Chapter 17 - Memories

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[A/n: play the audio on loop]

But Jungkook maintained his composure and stood up confidently, "I am definitely going to bring her back... No matter what it takes!"

Jungkook went in his room leaving everyone in the living room and sat on his desk trying to remember as many things about you as much he can.


Jungkook and you were in a coffee shop nearby Bighit building, sitting opposite each other sharing a sweet date with each other.

You once in while used to visit Seoul for their major events and Jungkook would spend his maximum time with you knowing he won't be able to spend enough when you would go back.

"you know what Hobi Hyung did today... Trust me he is becoming weirder day by day under Tae Hyung's influence...", Jungkook kept talking non-stop, once in a while stopping to eat or drink his beverage.

While you sat in front of him resting your elbows on the table with your both hand interlocked creating support for you head to rest on it and kept looking at him with a smile on your face.

'Is she even listening to me?', he asked himself and to confirm his doubt he waved his hand in front of your face trying to snap you back to reality. But you kept smiling while admiring him.

"Yah... Are you even listening to me?", he asked as he crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair with a raised eyebrow. You only nodded as your reply not taking your eyes off him even for a second.

"So... Why are you not saying anything then?", he interrogated. "Because I want to hear your for the longest time without interrupting and... ", You leaned forward on the table, "...and I want to admire your cute eye rolls and expression when you talk".

You smiled and leaned back in your previous position. "But I am wearing a mask", he stated a fact and sat in the same position as you, his head on his interlocked hands and elbows on the table.

It was true Jungkook had to disguise himself with cap, mask and glasses but since they were in the corner he removed his glasses and you could see his cheekbone having a shade of pink because of what you said earlier but you knew he will try to act cocky to hide it.

"Oh really... Then tell me what is now", he was biting his lower lip in nervousness because he knew that you knew him more than himself but he didn't want back out.

"stop biting your lip or it will bleed paboya!", you stated nonchalantly making his eyes widened in shock to which you only chuckled.

You took a sip from your untouched beverage while Jungkook only looked at the girl in front of him with amusement.

"Do you know me this much that you don't need to actually see what I am doing?", the only sentence that left his mouth.

You looked at him weirdly before answering, "of course... I am your girlfriend... So I know everything about you", and smiled widely at him.


You and Jungkook were walking beside each other in a park when they came to your country for a concert.

Talking about anything that came in your mind you both kept strolling with your arms wrapped around Jungkook's waist from the side and his arm resting on your waist pulling you closer as if scared to lose you in any moment and another hand casually playing with your hair.

One of the things you both loved to do was spend time with others instead of going on fancy dates. The moment you laid your eyes on the ice cream shop across the street, you got out of his hug and held his arm pulling him towards an ice cream shop.

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