will look good. But then you will have to get a comb specially for the hair on your face...." I was losing track of what she was saying but for the first time P'Arthit actually spoke without anger directed at me.

"Wait, Rune. Did you say he had a beard?"

"Yes, but I didn't like it at all and..."

"Rune stop. Did you see his face clearly?"

"Ofcourse pa. I just told you he had a beard. I clearly saw it."

"No I mean other than the beard. What else did you see."

"He was wearing a cap."

"What else?"

"He was old"


"What else was I supposed to see?"

"Have you seen him before?"

"Umm...I think so"

P'Arthit jerked towards her and grabbed both her arms, "Where? Where have you seen him before?"

"I don't remember..."

"Rune think. Think hard. Think where you have seen him before. Have you spoken to him before? Do you know his name?" P'Arthit was shaking her as if he asked her forcefully enough she would answer.

"P'Arthit, stop! Stop shaking her. You are going to hurt her. You are making her cry. Stop!" She struggled out of his grip and came around to sit on my lap and buried her tear stricken face in my chest.

"Who are you asking about? What is going on?"

P'Arthit had started pacing around my room, wildly running his hands through his hair, mumbling to himself, "She knows him. She knows who he is. I can't believe she knows him."

I didn't know what was going on but I was done being kept in the dark. I needed answers for the past 3 weeks, and I needed him to stop avoiding me.

"P'Arthit! Stop! Tell me right now what is going on."

"Kong, someone is trying to hurt Rune and I don't know what to do anymore."

I was still sitting in shock. P'Arthit had told me everything that happened for the past weeks. The break ins, the cameras, the dead birds. He told me about staying at the hotel and that Prae was helping him change rooms daily without informing too many of the staff members. I can't believe I was drowning in jealously when he was going through so much. I can't believe he tried to hide it from me. How could he have not trusted me? What exactly would have been the point of protecting me if something happened to Rune or him. Did he not realize I wouldn't be able to live without either of them.

We combed through my apartment just to make sure there weren't any cameras or anything else out of the ordinary. Thankfully my apartment was clean, but I still packed a bag to move into the hotel with them. P'Arthit had started arguing but there was no way I was going to let them leave without me. Did he really think I could remain sane if I wasn't assured of both their safety all the time.

Rune on the other hand, mostly unaware of everything that was turning P'Arthit's hair prematurely white, was bouncing up and down with excitement as I packed my belongings.

"P'Kong I have so many drawings to show you. And I made up a new game that with my friends. And since there is no school tomorrow we can stay up late and I can teach you the game. And then we can do pa's makeover. This is going to be the best sleep over ever."

"Love I don't think your pa is going to let us stay up late."

"But then you have to convince him. That is your punishment for yesterday. Pa got to punish you, but since I had to wait so I get to punish you too."

"Hmmm, good point. I will see what I can do about P'Arthit. And Rune, I am very very sorry about yesterday. I should have not let you wait so long. It was my mistake but I promise to not do it again. Can you forgive me?"

"If you play my game with me then I will forgive you. Anyway you sent your friend instead so it was not completely your fault. Just pa doesn't let me go with strangers so I still had to wait for you."

P'Arthit and I exchanged worried looks. She was so close to being in danger yesterday. And it was all my fault.

"Rune, listen to me very carefully. That man is not my friend. Promise me to never go anywhere with him. No matter what he says. He lied to you about being my friend."

"Ummm, actually he never really said he was your friend."

"Then why did you think he was my friend?"

"Because last time I saw him you were there too."

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