Chapter 22 - Proposal

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[A/n: play the audio on loop]

🎈 Happy Birthday, Jungkook!
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May God bless you and you keep shinning like this only or maybe even more thankyou for inspiring me 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

Jungkook went on his knees and joined his hand together begging every listener to help him while his tears silently flowed.

Members came on their knees and hugged him while he cried on their shoulder.

Everyone felt his pain and saw

how desperate he was to have you back...

How broken he was without you...

How much he needed you...

How much he regretted his actions...

His Tears said it all that day.

After the concert was finished and everyone was ready to leave the venue, BTS manager entered the dressing room with two girls. BTS looked at questionably until they spoke first.

"Hello... We are very big fans of yours... Can we please have your autographs and click selfies with you?", the first girl exclaimed enthusiastically.

"you guys don't know... How happy we are to stand in front of you like this... It's like a dream come true ", the second girl added.

The manager went to BTS and whispered, "they are Eva's batchmates". The group immediately felt like there was a ray of hope to find you when they looked back at the two girls. They gave them autograph and clicked selfies/selcas with the two girls.

"so what do you know about Eva?... Do you know where she is right now?", Namjoon questioned them.

"Honestly we don't know much about her... It's been long enough to stay in contact or remember much about each other... All we remember is that Eva was her nickname... She loved being called as Eva more than her original name which why... no one knows what her real name was... ", girl one said while checking the selcas they took on their phone.

"even the teacher used to call her Eva or with her last name... She didn't attend our graduation ceremony as well which was after one month of your breakup... We heard that her father came to receive her certificates later on and she left the country... Even her parents shifted to the city but where no one knows", girl two informed them, the ray hope seemed to fade away as the girls informed them but they were still determined to find you espeacially Jungkook.

"and what about Lisa her best friend?... Are you in touch with her?... Can she tell us something about Eva?", Jungkook enquired impatiently.

"unfortunately... On one is in touch with Lisa as well... When Eva left... Lisa also shifted to the city and both of them never contacted us... We don't know if they contacted each other but Eva just disappeared like a ghost... Like she never existed in this world", girl two said while girl one was busy in fangirling over BTS.

"no one here can tell where she is", girl one finally spoke. "do you have any picture of her?", Taehyung asked them hoping for a positive reply but the fate was not in their favour.

"no possible to have it... She used to click pictures only with Lisa... She was an outcast because everyone was jealous of her for being close to your guts... so no one talked to her... As she didn't attend graduation ceremony as well so it's next to impossible... Only Lisa is the one who can help you but she is also not available so even god can't help in finding Eva", girl two stated as a matter of fact.

"she is right", girl one said and looked at Jungkook with sympathy.

Jungkook felt so dejected that he couldn't express it in words. They bid their goodbye to the girls and send them off with their manager.

Jungkook turned and kicked the table behind him frustration, "Eva... Jebal (please) ... Jebal comes to me... Please... I am dying without you... Don't do this to me... Why did you listen to me?... Where are you?... I didn't mean to say all those things... Please come back"

Jungkook fell on his knees and sobbed in his hands while the rest of the members looked at him in pity feeling useless.

There is a very popular saying, 'think before you speak... You never know when it may come true' and Jungkook understood this now.

He asked for you to be out of his life and when it happened he started regretting it.

Our words have the power to hurt someone to their core, so use them wisely if you don't want to regret like Jungkook in future.


It's been 8 months since you came to the USA. You were a completely new personality as compared to what BTS described to armies in their concert about physical appearance as well as behaviour.

So there was no chance for you to be recognised with that description.

After getting slapped by you, Mark also stopped disturbing you. Instead, he always maintained a proper distance with you. He would send instructions through Tzuyu.

As in for you, you moved on and you were happy about that. You no longer yearned for Jungkook nor cried for him. Though sometimes hurtful memories come back whenever you come across his face on the poster on roads or in the advertisement.

But you were now strong enough to push that pain aside and focus on your work which made you an independent professional woman who works very seriously within professional limits.

You heard that your company was going to start a very important project which was going to be done across the globe and fortunately enough, based on the work your company selected you to be a part of it.

But everyone thing comes with a cost and so does this opportunity. You were sitting in the CEO's office discussing the proposal.

"Y/n... I know this condition is too much but think over it again... It is similar to the promotion and I think you have no reason to deny this opportunity... Think about it thoroughly and tell me tomorrow about your decision... You may go now", Boss tried to convince you.

You stood up and bowed before leaving his cabin. You went to your desk and sat there thinking about the proposal.

You didn't even realise that you were sitting on the same chair staring into the blank computer screen for 5 hours.  Your office hours were already over and before leaving the building you made your way towards the CEO's cabin.

When you knocked the door he permitted you to enter and gestured you to sit on the chair across his table. "can I know what brings Ms Y/n to my office without a call?", your boss tried to joke which brought a slight smile on your face.

Though you were short in your conversations with him well you still respected him with all your heart."I came to tell you that I am accepting the proposal", you said and your boss smiled widely at your words.

He handed you the details and the contract, you took your time to go through them before signing them.

The contract clearly stated that
'you could not back out in future after signing, if you do so you will be given two options either pay for all the loss that the company was going to face because of you or leave the company in very instant'.

You were confident about yourself that you won't back out so you won't have to do any of them but still, this contract made you more determined to not quit.

To be continued...

What is the proposal any guess?

And I am sorry for not updating... I got occupied with my college and all but I will be planning to finish this book as soon as possible maybe I would post more often whenever I will get time even if its weekdays hope I won't disappoint you all this time.

Love you all who those stayed waiting for the whole month 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘.

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