Chapter 18 - Without you

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[A/n: play the audio on loop]

Jungkook banged his head on his table repeatedly unable to write anything that could help him find you. Just a few things here and there. He felt completely lost.

"I don't know anything about her... How come I never asked her anything... I am so so so selfish... She knew the minutest detail about me maybe my underwear size as well and here I am... I don't even remember her real name... I feel like I am trying to find a stranger... I should have tried to put more efforts into our relationship... She was the only one who did everything for this relationship to work out and I messed it all up..."

"... Urgh... Jungkook you are the dumbest person alive on this earth... No wonder why I got 4 on my test cause it takes the brain to score... Does Jimin Hyung makes fun of me when he says that he likes my brain... I need to clarify this as well...", he mocked himself.

"... I should have put more efforts into our relationship... I am the worst boyfriend one could have... IU was right... All I know is her nickname... How can I forget my girlfriend's official name?... How pathetic can I be?...", he banged his head on the table hard.

"...two online army friends, few things about family and that it... I am so sorry Eva... I am sorry... I shouldn't have taken you for granted... I should have tried to know you... Understand you... Like you always did... Mianhae..."

His vision became glossy and nose became red, with tears rolling down his cheek followed by few sniffles.

"... Did I really lost you like everyone always said?...

How am I gonna find you now?...

I miss you...

Even if I wish I can't bring you back...

Will you become my past forever?...

Will you stay in my memories only?...

Just like a dried flower in a book...

I am lonely cause you're the only...

One that knows me...

and I can't be without you...

My heart always wanted you... I should have ignored it... Urgh... I messed up everything... It's all my fault... My immaturity ruined our relation...

I ruined us...

Please come back to me... I will never ever hurt you again... I never let you go... Please... Where are you, Eva?"

The room which was silent a few moments ago was now filled with the sobbing of Jungkook...

Till now he never realised what he and you shared was not something ordinary...

It was a special bond which tied both of you together...

He realised how much he needed you to be with him...

Without you

His life felt empty...

His breath felt empty...

A dense loneliness took over him...

He felt like he was walking on his path but all his destinations were lost somewhere...

His prayers went unheard...

His words went unsaid...

Without you he was nothing...

And he realised it when you were no longer with him.

On the other hand, it has been three months since you join the company, you kept yourself so busy with your work that you didn't even know what was happening in the outer world.

Your attitude and arrogance remained the same with others rather you no longer struggled to behave like that, you actually became cold and emotionless.

You actually moved on from the heartbreak. His absence no longer bothered you, you no longer cried. More appropriately you didn't even have time to think of anything else.

Your day starts with a script in your hand, all day shooting and reading scripts and ends with a script in your hand as you fall asleep while reading at you bed, sometimes in the living room, sometimes on your study table or wherever you work.

Even after being rude, arrogant and mean towards everyone, there was Mark who sticks around you thought you always shoo him away, snub him, insult him and what not... But he just won't give up on you.

This pisses you off the most because of him being around you all the time rumours were starting to heat up all around the office about something going on between you and him.

Just like always you were on your desk you were typing the screenplay of a script on your computer when Mark came and stood next to your chair while taking the support of your desk.

"hey beautiful", he said with a smirk plastered on his face making your insides churn in disgust and clinginess. You didn't tear your gaze from the computer screen and nonchalantly replied, "what do you want?... Say and leave"

"Lunch after two hours at my favourite dine", he said while studying every inch of your face which showed no emotions at all.

"go ahead... Do tell me how was the food... Bye", you said without sparing him a glance making him bite his inner cheek in frustration.

" I want to have lunch with you so you are coming with me Ms Y/n", he said while playing with the paperweight that was resting on your work desk.

"you can go but I am not coming anywhere with you... Do you get that Sir", you said looking directly in his eyes and emphasizing on the word 'sir'. 
Mark scoffed and then looked at you with a serious expression, " so till when are you planning to play hard to get... Its been three months already... Aren't you tired?"

At this point, you lost all your patience and burst in anger. You stood up making your chair fall and slammed your hand on your desk earning attention from everyone in the office.

"YESS MR. MARK!! its been three months already and you still can't get it that I am not interested in you... I clearly stated before joining that I am here to work not make a relationship and pass time... Because I really don't have time do these type of nonsense things... So please stop following around!!!... Stop flirting!!!... Stop bothering me!!!... You are just a boss to me nothing more... I don't have any space for you in my personal life... Just understand this as soon as possible... LEAVE. ME. ALONE!!! BACK. OFF. WHILE I AM BEING NICE!"

You turn to walk past him leaving the office but a strong grip on your forearm restricted your step.

Next thing you know was you being pulled by Mark, him wrapping his one arm wrapping around your waist and another hand on your neck making it unable for you to move as he attached his lips with yours.

He kissed you without your permission.

To be continued...

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