Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
Meghan Pov
5 months later

"wake up" I shook Tristan
He groaned a little and opened his eyes a little "what is wrong" he said and got up
"My feet are swollen"
He sighed and carefully removed the blankets and started rubbing my feet
I winced when he started "aaahhhh be careful babe"
"oh, sorry baby, should I put on some cream" he asked
"yes please" I said
He nodded and walked to the bathroom and got the cream
When he came back he sat on the bed and started messaging my feet, this was now becoming an everyday thing. I was very close to my due date and I doing everyday normal things was becoming very hard especially sleeping. I had to sleep on my sides most of the time and that put a lot of pressure on my hips. It was difficult for me to walk up the stairs and my feet would get so swollen that I usually woke up in the middle of the night and would ask Tristan to rub my feet. I would have done it myself, but I am not able to reach my feet besides the nights my pregnancy has been going very smoothly, I had to eat a lot of food and had to take some supplements.
When Tristan was done rubbing my feet he sat up with me and I just looked at my belly.
"I feel like an elephant" I said and rubbed my belly, it felt like with every passing day my belly was growing bigger and bigger. I also had a bad feeling about when I was going to give birth I felt like something bad was going to happen. When I old Tristan about my feeling he thought I was over thinking things, but the feeling never left my system.
"don't worry baby, you will soon give birth and all the pain you are feeling will soon be over with and we will have baby Tristan in our hands in no time" he said kissed my belly and then my lips
Yes, we are having a boy. When we found out that we were having a boy that same day Tristan started buying things for boys. He even made his crib that same day, he was so excited to be having a boy. We both decided to name the child Tristan, I honestly wanted to name my baby boy Champion, but I know I would not having my way, but we decided it is going to be his middle name.
Tristan then put his head on my belly and the baby kicked at the exact same place were Tristan put his head. We both looked at each other and smiled.
"he is going to be my best friend" he said and kissed my belly again
I simply smiled
"I am going" I shouted from the closet
"where are you going" Tristan said from be hide me as I was putting on my shoes
I jumped a little and narrowed my eyes "I told you I am going baby shopping and for Zoe"
"again" he said
"yes again, Zoe is getting bigger and bigger and we need to buy her more clothes to wear and I want my baby boy to have a closet full of clothes"
"okay but you are not going out with those shoes" he pointed to my wedges that I was wearing, he hated when I wore high shoes because, he was afraid that I would fall in them.
"what is wrong with them" I asked
"come on Meghan, you might fall in them" he shouted
I groaned and removed the shoes and put on flats. He smiled "good girl" he taped my head. This man can be a serious control freak at times. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"who are you going with any way" he asked
I just ignored him and walked out of the dressing room, I quickly grabbed the Land rover keys and tried to walk away as quickly as I could. But Tristan caught up with me before I could exit the bedroom.
"I asked you question Meghan" he said sternly, I ignored him again and when I tried walking passed him, he blocked the way
"stop acting so damn childish Meghan and just tell me who you are going with" he said
"I am going by myself" I told him
"was that so hard" he said and folded his arms "but anyway if you are going you are not going alone, I will tell john to go with you" he said
"Tristan I am not 4 years old I am grown, and I can go by myself"
"please it is just for safety" he said
"whatever, you are the boss anyway"
"what is that supposed to mean"
"can I please go before the shop gets crowded and I don't find what I went there for"
"okay but please be safe" he said stepped out of the way
"madam I will be back soon, I really need to use the bathroom" John told me while we were still in one of the baby stores
"okay no problem John, but can you give me the keys, so I can wait for you in the car" I asked him, and he gave me the keys.
When I was done paying and as I pushed the trolley I felt like someone was watching me, I kept looking around while was at the car park, but I saw no one.
I opened the boot of the car and as I was trying to put the things in the back of the car a young man probably in his 20s ran up to me and helped me pack the things.
When we were done I offered to give him 100 dollars "no madam, no need to give me money" he said
"okay how can I repay you" before I knew it I felt someone put a cloth around my nose

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