Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Meghan POV

I opened my eyes and looked around me, I was a little confused at first but then I remembered that Becca had brought me to this room after I had a blackout. I also remembered that I had met a man who had called my name, seemed to know me, and most importantly claimed to be my husband, his name was Tristan. What was strange was that though I did not remember him, I knew that he was telling the truth, there was something so familiar, safe and homely about him, and if I heard correctly he also claimed that the little girl Zoe is my daughter; oh why can't I remember any of this.

I sat up on the bed and as I was trying to climb down Peter walked in but he was not wearing his white coat.

'Meghan, you are awake? How do you feel? You got me a bit worried' he said looking concerned as he took my hand.
'I am fine' I said and pulled my hand away. 'Where is that man, Tristan, that we saw earlier' I asked him

He looked straight at me and frowned a little. He sighed then held his head with both his hands and started messaging himself as he moved his head from side to side, 'Well I don't know to be honest. He seemed a bit crazy if you ask me, I mean all that hogwash he was saying was preposterous if you ask me, the police are dealing with him so don't worry and if I were you I would not take anything he said serious, he is a looney and belongs in the looney house ok' he said as he stroked my hand
'You on the other hand should stop thinking too much. Doctor D said that you need to rest and relax a little, otherwise you will work yourself into a coronary ok' he said sternly.
'I am calling an Uber for you and I need you to go home and rest, and you will do so for the next 4 days until I am satisfied that you are 100% fine, is that clear?' he said
'I am fine, I don't need...'
'It's not negotiable, I won't have you jeopardizing your health, so I booked you off for 4 days straight ok' he said.
'Get ready the car is 5 minutes away'
'Okay let me get my stuff from the changing room,' I said

'No, I already asked Becca to put your stuff in my car, I will see you at home later, now get ready and let me take you to the waiting area, I will be waiting for you outside the room, please hurry' he said.


'Peter is everything okay?' I asked as he walked me to the car.

'Yes, of course everything is just fine, I am just worried about you so I will be okay when I know that you are resting' he said

I nodded and got in the car, but as I did I felt a little uneasy when I saw whisper something to the driver.
'I will see you later ok' he said
'ok' I said and fake smiled as the car drove off. I looked up and sighed then looked out the window and was a bit confused when I realised that the road he was taking was completely opposite to the one we usually take to go home.
'Excuse me, this is not the road go going home, where are we going? Where are you taking me?' I said feeling a bit panicked.
He didn't respond he just kept driving as if he had not heard my question. There was something unsettling about the driver, he seemed cold. Something was definitely not right
'Please tell me what's going on. Where are you taking me? Does Peter know? Please' I pleaded, and tears started falling down my face.
The driver looked at me through the mirror then replied 'Sorry madam, I am only following instructions okay. If you need answers call Peter'
'...Peter please tell me what's going on? Where is this man taking me? What's really going on? I said

'Meghan just calm down ok. You are safe, I am taking you to a place of safety so that that psycho will not find you. You will be safe there I promise' he said calmly
'what place of safety? Am I in danger? Which psycho? Tristan?' I said
'Shut up and calm down' Peter yelled

'Please Peter, just tell me what's going on, I am scared' I cried

'You will understand one day' he said and hung up.
'Pet.., hello Peter, hello' I shouted. I then tried opening the door of the car, but it was locked at that moment the car came to a quick halt, the driver went out and started talking on his phone, but I did not hear anything. He opened my door and before I could do anything he put a handkerchief on my nose and that is the last thing I remember.


Tristan POV

'Okay, I promise I will get you anything you want from McDonalds when you come out but now you need to eat and take your medicine' I said to Zoe
'The medicine tastes ugly' she retorted weakly
'I know princess, but it will make you get better okay' I said

'Okay daddy,' she said and put her small baby hands on my face, and I hugged her, but I had to be very careful because she was still in pain.

I pulled away and she smiled weakly. I then stood up and walked out if the room

Today must be the greatest and saddest day I have ever experienced. First Zoe woke up from her coma and then I saw Zoe, I knew she was still alive, something inside me kept telling me not to give up, but what's strange is she did not seem to know who I was and that really broke my heart. What was she doing in Zoe's room if she did not know me or Zoe anyway? There is something wrong with the whole picture, that doctor did not even give me a chance, he was so quick to threaten to call the guards to kick me out. I need to get the bottom of this, but first I need to find Meghan.

I walked down the hall and as I got close to the reception I saw the nurse that was with the doctor that helped Meghan. I walked up to her and she got a fright, but I pulled her to the side.

'I saw you earlier on and you helped Meghan, and I just wanted to ask if you could tell me where you took her. I really need to talk to her, please' I begged her

'Sorry sir, Dr Peter gave strict instructions not to talk to you or tell you anything. I am sorry I have to go see a patient' she said as she picked up some medicine and was about to walk away. I quickly stopped her

'Please, Meghan is my wife, she went missing four years ago after a plane crash. I have been searching for her all along, please, I will pay you any amount you want,' I said

Her eyes widen when I said that 'any amount' she repeated

'yes any amount, but first you need to tell me where I can find Meghan and why she doesn't know me or even remember me'

'Err okay fine. Can you meet me in parking bay 3 in 10 minutes, I need to cover my bases' she said?
'Ok I will wait' I said.
Twenty minutes later, nurse Becca came to the parking lot where I was waiting for her nervously pacing up and down.
'Sorry I am late' she said
'I thought you had changed your mind' I said looking at her.
'I almost did, before I tell you anything I need at least something for good measure'
'Well how much' I said impatiently
'You are the one who needs the information, you decide how much the information is worth to you' she said
'Ok fine, do you have the geopayments bank App on your phone' I said looking at her
'Err, I don't know, I...'
'Ok just give me your banking details' I said impatiently as I called my PA
...Please can you transfer twenty-five thousand dollars to the account number I am about to send to you, do it immediately' I said
Becca opened her eyes wide in utter shock. I guess she did not realise just how desperate I was. She got a message on her phone a few minutes later and opened her eyes even more.
'Wow, you are serious, aren't you?' she said
'I have kept my end of the deal now please tell me everything that you know' I said impatiently.
'Meghan was in a coma for over four months. She was going to be a Jane Doe if it was not for the medical alert band she had on her wrist. When she woke up, she was totally confused and had absolutely no recollection of who she was and who she might have been before that day. Peter somehow took a liking to her and has been taking care of her since that day. He moved in with her and apparently, she wanted to become a nurse and help other people after her encounter. She studied towards that and with the help of Peter she has been working at this hospital since. The only thing is that she still does not remember anything from her past, and if you ask me honestly, I think Peter is trying to make sure it stays that way. He is kind of obsessed with her' she said
'Who Peter?' I said

'Do you know where she is now?' I asked
'Well Peter has booked her off for 4 days and had her taken home'
'I won't lie, I have no idea where exactly he stays but he has a Condo somewhere by the beachfront' she said a little nervous as some nurses were standing not far from where we were taking a smoke.
'Thank you so much for this. I will take it up from here and I will have my PA wire the rest of the money to you tomorrow' I said
'That won't be necessary, you have already paid me more that I even anticipated, I don't need more' she said.
'No, you have given me more answers than I have managed to find in the past four years and for that I am grateful, and the payment is just a token of my appreciation' I said, then we parted ways and I started
making calls. I had to find Meghan.

Comment down below who your favorite character is.
My favorite is Becca, but you won't see , much of her😔

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