Im coming home

101 11 7

Meretha's POV

I woke up to the bright son shining in my face but i also let out a weak smile as i see harry's face peacefully sleeping in front of me.

Remembering last night I get up quickly and go to my phone to see i have missed calls from Luke and the girls.

Luke called me twice... while the girls texted and called me 80 times counting the texts and calls. I grabbed my phone off the charger and walked into thte living room taking a seat in front of the TV. I listen to the voice mail Luke had left me first.

"Hey babe why did you leave for? We couldve had so much fun... anyway call me back I'm so fucking horny and I really want to tear that dress off of you."

I shook my head in disquist as tears slide down my face.

So he was just using me... was he even a virgin or was that a lie to.

I call decided to press the call back button and on the 4th ring luke answered.

"Hey babe." I could practicaly hear him smirk through the phone.

"Dont babe me Luke. I just called to tell you we are over. Im completely done with all your bullshit you where a waste of my time and your a fake I dont even know who you really are! Where you even telling me the truth about everything!? I'm done with you and I'm flying home im not going anywhere else near or with you. Your pathetic and you need jesus." I shouted. "Harry is coming straight over there when the he wakes up and he is getting everything of mine and im leaving on the earliest flight back to california."

"awe babe you dont really mean it." 

"Oh i mean it." I said my voice sounding strong even though im a major wreck inside and out.

"Yeah right." He laughed through the other side of the phone.

"Just watch me." I said my voice cracking as I hang up the phone.

I hang up the phone and instead of Harry going to the hotel I decided I would so I could just go talk to the girls.

I left Harry a note telling him i would be back and I walked out of his aparment and then I ran into a familar blonde.

"Hey! Arent you Meretha?" She asked knitting her eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah." Normally I would be happy and excited about standing in front of River Hemmings but after her being a complete bitch to me and after her brother cheating on me I dont think I like the Hemmings so far...

"Your dating my brother! Oh my god its so nice to meet you!" River was about to lean in and give me a hug but i stopped her.

"Dont act fake to me do you understand? I ran into you before at a concert and you had security chasing after me if it wasnt for you I wouldnt have gaven up on 5sos if I hadnt given up on 5sos the girls wouldnt have made me do that stupid dare and if i didnt do the dare i wouldnt have met luke and have him cheat on me! Its all your fault. You where a plain out bitch towards me so dont you dare act like a fake bitch when I already know your games." I spat as I bumped her shoulder as i went down the stairs and hauled a taxi.

"Hey your that singer Meretha arent you?"

I fake a smile and nod my head.

"Yeah I am."

"Oh sweet can i have your autograph."

"Im sorry but I'm having a really hard time right now my boyfriend cheated on me and I'm flying back home today because I dont want to see his face ever again." I say trying to hold back the tears.

"Oh okay I'm sorry I hope you figure things out... Now where are you off to?"

"Umm can you take me to the Hampton Hotel please." I muttered.

"Yeah no problem beautiful."


I arrived at the Hotel and as I approached my hotel well my old hotel room I noticed the bedroom door was opened.

I walked in and I saw Taylor...

"I told you he would want me over you any day." She smirked.

"You know Taylor your right. He wants a slut that will open her legs and the word "Go". " I smirked. "You can have him. But when your done with my left overs just make sure you put the dish back in the dishwasher."

I push past Taylor and i go into me and lukes old room and i grab my suit case and my makeup and tooth brush that was in the bathroom. I am pretty organized so thats all i needed to grab.

Luke walked out of the bathroom but I didnt bother to look at him. I just grabbed my shit and walked out of the room and towards Rivers and Jaynise's Room.

I knocked on the door and as soon as the door open i saw the whole gang there well except for Luke and Taylor..

"Oh my god Meretha what happened? Are you okay?" They all started to bomb barded me with questions.

"GUYS!!!" I shouted making them all quite. "Im going back home Harry is buying me a ticket back to caifornia. Im leaving today and I'm not coming back all you guys need to know is me and Luke broke up and I dont want to see that fucking dick ever again." I say as tears started to fill my eyes but I try to hold it back the best I can.

"Meretha I'm coming with you." I look up and i see Rose giving me a weak smile.

"Your going to leave us, your going to" Michael said with said eyes but Rose just gave him a sympathetic smile.

"Michael Im not going to let my bestfriend go all the way across the world heartbroken by herself." Rose said.

"Me neither." all the other girls said giving the boys a hug and grabbing their things.

"I wanna come with until you guys board the plane." The boys all said.


All of one direction and 3/4 of 5sos was there to say goodbye. I got the boys from one directions number even Harry's. I gave hugs to everyone and when i walked over and gave Harry a hug goodbye he pulled me in tighter.

"Im gonna miss you beautiful." Harry mumbled and i feel something wet drip down on my shirt.

"Im gonan miss you too Harrry." I said sadely as i breathed in his musky scent.

"I love you.." He whispered.

"Harry.." I mumbled.

"I know... Ill wait for you." Harry said as he pulled me out of the hug and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Text me everytime you land okay."

"Yes harry." I said weakly smiling.

"Bye." He mumbled.


I took out my phone and dialed my mom's phone number.


"Mom, I'm coming home."



Anywho this book is almost over but guess what?! Can I get a drum role please!!??

*Ashton does a drumroll in the background*


I know I'm excited!! Anywho hope you enjoyed!!



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