Chapter 24

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Arthit's POV

Kong had just finished his shower and was only half dressed when I barged in. He was wearing his tracks while still holding his t-shirt in his hands when he frowned at my sudden intrusion. I could see his damp hair dropping rivulets of water down his neck and chest.

"P'Arthit? What happened?"

I opened my mouth to explain, but today was not going to be the day when words were going to be enough. I made sure to shut the door behind me before I reached out and pulled him towards me. I grabbed his face with both my hands before I captured his lips with mine. It had been so long since I had tasted him. I was hungrily kissing him wishing this moment would never stop, while he stood there as still as he possibly could. He pushed me slightly to break contact between our mouths.

"P'Arthit, what are you doing?"

"Kissing you." I wasn't about to stop yet. It had been weeks since I had been this close to him.


"Because I want to.." I attempted to kiss him again, but he once again interrupted me.


Why? What sort of a stupid question was that? How could he not know why?


"Because what?"

"Because I missed you dammit. Because kissing you right now is the only thing I can think about. Because I want you so badly that I think I am losing my mind..."

I was still trying to catch my breath as we silently stared at each other. Did....did I just confess to Kong? I saw that cheeky smile appear on his face, and sweet heavens have I missed it so damn much.

He lunged towards me, capturing my lips and for the first time I matched his passion. He kept hungrily devouring my lips while his hands moved from my hair to my back pulling me closer towards him until every inch of our bodies were molded together. He reached down to the hem of my shirt and took it off in one swift motion. We continued thoroughly exploring each other's mouths while he started walking me backwards until I was pressed against the door.

He ran one hand through my hair and tugged it hard to expose my neck. His lips brushed over the flesh of my neck, his tongue dancing a pattern on my collarbone, his teeth nipping, biting, driving me crazy.

He wrapped his other arm tightly around my waist and nudged my legs apart with his knee. He was trailing a scorching path with his lips down my chest when flicked my nipple with his tongue and I let out a moan.

He retraced path with his enticing mouth back up my neck, kissing the edge of my jaw until he reached my ear and whispered, "I want you too." He ground our hips together at the same instant and my back arched with the unexpected pleasure that rushed up my spine.

My hands were running wild over his body. I wanted to touch every inch of skin that I had access to, his chest, his back, his shoulders. My hands kept kneading his muscles as if I couldn't get enough.

He was still thoroughly exploring my body with his lips when finally some sense started filtering through my brain.

"Kong, we should stop. Rune is sleeping out there."

"2 more minutes"

He was sucking on the base of my neck while his fingers were trailing across the hem of my tracks, teasing my waist, his fingers slowly pushing his away to gain more access. I laid my hands over his wrists to stop him.

"Ah...Kong...Not here."

He finally ceased his onslaught with his mouth and dropped his head on my shoulder taking deep breaths to gain back some control.

It took us a few more minutes before our breathing calmed along with our libido.

He finally raised his head to look at him and I was about to avert my eyes when he caught my chin and dropped another kiss on my mouth. And then the smile he gave me, I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"Are you ready for bed P'Arthit?"


He bent to pick up both of our abandoned t-shirts before handing me mine. We quietly exited the bathroom to thankfully a still very asleep Rune. I got into bed next to Rune as silently as I could in order to not disturb her, and I felt the bed dip behind me.

I feel like I might manage to sleep peacefully tonight after many weeks. It was probably important that Kong and I find some time to talk about us but for tonight I was content. Actually, there was one more thing I wanted. I turned around towards him and he raised a questioning brow. Instead of answering I put my arm around him and dragged him closer. If tonight was the one night I was going to be bold, might as well go all out. I could hear him quietly chuckle while I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

By the time I woke up the next morning, the two of them were already bustling around the room, getting ready for the day.

We left the room together, Rune and I were going to head to the hospital and Kong was going for his classes.

"Kong, I will call you when we are done ok. If we get done early we might just swing by campus."

"Ok P'Arthit. I will see both of you later."

We were just about part ways, when he covertly placed his hands over Rune's eyes and dropped a quick kiss on my mouth. I was still smiling to myself when we were sitting in the examination room waiting for the doctor when my phone beeped.

I was half expecting a cheesy message from Kong, when I noticed it was the psycho's number. My heart immediately started racing. I had been expecting to hear something from him, yet I wasn't prepared to what new hell this would bring. I was dreading what I would see in the message and instinctively grabbed Rune's hand.

This time it was just one image. One that I didn't immediately recognize. Was that Kong? ....and me? It was apparently nighttime in the picture and we seemed to be at some bus stop. I was laying across his lap and we were....kissing? I don't remember this. When did we kiss at a bus stop?    

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