Chapter 18

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Kong's POV

Have you ever felt jealously so intense that you just want to be destructive. That smashing something is the only way this burning rage inside you would subside. That is what I was experiencing right now. Thankfully I didn't march behind them into the hotel demanding to know what was going on between them. Instead I made my way home cursing anything and everything under the sun.

I didn't know what was going on, but right now I was so angry about being kept out of the loop that I so badly wanted to stop caring. And that became my mantra for the rest of the day. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care about P'Arthit. I didn't care about Rune. I didn't care about any of them. If he wanted to play with my emotions, I was just going to stop running behind him. If he didn't want me in Rune's life, then I wouldn't bother him anymore. He obviously didn't need me. He had a long list of friends. I was nothing more than a junior who was always willing to baby sit for him. Be at his every beck and call, so that he could pick me and drop me anytime his mood changed. I needed to get over my obsession with him cause it was leading me nowhere but heartache and frustration.

For the first time I went home and slept in the middle of the day. Sleeping seemed to be the only way I could think of to stop this tightening inside my chest. I woke up the next morning feeling worse. The sense of jealousy and betrayal had taken over all my rational thought.

I made my way over to campus hoping no one would try to talk to me today. But I didn't even manage to make it inside the gate. I saw P'Arthit and Prae walking from the opposite side, talking and smiling at each other. I was rooted to the ground. The idea that they were together in the morning again after yesterday, that they could have spent the night together finally pushed me over the edge.

I turned around not bothering with my classes for the day. I bought multiple bottles of alcohol and went home to drown my thoughts and emotions.

I don't know for how long I had been drinking. I didn't know what time it was, if it was still day or the night was about to pass. I couldn't remember if I had eaten anything all day. I was just so drunk. My phone had kept ringing all day and the tone had started to annoy me. Initially I didn't answer mainly cause I didn't want to face the world yet. But as the day and my drinks continued, I wouldn't have been able to answer even if I wanted to.

Sometime during the past 24 hours I had realized I was in love with him. And none of the feelings I had always hoped that followed with being in love were a part of my discovery. I didn't have butterflies in my stomach, or a spring in my step. And I was definitely not happy. What I was feeling was the onset of a painful heartbreak.

I was on my bed about to pass out when there was loud urgent knocking on the door. I couldn't clearly tell if it was real or just in my head but it just kept going on and on. I finally got up to open the door mainly to make the loud offending noise stop. I am not sure I clearly remember everything that transpired that evening and I can't tell if that is a good thing or not, but on the other side of the door I saw P'Arthit holding Rune's hand. He launched his arms around me in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh Thank god! You fucking scared me Kong! Where have you been? Why have you not been answering your phone?"

I had no idea what or why he was saying the things that he was. My head was pounding and I just wanted to sleep. I grunted as a response and tried to stand without falling over.

"Pa, I don't think P'Kong looks too good. I think he is sick."

"For heaven's sake! Kong you are drunk!"

"What did he drink?"

"Umm..nothing nothing. Rune help me take off his shoes. And then go get some water."

Somehow I was back in my bed. I knew both of them were fussing around me but sleep was pulling me in again. The next time I opened my eyes the sun was shining brightly, my head was pounding, I could feel a humongous headache, and Rune was playing on the floor of my apartment.

"P'Kong, how are you feeling?" She came and sat near my head, peering down at me, as she whispered.

"Uh...hi Rune. Why are you whispering?"

"Because pa told me not to make any noise. Are you feeling better? I hate it when I fall sick. But then pa buys lots of ice cream after I get better. Do you want some ice cream now?"

"No, no I don't want ice cream. Where is P'Arthit?"

"Pa went to get lunch. P'Kong, I think pa is really angry with you. I think you are going to get punished."

I dropped my head back on the pillow. Arrrghh! I wish it wasn't pounding so hard so that I could think clearly. I didn't even know what to make of the fact the Rune was sitting next to me after 3 weeks, or that P'Arthit had shown up at my door last night. And then what Rune was telling me registered.

He was mad at me? What right did he have to be mad me? He had done nothing but ignore me and toss me around.

I heard the door open a few minutes later and saw P'Arthit come in with a large bag and multiple drinks. It is rare that I avoid his eyes, but right now I was embarrassed at him finding me drunk out of my mind, and kept my head averted.

"Pa! P'Kong is awake. But he says he doesn't want ice cream. Can I have his?"

"Go have lunch first."

He finally turned towards me and Rune was right, he was really angry. I have never seen that look on his face before. Well, that's too bad for him. I was just as angry.

"How is you head?" I shrugged. This was the first conversation we have had other than the lunch table in a while and I don't know what to expect.

"Rune, can you put on your headphones and turn up the volume please."

"Pa are you going to punish P'Kong about yesterday?"


"Ok, he is still sick so don't be too mean." She gave me a sympathetic look before doing what she was told.

"Explain to me why you were dead drunk in the middle of the day."


"What did you say?"

"I don't need to explain anything to you, because you clearly don't tell me things. "

He shut his eyes and tried to take a calming breath, but I don't think it was going to help.

"Why did you not answer your phone?"

"The same reason you haven't been answering yours. What are you even doing here?"

"I am here because you asked, no, you demanded to pick up Rune after class and then didn't show up. She stood there for over an hour waiting for her P'Kong until I went looking for her. We were worried out of our minds something happened to you, cause the Kong we know would never have ditched her by the side of the road. Do you have any idea what almost happened to her?"

Oh Fuck!

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