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Rune's POV

6 years later

"Pa, can you stop fidgeting please. You are going to ruin your suit."

"Ugh! Why is it so tight? I can barely breath."

"It is not tight. It is called fitting. You know, this vague little thing known as fashion. Ever heard of it?"

"Why exactly am I taking fashion advice from a 13 year old?"

"Because you are about to marry a gorgeous looking man and you need to look half way decent next to him."

"I doubt I will look very nice when I pass out half way through the wedding."

"You are just nervous. Although I really don't get why. It's not like P'Kong will run away at the last minute."

"Yeah, but did we really need to invite so many people?"

"People? You mean our dear friends and family?"

"Yeah, yeah whatever..."

I doubt pa will ever get over being the center of attention. As much as he runs away from people, they tend to run towards him. And dating P'Kong for the past 6 years hasn't helped his case. It can't be helped. They look adorable together. Although I could definitely do without my friends sneaking pictures of them every chance they got and posting it all over their phones and computers.

But today was one of my happiest days possible. My two favorite people in the world were getting married. Although the three of us had been living together for a couple of years already, we would finally be an official family.

Not to say the road to get here was easy. The huge scar on my shoulder was a constant reminder that these two men had saved my life, literally, in so many ways. And yet for the past 6 years they had loved and supported me without reserve.

Even the awful months a few years ago when they had broken up when P'Kong had left for higher studies to London, P'Kong made sure to be a regular presence in my life. I thought back to that time and couldn't help but roll my eyes. Who would have thought my pa was such a drama queen. After months of swearing to me and himself that he was definitely over P'Kong, it had taken only one phone call from P'Kong saying he was back for pa to go running right back to him. If I ever manage to get a boyfriend, I am definitely not going to be this foolish.

I thought the wedding was beautiful. Pa was constantly blushing with all the attention he was getting, both from the guests and P'Kong. And P'Kong had the broadest smile on his face possible. Actually, he has that smile whenever pa is around. And most importantly I was looking particularly pretty in my dress. Now that pa was officially off the market, I am hoping he is less competition for me.

We were watching them give a toast on stage and reminisce their college days together. My attention had started wandering off. They were going to leave for their honeymoon soon after the party and I was going to stay with P'Kong's family. I was mentally going through everything I still needed to pack when I suddenly heard my name being called.

Pa and P'Kong were looking at me, smiling broadly, waiting for me to join them on the stage. Did I miss something? I joined them not really sure what was going on.

"Rune, as you have so willingly let me marry your pa, I thought it was only fair that I give you something in return."

P'Kong was giving me a gift? I loved his gifts. They were always awesome. But this one didn't come is a huge wrapped box the way they generally are. This was just a thin folder.

Apparently there was silence all over the party, and everyone was expectantly looking at me. I wasn't really sure what I was supposed to be doing, so I took the folder from his hands and opened it.

There was just one official looking document in there. They were adoption papers. My adoption papers.

"Love, how about instead of being your brother-in-law you let me be your dad?"

I was speechless for a moment before I rushed into his arms. I think those were the hardest happy tears I have ever cried.    


Author's Note:

Phew! That's the end....maybe.

Thanks a lot for sticking it out with me. I hope you enjoyed reading :)

Since I have officially discovered I am much better at romantic comedies, I might stick to that for my next story. But everybody loves a good intrigue. ;)


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