Chapter 13

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Kong's POV

I knocked on P'Arthit's door waiting to be let in. I couldn't help but break out a smile. It was the Saturday following his kiss. I had promised Rune that I would accompany them to the park for a picnic. Saying I was excited about today was a massive understatement. I was going to spend the day with two of my most favorite people in the world. And P'Arthit had kissed me himself.

As I entered, instead of my customary peck on the cheek, today I gave him a brief kiss on the lips. His eyes widened in surprise and gave me slight nudge but didn't say anything since Rune was within earshot. I even saw him blush slightly and give a half smile. Today was going to be a great day.

"Rune are you ready for your picnic?"

"P'Kong! Thank god you are here. Pa was not being helpful at all. Should I wear the green dress or the yellow dress?"

After addressing the world altering question of dress color, we packed a large lunch, lots of crumbs to feed the birds and headed towards the park. It had been so long since P'Arthit wasn't behaving awkward around me, but today it seemed he was genuinely relaxed.

He joked around with me like he used to. He teased Rune about her potential boyfriend who still seemed to be running away from her away every time she was around. He didn't even move away when I sat a little too close to him on the blanket in the park. I definitely call this progress.

We had finished feeding the birds and were currently in the middle of 7 year old's tea party which for some reason always included a makeover session for P'Arthit.

I think this is when I first realized my feelings for P'Arthit were a lot deeper than lust. He was sitting across from me with weird shiny makeup on his face, his hair in a ponytail with a large pink bow shaped band, bright blue nail paint on his fingers, helping his sister put Disney stickers on his arm. And I still wanted to kiss the living daylights out of him. I think I am a complete goner if I find him sexy after Rune was through with his makeover.

By the time I got home at night I was completely exhausted. How did that tiny kid have so much boundless energy? After the park we had gone to get ice cream which was followed by dinner and a constant stream of conversation throughout. How did Rune make me feel old already? I was ready to pass out half way through dinner and it seemed like she could go on forever.

As tired as I was, I was also extremely content. Today was a great day. Although P'Arthit hadn't specifically told me anything, all signs pointed towards him being atleast open to the idea of us. He even let me hold his hand on the walk back. He was finally comfortable around me again. I don't think I have stopped smiling at all today and I doubt there was anything that would ruin my current mood.

I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a loud banging on my door. Was I expecting someone this late at night? I opened the door to see an extremely frantic looking P'Arthit, holding a sleeping Rune against his chest.

"P'Arthit? What happened? Is everything ok?"

"Kong I need a favor."

"Yeah..yeah...ofcourse anything. Come in first. What happened?"

"Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

"Huh? No I don't think so."

"Can you look after Rune tomorrow?"

"Yeah ofcourse. What happened?"

He finally stepped inside to place Rune on the bed. He put her overnight bag next to the bed and started for the door again.

"Thanks Kong. I will pick her up tomorrow sometime. I will call you. Just make sure you keep an eye on her ok."

I grabbed his arm just as he was about to leave. I could feel him shiver slightly under my touch. What was going on? I had been with them less than an hour ago. Everything was fine then.

"P'Arthit wait. You need to answer my question. What has happened? Where are you going?"

"Nothing...nothing. Listen I just have a few errands to run. I will be back tomorrow ok. You will make sure Rune is ok?"

"P'Arthit I know how to look after Rune. Now will you please tell me what is going on? You are starting to scare me."

"I....I am not sure yet. I honestly don't know what is going on. Just please promise me you will keep her safe and I will tell you when I come back."

I could see the panic in his eyes. I was debating if I should let him go or make him stay and talk to me. I finally released his arm and saw him hurry out the door. I looked over at a sleeping Rune and sighed. Well, something definitely managed to wipe away my smile.    

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