Chapter 10

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Arthit's POV

I was going to crack soon and both of us knew it. It had been 2 weeks since our argument in my apartment and since then Kong had been relentless. And he had ample opportunity to carry out his onslaught. Most nights we had hazing team trainings and the evenings that were free he would show up with dinner to my apartment. I very well couldn't turn him away with Rune bouncing with happiness. And every single time he showed up at my door, he would bend and give me a peck on the cheek before entering. Like it was something he had always done. Like it was no big deal at all. Like it didn't make his stomach flutter the way mine was.

He was never overt or obvious in presence of others. But yet he made me hyper aware of his presence. It was small things like when he 'accidentally' brushed my hand his fingers would linger longer than necessary. Or when he spoke to me he leaned close enough for me to feel his warm breath on my ear which always made me shiver.

On one occasion during lunch he had maneuvered the positions to take a seat next to me. I had immediately stiffened and was already on high alert, when I felt his hand lightly brush my knee under the table. I was so startled that I started choking on the food I was eating and devolved into a coughing fit. I could see him trying to control his smile while he patted my back. That jerk! I wish I had a way to get back at him. But that would involve more contact and right now I really needed to reduce the amount of time I was around Kong.

A few days ago I made the mistake of running into Kong alone. I had stayed back on campus to finish a project. Rune was staying with our aunt for the night so I found an empty classroom as got to work. It was past midnight when I finally packed up to go home and walked by another classroom which had its lights on. I peeked in to see Kong working alone. I should have just turned around and walked away. Nothing good will come from staying. I knew that and yet before I could help it I called out to him.


"Oh P'Arthit, were you working on your project?"

"Yeah, I didn't think it would take this long but I am finally done. How much longer will you be? Do you want me to wait with you?"

He had walked towards me in the meantime and was standing in front of me now. He kept taking small steps towards and I kept backing up to match him until my back was pressed against the wall. The warning alarms were flashing bright in my head now yet I was unable to move away. Kong's intensity had a captivating effect on me and he was aware of it.

He moved in close to my ear and whispered, "Why P'Arthit? Are you worried about me?"

I could feel his lips move against the edge of my ear as he continued, "Or maybe you want to come back to my place tonight" he placed a light kiss on the edge of my jaw next to my ear. I raised my hands to get ready to push him away but he caught both my wrists halting my attempts.

He continued a trail of light kisses down my jaw before moving towards my neck. I was stuck in this moment. I knew I should move away, I knew I should make Kong stop, but I just couldn't. I didn't want to. I wanted him to continue. I wanted him. And my practical side kept losing the battle when Kong was so close to me.

He was nipping and licking my neck as I let out an involuntary moan, "Maybe I will replace the hickey that's faded, it looked so hot on you."

He sucked on my neck which was sure to leave a new bruise before he created a new scorching path with his mouth towards mine. He flicked his tongue on the corner of my mouth, his lips almost touching mine, "You think you will like it when I kiss you?"

"Yes", I whispered, was there really any point in denying the obvious anymore?

I felt a smile on his lips before they moved away. He released my wrists and took a few steps backwards "Perhaps I will make you beg for it."

I stared at him in shock and confusion. That ass is messing with my head. I shoved him back further before I walked out of the room.

Since then I could see the smug smile on his face during all our interactions. I don't know how much longer our battle of wills was going to continue, and the worst part was I wasn't sure if I wanted to win or lose. It was exhausting constantly having an internal debate when the wrong side of the argument had the significant advantage of making out with Kong. Stop thinking about that! Distance, that is what I need. The more distance I had from him the less confusing my thoughts were.

I was making my way to class having successfully avoided Kong during lunch when someone grabbed my arm.

"P'Arthit! Wait..." He was panting and out of breath. I instantly got annoyed. Whatever his game was today needed to wait, we were in the middle of campus and there were too many people around to get into an argument.

"Let go Kong. I need to get to class."

"No, P'Arthit wait, I have been trying to callyou. Your phone is probably not working again. I got a call from Rune's school.She is in the hospital."    

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