chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Meghan POV

I slowly opened my eyes and the first thing I saw were trees. I sat up and realised that I was still in the car but then Peter was also sitting in the front seat with the driver. My head was pounding and it got worse the more I tried remembering what had happened and why I was in the car to begin with.
'Peter' I said
He looked back at me then at the driver
'I thought you had done what I told you to do' he said sounding a bit irritated
'I did boss' the driver said looking back at me
'Well if you did how come she has woken up, that stuff is supposed to keep her out for over 5 hours' he shouted
'Sorry boss, bot sure whats going on, but I did exactly what you said I should'
'Peter' I said again
'Whats going on? Where are you taking me?' I said
Peter just looked straight ahead and pretended like he could not hear me
'Let me out' I said as I tried opening the door but it wouldn't open.

"Don't even think about it sweet heart" Peter said coldly

"Peter why are you doing this" I cried out

"Doing what? Trying to protect you from that Tristan who is claiming to be your husband? Trust me sweetheart he will never find you where I am taking you" he said

"What? Why? Is he really my husband? Please let me talk to him, he maybe the missing piece of my life before. I promise I won't do anything silly, I just want to talk to him please Peter" I begged

"Do you think I am stupid? I won't allow that Tristan anywhere near you, if he was truly your husband why did he not look for you ha? I don't even know why you keep trying to dig into the past instead of concentrating on your future with me' he said his eyes icey

"Please Peter don't do this" I begged

The car turned into a dusty road
'We are nearly there sweetheart just hold on' he said.
I sat back holding my pounding head, trying to understand what was going on and wht Peter seemed to have taken on a different persona to the one I knew. Just then we turned into a gate and the car stopped in front of an old brown cabin next to a big lake.
When the car stopped Peter came out, opened my door then grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car.
'Stop it' I said as I tried to free my hand from his tight grip
'Meghan!' he screamed droplets of his saliva landing on my face
'Relax ok! I am not going to hurt you but trust me if you try anything I will..' he stopped mid sentence as my phone started ringing
'Damn it' he said switching  it off
'Who did you call? Did you tell anyone about this?' he said his face right in mine
I nodded, completely shocked and terrified of the person Peter had turned out to be.
'Get me the rope' he commanded and the driver opened the trunk of the car
'You know I wasn't going to do this to you  but now I don't have a choice' he said as he tied my hands with the rope.
'Peter please, don't do this, what have I done?' I pleaded. I was now getting scared.

"Hurry you" he said to the driver who was unlocking the door to the cabin
He dragged me into the cabin and made me sit on a small couch.
'Hey, you have of get out of here before dark. You got the stuff I asked for right? I will call you tommorow' he said to the driver who nodded then grabbed the car keys and left

'Now its just you and me, sweetheart, just you and me' Peter said stroking my hair.


"I need you and your men to searh EVERYWHERE you hear me EVERYWHERE. Deploy some more men if you have to, but I need every corner of this city to be turned upside down, serach anywhere and everyplace' I said to my body guard

"Yes sir anything else" he asked

"Yes get someone to do a background check on that that Doctors" I said
My phone started ringing, it was my mother

"Hello" I said

'Hello son I heard about everything what can me and your father do to help" she said

"Right now I wont lie, I cant even think straight. Can you check up on Zoe for me? I need to find Meghan, she just seems to have disappeared and I think I know who is responsible' I replied
'Hae you called the police? You know your father..'
'Mum, no police ok, I don't want anything to happen to her' I said
'Ok, if you say so, but be careful ok, I love you' she said
'Love you too mum and please kiss Zoe goodnight for me, tell her I will see her tommorow'  I said and hung up

I sat down holdin my head as I was trying to take in everything that had happened that day and in the last few days since Zoe's accident.

The door opened and the body guard rushed in in

"Sir we have found some information on the possible whereabouts of your wife. There is a cabin down south it is 8 hours away we will need to take the Helicopter if we want to get there quick" he said

"Well lets get to it" I said standing up. I was tired, I had not eaten much that day but the news of a possible lead was enough to boost my energy. My heart was beating out of both excitement and nervousness. I did not kow wat to expect, all I knew was that I had to find Meghan. I had lost her once, I was not going to lose her again EVER.
To be continued..........

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