Chapter 5

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A/N: Just a reminder that this story has a mature tag. You are also welcome to skip this chapter if you prefer. 


Kong's POV

In any reasonable scenario I should have snapped my hand back and been ready for an outburst from him. But weirdly neither happened. Seeing him awake had emboldened me instead. I had replayed this moment in my fantasies so many times that I was having a hard time keeping a grip on reality. I needed to touch him and now that he was awake I didn't need to be soft or careful anymore. Now I could touch him the way I wanted, the way my skin craved. I shifted slight so that now he was on his back looking at me with a surprised expression. I leaned over him as my hand cupped his neck and my thumb ran over his jaw. His skin was just so exquisite. I wanted to touch every little inch of his face but at the same time I wanted to be so gentle.

My thumb was making wild patterns on his chin basking in the sweet torture of being so close to feeling his pink, plump lips. When I finally gave in I heard him suck in his breath and I realized touching him was not enough. I needed more. I craved more. I bent down and captured his lower lip between mine. It was so soft and sweet. I heard him groan and shift slightly preparing to move away but I moved over him to halt his attempt. I bent down completely to deepen our kiss. And he responded just as intensely as I devoured his lips, his tongue probing my lips to part. I prodded and pushed till I could feel his taste mingling with mine.

But this was not enough. I needed more. I needed to taste him. I left his slightly bruised mouth to kiss a trail across his jaw. I heard a soft choked "Kong" when I flicked his ear lobe with my tongue. I continued kissing, licking him till I reached the base of his neck. I could feel his pulse under my lips. I gave it a soft kiss before I sunk my teeth against his skin to suck out as much of his flavor as I could. He was sweet and salty and driving me insane.

My hands started roaming his body feeling his slight trembles anytime I kissed a particularly tender spot. I found the hem of t-shirt and started bunching it upwards. I wanted to get rid of it but I couldn't stop kissing him yet. When my hands finally touched his body the onslaught of my lips increased with a frenzy. I ran my hands over the side of his waist, rising up to feel his ribs, over his chest back down to his stomach.

I ran my hand over his chest again, enjoying the hard beating of his heart as I flicked my thumb over his nipple. He arched his back and groaned again breaking contact between my mouth and his neck. I bunched up his t-shirt exposing his body to my hungry eyes.

I kissed a slow trail down his chest to his stomach before moving back up again. His eyes were tightly shut, hands running wild in my hair, as he lay there exposed letting me explore his body any way I wanted. I peppered his shoulder and neck with small bites and kisses as that made him groan "Kong". Hearing my name said so huskily while he lay quivering under me turned me on in a way I had never felt before.

I made my way back to his right nipple, circling it with my tongue before I captured it between my teeth and tugged on it lightly. I heard a gasp and he involuntarily bucked his hips towards me. I continued teasing, tasting, pulling at his nipple as he squirmed under me. I moved to his other nipple patiently awaiting its turn. My hands had traveled down his body and were squeezing his waist in sync with my mouth. I moved my palms down further rubbing the outer side of his thighs with a pressure indicating my urgency.

As my hands moved towards the waist of his tracks, playing with the hem before I slipped my thumbs to gain more access, I felt his hands on my shoulder tighten. I tried to slip my thumbs further inside his tracks when the pressure on my shoulder increased and pushed me enough to break our contact.

" no"

I was perched over him and looked down to see him chewing his lips trying to say something. I was still very turned on and he still looked very delectable lying on my bed with his chest exposed. If I was supposed to feel shame or regret or any of those emotions, I was having a hard time thinking of a reason.

But I needed to stop and find a way to redistribute the blood which had moved primarily south. I shifted away from him, not yet in control to manage to say anything coherent. He sat up slightly rearranging his t-shirt and then awkwardly climbed out of the bed. I looked at him for a few moments before I realized I needed to get away atleast temporarily otherwise I was going to pounce on him again.

"Umm let me go wash up."

I quickly entered the shower to take care of a very obvious problem. I didn't want to think about how I lost control or his extremely unexpected response. All that will come later. Right now I just wanted to relive this morning in order to reach my release.

By the time I entered the room again I found it empty. P'Arthit had obviously left in order to not talk right now. I knew even if I called it would go unanswered. He was never confrontational and always ran away from awkward situations.

And this situation was ......well not awkward....but unique. This was good. Without P'Arthit I could think about everything that happened.

Atleast that is what I had hoped. Every time Ieven began pondering over what happened I would imagine him squirming under mesaying my name with a husky whisper. All thoughts had to then be redirectedtowards ways to calm my raging boner. And here I thought I would get rid of myP'Arthit related sexual frustration this weekend.    

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