Chapter 7

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Kong's POV

I woke up with my phone ringing and I turned around to look at the clock. Bloody hell! It was 2 am on a Tuesday morning. Whoever was calling me better have a death wish. I grabbed my phone in the dark and looked at the flashing name. Rune? Why was she calling me at this hour?

"Hello Rune?"


I was startled with the yell and her loud bursts of crying.

"P' uh....on the leg,..." She kept crying making it impossible for me to follow what she was saying.

"Rune, slow down love. I can't understand anything. Stop crying. What happened? Where is P'Arthit?"

She continued to cry with interspersed hiccups when I heard P'Arthit's faint voice in the background

"Rune? Who are you calling? Ouch...ouch...ouch..."

I shot up from bed and wore my shoes, "Rune just sit tight ok? I will be there in 2 minutes."

I ran the two streets over to their house with all my energy. I had no idea what was wrong but I didn't like the sound of what I had heard at all.

I frantically knocked on the door which was pulled open by Rune who lunged into my arms still crying. I hugged her tight trying to comfort her while walking further into the apartment to see what had caused her to be in that state.

What I saw caused my jaw to drop. P'Arthit was sitting on the slow against the wall and there was a large pool of blood on the floor around him.

"Kong? What are you doing here?"

"Rune called me and she was crying. What the hell happened here?"

"It's nothing. Just a small accident."

"Nothing? P'Arthit it looks like you slaughtered a cow in here."

"Honestly Kong, you really didn't need to come. It's so late and you have class tomorrow. Just go back home and get sleep."

I waited with my eyebrow raised to hear a better explanation.

"Rune probably dropped and broke a glass at some point and didn't tell me. I woke up at night to go to the bathroom and stepped on it. she woke up and saw blood and freaked out. She shouldn't have called and woken you up."

I could see multiple small and large glass pieces sticking out of his right foot and a few pieces stuck on his hand. I was still holding rune in my arms and she started shaking with fresh tears again.

"Pa I swear I didn't break anything. P'Kong I didn't drop anything. You have to believe me. I would never hurt pa."

"Shhh......Rune...P'Arthit is not blaming you. No one is mad at you love." I tried to put her down to go help P'Arthit but she wouldn't let me.

"Rune, I need to help your pa now. Will you be a strong girl and find some cloth and water?"

She finally let go of me and I crouched down in front of P'Arthit. He had removed a few of the bigger pieces from his foot and made things considerably worse. The split wound was bleeding profusely making all the other pieces too slick to remove.

It took some extreme maneuvering and skill to get all the tiny pieces out but we decided going to the hospital was probably a good idea.

Since it was close to 3 in the morning we had to take Rune with us who had not stopped crying the entire time. He ended up getting multiple stitches on his foot and few on his hand. And we slowly made way to his apartment again as the sun was rising with him limping next to me as I was carrying a fast asleep Rune.

We barely exchanged any words upon entering the apartment. The three of us went straight to the bedroom and immediately plopped on the bed and fell asleep ignoring the day that had just started bustling around us.

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