Chapter 27 - Ran Away

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  Jungkook held his hair and sat on the bed behind him. Jimin sat beside Jungkook not wanting to ignore his devastating state. "Kookie-ah... Get hold of yourself... You know if it was not Tzuyu... You wouldn't have been able to trace Eva down... Come to your senses", Jimin said softly. 

{Continued Flashback}

BTS had three concerts lined up for the next whole week which they couldn't miss at any cost... so after finishing all their concerts BTS left for the airport to board the plane to the USA without wasting any single moment. On stepping foot in USA, the first thing Namjoon did was to call Tzuyu.

(On Phone Call)

Namjoon: "Yah Tzuyu!!! where are you? we already here..."

Tzuyu: "oppa I am at the office right now... Y/n left a few minutes ago after collecting some documents... she said she was going to her favourite cafe '***' at '***' to spend some time.  She has taken her car white Mercedes with plate number '***'   "

Namjoon: " fine... we are going to that cafe but you also reach there as soon as possible...  we will need you to be there"  

(End of Call)

Namjoon hung up the call to tell others about your whereabouts and the plan to find you there. As everyone was about to walk out of the place, Jungkook interrupted them nervously voicing his doubts, "Hyung... will we be able to find her there?". Jin went to Jungkook and patted his shoulder to assure him and said, "don't worry Kookie-ah... we still have time... she won't be able to leave the USA... we won't let her do that... we will bring her back to us".

Jin smiled genuinely at Jungkook making him feel at ease but Yoongi interrupted their moment and said," let's not waste time anymore... I am hella tired right now... let me catch this bratty girl and then I will beat her to death for making me work and travel so much at the same time". Everyone chuckled at his grumpy behaviour and made their way out of the airport with a positive  attitude and hope to find you soon.

{End of Flashback}

Jungkook stood up from the bed and made his way towards the living room on to find everyone sitting around Tzuyu on the couch trying their best to comfort her and stop her from crying. Jungkook took a deep breath and made his way towards them and tap on Hoseok's shoulder who was kneeling in front of Tzuyu to give him some space which he gladly did. 

As Jungkook sat in front of Tzuyu he took her hands in his hands which were on her laps and said, "Tzuyu... oppa mianhae... please forgive me... you know how stressed I am right now... please understand me". Jungkook almost pleaded with his eyes making Tzuyu clarify, "I know oppa... I am not upset because you really... I am upset because Y/n moved out without telling... without saying goodbye... she just ran away just like that".

Tzuyu frowned at her own words. Jungkook kept his hand on her shoulder and assured her saying," don't worry... once we will catch her... you can scold her a lot for her new habit of running away..okay?". Tzuyu nodded and smiled a little while the rest chuckled and agreed with Jungkook at the same time.

That whole evening Tzuyu kept calling at your cell phone but you never picked up... hoping for you to pick up the call, one by one everyone started to drift asleep in the living room only because of being jet lagged except Jungkook. Later on, Tzuyu also fell asleep so not wanting to disturb her anymore Jungkook picked up her cell phone and started dialling your number himself. he called you whole night non-stop, constantly mumbling, "Eva please pick up your phone... I can't afford to lose you again... please for god's sake pick up".

[Next Day]

Jungkook looked at the clock it showed  3 AM making him panic," come on Eva... your flight is early morning ... where the hell are you right now?.. please pick up your phone... don't do this to me", he begged to himself.

Around 5 AM  you finally picked your phone which was flooded with calls from Tzuyu and instantly yelled," YAH!!! Have you gone crazy?.. 495 missed calls... what happened?.. spill out fast I am driving right now... I can't talk longer". Jungkook held tears in his eyes with a smile plastered on his face when he heard your voice which he has been dying to hear for months.

when you got no response you yelled again annoyed by the silence on the other line," YAH!!! Tzuyu!!! what do you want?.. tell me fast or I am hanging up now". Your voice brought Jungkook back to his senses and he immediately woke Tzuyu up who slept beside him to talk with you knowing you will hang the moment you will hear his voice," YAH... Tzuyu wakes up...", he whisper-yelled.

when got no response he slapped her shoulder making wake up groaning pain. Jungkook immediately put his free hand on her mouth to avoid any voice to reach you while you kept cursing on the phone call. Tzuyu whisper yelled when Jungkook signalled her to be quiet," oppa... what is it?.. who are you talking to?"

Jungkook showed her the screen with your name on it and gestured her to talk while he moved away to wake others up. As soon as Tzuyu held the phone she started yelling at you too, "YAH!!! Stop yelling... are you trying to make me deaf at this young age?.. how am I going to work and earn for myself then?.. even you left me too".

Meanwhile, Jungkook succeeded in waking others up without making any noise by telling them to keep quiet with his finger and then pointing at Tzuyu who was busy in talking with you more like yelling. Jungkook then sat beside Tzuyu and whispered in her another ear to put the call on speaker. As soon as the others heard your voice, they also started tearing up. Totally drowned in the emotions Taehyung unconsciously let your name, " Eva-"


To Be Continued 

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