Chapter 14 - Betrayal

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[A/n: ah... I fell in love with 'let go'... I can't stop hearing it... Which song is your favourite in all BTS albums? ]

Even though others were trying but they got no result. You just Evanesced like you never existed in the first place. Till the end, you kept her words but Jungkook never tried to give anything you deserve so it's best for you to stay away from him.


As time passed nothing special was happening in your life. All you do was drown yourself in your work.

Your cold attitude towards everyone was same, you still couldn't take the risk to let your guard down and let anybody close to you.

Even though you cried for few nights in the starting, no matter how much you tried Jungkook somehow came in your mind tormenting you in your dreams making them nightmares and won't go until you cried yourself to sleep. You just wanted him to be Evanesced.

But after one or two months, you were no longer bothered or crying, maybe all the emotions finally left your body.

As for Tzuyu, it was still difficult to be around her. So to avoid her as much as you could, you would get your stomach filled in restaurants all alone surrounded by people enjoying their time with friends, families or lovers.

In the start, seeing people around you happy and full of life made you envy them but slowly with the time you accepted the fact that you choose this lonely life for yourself and you had no right to complain about it.

Coming back to Tzuyu, you both would only exchange a few words if it was related to work or necessary. One thing you notice was that she would get engaged in chatting immediately after you both would have any conversation but it was not the same with others.

You always let it slide thinking it was just a coincidence. But a part of you was always curious about those chats but you didn't push it further rather focused yourself on your work only.

Three months passed, and BTS were so busy with their schedules that Jungkook rarely got any time to spend it with IU. They couldn't see or even talk with each other for days.

He missed her and he knew she would miss him too so he decided to surprise her today. He was in a taxi on his way towards her studio.

At one red light, he saw a flower shop, asking the driver to wait. He bought a bouquet of all types of flowers for IU since he didn't know which one was her favourite.

Hoping for her to like the flowers he was walking in the hall towards her studio floor smiling like an idiot.

Getting out of the lift he came across the reception desk.

Jungkook : "hi!... Is noona in her studio?"

Receptionist: "yes... Let me inform her?!"

Jungkook: "oh... Please don't... I am here to surprise her... Please"

He gave the lady his puppy eyes to which she gave in and nodded in defeat while smiling and shaking her head at his childish act.

He happily skipped towards her studio room but my steps came to halt the moment he got hold of the doorknob after hearing his name being mention in an ongoing conversation.

Unintentionally he eavesdrops the conversation between IU and the stranger who was a male. As the quote says, curiosity got the best out of him.

?: "and what about Jungkook? "

IU: "what about him? "

?: "you know what I mean... You both are an official couple"

A smile came on his lips thinking about it but soon it vanished.

IU: "do you really think I love that kid..."

?: "what?... Then why are you with him"

IU: "I thought I like him... But no... He is not my type... He is immature and a headache... He keeps calling me... You have seen yourself... You are always with me... And you already know that I love you"

?: "if you love me then why are you still with him?"

IU: "because I don't know how to get rid of him?"

?: "so what are you planning to do with him? "

IU: "for now I am always avoiding him as much as I can... But I am finding the right time to break things with him... What else can I do?... And I hope that time comes soon because he is really a pain in the ass... "

The bouquet in his hand fell down and the feeling of betrayal was filled his heart. Tears were building up in his eyes but he didn't let them fall.

IU: "now I understood why that girl... What was her name... Eva... Why she broke up with him... Even though she was younger than him but still was sensible to realise how much annoying this guy can be... I mean which girl would tolerate all of his stupid questions and behaviour... No one trusts me "

He was really hurt at this point, a tear roll down on his cheek without his permission and he quickly wiped it not wanting any more tears to fall making him look like a pathetic guy.

He really thought and believed that IU like him but coming face to face with reality felt like his heart was stabbed millions of time and was left bleeding.

Taking a deep breath he opened the door when he heard no voice coming from inside,  only to come across IU and that stranger making out passionately. The moment IU saw him, she stopped and faced Jungkook.

IU : *shocked* "Jungkook-ah!!! What are you doing here? "

JK : *annoyed* "why?... Can't I come to meet my super busy girlfriend? "

IU : *nervous* "N-no... No... Of course, you can come... But you could have called me? "

JK: "why?... So you could finish your makeout session with this guy over here"

Jungkook glared the guy who was standing behind her. He was absolutely calm like he was prepared for this to happen.

IU: "No... You are misunderstanding... I -"

Now that man was pissed as well seeing her justifying, so he cuts her off.


IU: "shut up-"


Her eyes widened in shock whereas that guy looked satisfied and there Jungkook was standing in front of them with mixed emotions of hurt and anger at the same time.

IU: "Jungkook-ah! "

JK : *looking down* "why noona?... Just why?... Why did you prefer to betray me with this man than loving me back?... Where did I go wrong?... I tried my best to be there for you but I guess you never needed me."

IU: "do you really want to know why? " *crossing her arms over her chest*

To Be Continued...

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See you soon in the next chapter

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Till then bye bye 👋 👋

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