Chapter 35 - Together

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[A/n: play the song on loop] 

"Lucky my foot", you scoffed while Mark just left the room followed by others when Jungkook gestured them to leave you and Jungkook alone. "why are you so worked up about him?... I have never seen you enraged with anyone like this before... why did he do to you?", Jungkook asked curiously.

You froze in your position withJungkook holding you tightly from your waist. Your reaction caused Jungkook to furrow his eyebrows in suspicion and he loosened his grip on your waist before turning you around to face him. Suddenly your mouth felt dry and you gulped down your saliva fearing his reaction.


You know Jungkook is a jealous type of a person and when the moment he will come to know that Mark kissed you, he might pounce on him like a wild animal. Jungkook saw the hesitation in your eyes, so he cupped your face in his palms and looked directly in your eyes before saying, "Look... we just promised that we make our relationship work out and for that, we will have to trust each other and never hide anything from each other".

"umm... actually... the t-thing is that... that...", you kept shuttering and weren't able to complete. Jungkook smiled and encourage you, "that?". You took a deep breath while closing your eyes and said, "He kissed me in front of our staff without my consent".

You opened your eyes to see a shocked Jungkook. "what?! I will kill that bastard... how dare he even touch you?", Jungkook said as he left you and started moving towards the door but you acted fast and stood in front him blocking his way out of the room but he was too strong for you, so you ran to the door and locked it before pushing him back to keep him away from the door.

You kept pushing him back without seeing that he reached the edge of the bed. Jungkook fell on the bed but kept his arm on your waist and took you down with him. You laid on top him and both of you kept staring in each other's eyes until you broke it. "Sorry", Feeling awkward with the position, you tried to get up but Jungkoo stopped you by encircling both of his arms around your waist.

"Stay", he whispered in your ear and buried his face in your neck while hugging you. You were blushing furiously and to cover up you said, "Yah... you are a still under evaluation mister... don't forget that".

"please... just let me hug you... I have missed you so much... I missed hugging you... cuddling you... kissing you and most importantly I missed being happy with you... I love you", Jungkook said while tightening his arms around you while you hugged him back melting in his embrace.

You place your head on his chest and heard his heartbeat which was calming your mind... you unknowing smiled and snuggled into him more which made him smile as well. "Honestly, I missed you too... I missed you to the extent that I can't even explain... but I am curious about one thing... how did you guys know Tzuyu?", you asked while raising your head to meet his eyes.

"Tzuyu's elder brother works at Bighit... when she was in Korea... she used to visit us frequently...  just like you, we have a chat group with her and she is like a sister to us... when she was helping you pack... she found our old pictures and confronted us about them and that's how we found you", Jungkook explained you . You nodded and went back to cuddling with him.

With Jungkook beside you, time passed by in a blink of an eye. It's been six months since you and Jungkook reunited and stood by all the promises you both made to each other. Unfortunately, you had no option but to leave your company as you can't pay for the heavy loss that the contract mentioned. But as they say that everything happens for a reason, you got hired as MV director in Bighit as soon as Pd found about your return.

Now you and Jungkook work together for most of the time. He started taking care of you as he said. He was trying his best to understand you and know you better. This time you saw a different Jungkook, a caring and sweet one who was no more selfish and ignorant. You too found way back to your old self, Y/n who was cheerful warm and most importantly the girl whose smile could brighten up anyone's day.

This time the effort to make this relationship work was from both sides. Both of you were certain of your feeling and knew that were made for each other. The army knew about your identity for which each member of BTS had to get a piece of scolding from you. Some people supported your relationship but there were haters too.

Both of you decided to no longer care about what others think because you both knew that your love was stronger than their hatred. Until or unless you both were together, you knew you could overcome any obstacle unitedly

----- THE END----

Thank you so much to everyone who read my book. This where this book ends but now our journey together. I hope you all will stay with me for other stories as well. I will just edit this book fast and start with Hit it with BTS.

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