Chapter 5

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Hey guys sorry. I haven't posted lately I've been busy all week with my job (volunteering) so yeah. I'll try to post more since well SCHOOLS OUT! Well... Um... here is the next chapter enjoy!



As I was walking home some girls would look at me a laughs and some would come and take pictures with me. It actually felt pretty cool... I felt famous hahaha. Well come one don't say you've never imagined being famous and having people come up and ask you for autographs and pictures.

I walked inside my house seeing that my mom and dad where home. As usually my dad watching reruns of soccer and American football. My mom in the kitchen cooking dinner.

"Hey madre." I wasn't even gonna say hi to my dad. Its no use he will just shush me. He practically acts like a teenage boy when they are in their gaming mode.

"Hey boo boo." My mom said over her shoulders. I soon let out a gasp as I walk into the kitchen. "what?" my moms face full of confusion.

"Your. Making. Chicken. Alfredo." Chicken Alfredo is my favorite food my mom can make but it's actually pizza.

"It's almost done." my mom chuckled.

"Alright call me down when it's done." My mom just nodded her head and with that i ran upstairs to check all my notifications on twitter to see if luke actually followed through with what he said.

I grabbed my laptop and jumped onto my queen size bed and kicked my shoes off logging onto the computer.

youtube: 10 notifications

stilesluke liked your video

stilesluke liked your video

stilesluke liked your video

stilesluke subscribed to you

mamahemmings subscribed to you

cakemashton subscribed to you

gorgiahemmings subsribed to you

cakehemmings subscribed to you

mrslukehemmings subscribed to you

motherofearthitsluke subscribed to you

Wow thanks luke for all the fan accounts subscribing me...

I went through all of my notifications and nothing. Might as well just go downstairs now.

After i shut off my laptop i ran downstairs and saw ran into my mom on the way into the kitchen.

"I was just about to get you." My mom laughed.

"Well i beat ya to it." I laughed.

"Ok well dinner is ready so go make your plate and then you can tell me about this whole tweet thing." my mom nodded towards the stove eyeing me.


Shoot shoot shoot what should i say? 'Mom they spiked my drink and i practically almost died because i fell off a coffee table.

I grabbed plate from the cabinet and dished myself some chicken Alfredo then took a seat at the table where my mom and dad sat.

"So care to explain about that tweet and why you said those things?" my mom asked.

I took a bite out of my Alfredo and swallowed ready to get yelled at.

"Well... the girls decided to spike my drink after the concert and we sorta realized we wouldn't get to meet the boys ever so we decided to just leave the fandom and when I was drunk the girls played a round of truth or dare and they dared me to write a long tweet to my favorite member to say goodbye and that sorta happened. I'm sorry please don't yell me." I confessed looking at my parents nervous for what they are going to say.

"Well that's great honey!" my dad said in a happy voice.

"I know I'm sorry I should've gotten my own drink- wait. what?"

"We think that's great for you! We want you to live your and make memories with your friends just as long as your being mature. Plus I think it's good for you to get out of your comfort zone just a little bit." What on earth is my mother saying?!

"Okay?" I said quite confused on what is going on.

"Okay. So tell us about the 5sauce boys." my mom said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh mom, Luke Hemmings talked about me on national television and he said he was going to look me up on YouTube and subscribe to me!" I said starting to fangirl just a little.

"Wow! Well has he subscribed to join yet?" My mom asked while my dad laughed at my fangirl-ness.

"Well... no but I know he will. Luke seems like the guy to keep is promises." I said my face dropping a little.

"Okay... so I'm guessing your staying in the 5sos family now?" my dad asked with a smile on his face.

"Yup, because of Luke telling me he wants me to stay in it." I smiled taking another bite of my pasta.

"That's good honey. Now if he doesn't subscribe to you don't get hurt okay? Luke is famous and he probably has lots of things on his mind at the moment."

"I agree with your father. Luke is a teenage boy who had thousands of girls trying to get his attention, not to mention on the paparazzi's swooning around him just to get a good shot."

"Okay guys I get it." I laughed taking one last bite out of my pasta an excusing myself to the kitchen to put my plate in the sink.

"Ok guys I'm gonna go back upstairs and take a shower then go to bed night!"

I ran up the stairs and checked my iPhone that was on the charger to see if I had any twitter notifcations or YouTube notifications in hopes some guy named Lucas Robert Hemmings subscribed or followed me but.. no luck. I put my phone down and started to walk to the bathroom when I geared my phone ding making me jump and then run to my phone.

From mommy<3: don't forget you have school tomorrow! night boo boo love you.

Ugh.. well then that was very disappointing....

To mommy<3: I won't night mom love you to.

Ugh well then... off to shower then to bed.



I shuffled around underneath my bed sheets and looked to my phone that was lit up on the night stand.

I looked at the clock on my wall to only see it was 1 am. Wondering who would text me this late I grabbed my phone to see...

YOUTUBE: hemmo1996 subscribed to you

TWITTER: Luke Hemmings @Luke5sos just followed you

Started With A Tweet (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now