Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Tristan POV

My heart dropped when she said that she was pregnant, and that I was the father. How could that be possible? She was on the pill wasnt she, or she said she was?
"I am 6 weeks pregnant Tristan so you better get ready to be a daddy for a second time and dont even thin about asking me who the father is cause its all you" she said angrily 
I looked at Meghan and she looked taken aback by the news though she tried to keep her cool. Everything had been going great now this?
'I want a DNA test done though, just to be sure' I said
'What? Are you insane? Do you know how dangerous that is?
Meghan walked away as I was arguing with Susan and now I kinda feel that my chances of getting us back on track have been derailed. I knew I should have called it off sooner, now I wasn't sure how I was going to fix it.
"Meghan wait" I said running after her.  She didn't turn around she just kept on walking
"leave her, Tristan she is not even worth it. I mean look at her she has is so short and fat"Susan said frowning.
"She is all the woman I ever wanted and more of a woman than you will ever be so just stay out of this" I said and slammed the door in front f her face
I ran after Meghan to her room but when I tried opening the door it was locked "Please open up Meghan and let me explain " I begged

Later that night as I was sleeping in my bed, I felt bad about what had just happened and as much as having another child was what I had always wanted, I hated that it was with Susan that I was toonhave that child. I hated how my chances with Meghan were now ruined.
I needed to get some air and be away from everything so I called my best friend Alessandro to meet me up at his house, so we could catch up and for him to also give me advise.
"That was fast" he said when he opened the door
"hey bro" I said
"come let's go to the living room so we can talk properly, I hope everything is going great for you now that Meghan is back in the picture" he said 
I have known Alessandro ever since I was a child, our mothers were very close friends. Alessandro owned one of the biggest Tech companies in the country and he was still single.
"So how is Meghan holding up, I am sure you guys have a lot of catching up to do' he said with and sly smile
'No man its not even like that at least for now, or at least that was the plan. You have no idea what just happened' I said
'What do you mean?'
'Well Susan is pregnant' I said 
"What? You are kidding me right?'
Yeah talk about good timing, I mean just when I thought I was going to get my life back and be happy again with Meghan and Zoe, Susan burst the bubble and now I am not sure what Meghan is thinking and whether she will even consider working through this with me. She just walked away when me and Susan were arguing and she refused to talk to me afterwards' I said and gulped down all the whisky Alex had just poured for me
'That's not good, but I think you need to let Meghan relax a little and then in the morning you can talk to her about it. Meghan is very understanding, I am sure she cant begrudge you for moving on with Susan these past four years. And as for Susan, well that one is a piec of work, I told you that before and not wanting to add salt to your wound, I think she got pregnant deliberately' he said
'You think so?' I said looking at him
'I wouldn't put it past her' I said
We spent the rest of the night talking about Meghan and Zoe and how they are now inseparable.
When I got home, I was a bit drunk, so I decided to go get some water from the kitchen but decided not to switch on the lights. Just as I  was walking out of the kitchen I saw Meghan with a base ball bat in her hands just as she was about to swing at me.
'Whoa Meghan its me, Tristan' I said switching the lights on.
"Oh, I am so sorry Tristan I thought you were a theif with the hoody you are wearing" she told me and held her heart
"I went out to see my friend Alex who stays just down the road' I told her
"At this time of the night?" she asked as she walked to hhe fried and poured herself a glass of milk.
'Yeah, I mean he is still not married or anything so I drop in once in a while when I need to clear my head' I said
"Oh' she said
'Anyway, I am glad its you ad not some thief I was so scared' she said
'I am going to bed now so see you in the morning' she said as she walked away
'Meghan' I said
'About earlier this evening..'
'I don't want to hear about it, its really non of my business she said then looked down but I could se the disappointment in her eyes.
I walked to her then held both her hand in mine.
'I want you to kow that I never stopped loving you' I said
'Tristan please she said
'No hear me out' I said
'You are, have been and will always be the woman that hold al of my heart and I will do anything to prove this to you if you give me the chance.'  She looked down, I touched her chin and brought her head up and looked straight into her eyes.
'I love you' I said again and pulled her closer to me until our lips touched.

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