He's gone...

117 11 6

Meretha's POV

"Harry do you realize that most of my fans and possibly Luke saw our kiss?" I looked at Harry concern running through my head.

"Yeah, so. You can just use me to make Luke jealous." Harry said smiling.

"Harry I'm not going to use you. That's just wrong." I said chuckling.

"Well it would be a pleasure being used by you." Harry take smiling.

"Wow Harry... did you watch the fault in our stars?" I asked laughing.

"Yup." He said popping the P. "I read the book and watched the movie. Might I add I really want to know what happens between her mum and if her mum gets the job. Also I wonder what happened to her hamster."

"ME TOO!!" I said laughing.


"Harrrryyyy I'm boreedddd." I said whinning.

My phone suddenly vibrated on the coffee table. Once I saw the caller ID i hurried and picked up my phone.

"Im sorry Harry but I gotta take this call it is important."

"No problem."  Harry smiled and walked into the kitchen probably to get a drink or something.

"ABBY!!" I said happily into the phone.

Abby is a close friend of mine I ended up having to leave behind in Washington. Shw always knew how to make me feel better and lately I really couldve used her for some help, she also gives out great advice.

"Meretha... I know we havent talked in a while but um... I hate to say this to you because I just saw the magazines today about you and Luke. I'm so sorry for that and for telling you this terrible news today." Abby's voice didnt sound cheerful no more... her voice was down... her voice was cracking from here and there a sign that she was crying.

I dont know what is going on but I know its not good and tears where already starting to form in my eyes...

"What is it?" I asked my voice cracking..

"Meretha... Justin passed away from a terrible car accident last night.." She said quietly.

All of a sudden it felt like a black whole some how grew and swallowed up the whole world. Justin was my 1st serious boyfriend.. Me and him always talked about marriage and we always talked about how when I turned 18 I was going back to Washington so we could be together... We had to break up because of the move... He honestly ment more to me than anybody else...; even Luke.

I would've lost my virginity to him but I thought I was to young so I told him I wasnt ready and he respected that.. He treated me good. He was my true prince..

"Meretha...are you okay?" I was snapped back into reality by abby's soft voice..

"No..." My voice cracked..

"The funeral is on September 10th..." She said as she sniffled.

"In two days..?" I said weakly.

"Yeah..." She said. This isnt Abby.. Abby knows what to say to comfort me and now she is just as broken as me... Justin was her brother... if it wasnt for him I wouldnt have met abby.

"i'll be there." I croaked out... "I'll fly out tomorrow and I'll tell the girls... I.. I.. I gotta go abby...." I cried out as tears poured down my face.

"Meretha... dont do anything harmful... okay?" She cried...

"I can't promise you." I cried as I hung up.

I let out a scream and I ran to my room and grabbed my suitcase and started to throw clothes in the suitcase not even bothering what clothes I had. I made sure to get my black lace dress with heals for the funeral.

God... that fucking funeral!!!

I let out a scream and started to throw things off of my dresser, my desk, everything on my floor. Something inside me just snapped. It feels like I died...

I hear my door open and Harry stands in the dorr way shocked.

In my rage I grabbed a book and through it at him ended up hitting his leg and by then Harry was walking fast towards me as I tried to keep throwing things at him.

"GET OUT!!" I cried.

Harry wrapped his arms around my head pulling me into his chest.

"Meretha its alright.." He said running his hands through my hair.

"No! Its not alright he is gone!!" I cried... "He is gone....." I gripped Harrys arm screaming into his shoulders.


Luke's POV

"Justin passed away Luke... The funeral is the on the 10th.." I heard Abby's voice cry through the phone. Tears where pouring down my face..

"He couldnt have.." I cried as I ended the call...

I walked into the hotel room I cheated on Meretha in... That fucking room!! I MADE A MISTAKE!! I want her back.. I need her... I need my friends back.. I need Meretha to love me back... and most of all I need Justin back.

'This past week has been absolute shit!

I have no one... My fans are pissed at me.. Meretha doesnt want nothing to do with me... and the boys have kicked me out of the band until I change back to the old Luke...

I shouldnt have done that to Meretha... I thought I was doing her good by letting her go and let her blossom in her career so I wasnt holding her back. But now I regret it she held me down and she helped me a lot... I love her...

I slammed the door shut and grabbed my suitcase while calling the air port..

"Hi what can i help you with sir?" The lady said in a fake cheery tone of voice.

"I need one plane ticket to Seattle, Washington..."



WOOOO I JUST FINISHED THE BOOK!!! Guys let me know what you guys think is gonna happen down below and make sure to vote!!


Are you writting a Sequel?

YES!! I am!


*cough cough* tomorrow *cough cough* maybe..

Anywho the next book will be called STARTED WITH A HEARTBREAK!! I'll make sure to keep you guys updated!! Anywho STAY BEAUTIFUL


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