Chapter 7

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"Guys hide me please.. I don't like all this attention." I whispered trying to go behind the girls backs but they wouldn't help me...

"Oh common your gonna be fine." rose said laughing. oh yeah forgot to introduce a couple of my friends. Rose is 17 with blonde hair and blue eyes. she is model thin and jut absolutely stunning and she practically gets most of the guys.

"No I'm not. I feel like I'm gonna throw up." I finally got to cover my self behind them when I hear Jaynise whisper.

"Oh no here come the skank patrol..." I all of a sudden hear heals clicking on the time floors.

"Why don't you come on out little girl." I hear the awful seana aka head cheerleader who is also a senior. Did I mention I'm a junior an I'm only 5"3-5"4 so everyone towers over me.

I shyly walk out from behind the girls know everyone's eyes are on me even the other two cheerleaders Abigail and Bianka who is mainly quiet.

"So... heard you where talked about on that 5 seconds of winter interview."

Bitch it's 5 seconds of summer.

"Excuse me?!" Crap... said that out loud didn't i... "yeah you did."

God I really need to stop saying why I'm thinking!

"Care to explain yourself?"

"Sure, can you give me 5 seconds and kiss my ass?" I covered my mouth out of shock. Oh my god.... I did not just do that and in front of a crowd.

I turned around and my friends all stood there in shock except my friend Jaynise who is also 17. Jaynise all of a sudden grabs my hand looking down at her wrist.

"Oh well look at the time! Time to go to first period man time flys when your having fun! Well nice chatting by my wonderfully seniors!" Jaynise put her hand up to her forehead and saluted them quickly before quickly running dragging me behind.

Suddenly Jaynise comes to a hault making Rose and Serena bump into me.

"What the fuck was that back there Meretha?! You never ever talked back to her before!" Jaynise yelled laughing.

"I don't know.. I was just thinking and I accidentally said it...." I whispered shrugging my shoulders.

"Oh... well damn I thought you where gaining balls for a second... oh well good job junior." Jaynise said messing up my hair and walking off with the girls to the senior hall.


Luke's POV

"Dude Luk-ass shut up already! We know your meeting up with her today but seriously bro chill out." Micheal said laughing.

How could he be laughing in a serious situation like this right now? I'm literally about to die of a heart attack because I don't know what to where and he isn't helping! I can not calm down!

"I can't 'chill out'" I said using air quotes. "have you seen her!? She is absolutely gorgeous and can sing!"

"Yeah so can you Luke. And I think you got the looks to I mean your hair is just flowing." Michael said running is hands through my hair.

"Go away your not helping." I glare up at him.

"Damn fine." Michael pouted stomping off.

"Oh Mikey don't get butt hurt. Luke is just in a mid life crisis right now." Ashton laughed. "I mean the girl is gorgeous and I would be panicking to."

"I am not in a mid life crisis god damn! I'm just stressing out because I'm meeting up with a beautiful girl in 20 minutes and I still don't know what to wear!" I yell running my finger through my hair. "And yes Ashton she is very gorgeous stunning at the most."

I started running through my shirts looking for something nice to wear. Until I see what I want to wear.

"Yes okay guys I'm gonna go change and I'm out!"

I finished changing and I step out of the bathroom and all the boys are laughing.

"What?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"That's a little to dressy Luke." Calum said laughing.

"Yeah common on mate and the shoes don't even match!" Ashton laughed pointing at my feet.

"Whatever I like it an I think she will to." I roll my eyes and walk out the door.


I'm walking all over the skate park trying to find her but I just can't. I look at my watch and see 9:30. Shit, she probably thinks I stood her up.

I took off running around a corner seeing a girl with overall shorts, a floral crop so part of her sides show, her hair a beautiful waves, a flower crown, converse, and she was holding a longboard in her hand.

I start running all the way down to her panting. Oh gosh what if she thinks I smell or thinks I'm a weirdo?

I finally approach her and lightly tap her shoulder.


The girl who I am hopping to be Meretha turns around and I smile.

She is absolutely more beautiful in person. She must've gotten her braces taken off because now her teeth are straight and white as can be. She smiles and I swear my knees where about to cave in. Her smile is just... it just... wow... she is so stunning.

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