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they thought everything was perfect.

everything about their relationship and their lives were perfect. they were even the perfect couple.

they were happy, knowing they would be in each other's embrace and presence for probably the rest of their lives.

minghao's sister happened to be their biggest supporter. she was the happiest for minghao for he had found the person who loved him for who he was, and not just for his pretty face. though she was still in the hospital, recovering, she constantly sent them her full support.


     minghao was still sound asleep in his room. nobody was at home since his sister was still at the hospital. minghao had been sleeping since 7 am that morning. the last thing he saw was his alarm clock beeping before he passed out again.

     jun had just finished listening to two lectures at the college the couple attended. he bid goodbye to his group of friends while walking out of school, checking his watch at the same time. 3 pm.

     jun stopped at a nearby fruit shop to grab some oranges and bananas for the younger who was at home.

     soon enough, he made his way to minghao's house, excited to see his boyfriend who hadn't attended college for the last two days. he surely missed him alot.

     jun had the pair of keys minghao handed him and welcomed himself into the house when he arrived. he excitedly ran to minghao's room with the most biggest grin. he knocked on his door softly, careful not to be too loud in case the younger was asleep.

     he opened the door slowly, peaking into the room. his eyes soon laid upon his boyfriend who was sleeping peacefully on his bed with the covers on him.

     jun smiled fondly. the feeling of serenity washed over him as he gazed on lovingly at minghao. he didn't want to wake the latter up but he wanted to hear his voice very much.

     jun set the bag of fruits aside and quietly laid beside minghao, wrapping his arms around his waist area and rested his head on the other half of the head pillow.

     he played with the younger's hair gently, twirling some strands of his blonde hair around his fingers and constantly repeating the process as he continued to look at the younger fondly.

     minghao's nose suddenly twitched cutely. that made jun stop his actions and cup the younger's cheek ,"baobei...".

     minghao's eyes fluttered open. he instantly smiled at the sight infront of him. he muttered a soft 'hello' before he closed his eyes again.

     jun chuckled and minghao buried his head into his neck, probably drifting off to sleep again. "are you still tired?", jun asked softly, earning a subtle shake of the younger's head. jun stroked minghao's hair, smiling.

    minghao then finally looked up at the older after a few minutes of just staying in each other's embrace. "you're going to get sick too if you're this close to me, junnie", minghao mumbled tiredly

    "that's fine with me", jun caressed his cheek. minghao let out a soft, weak chuckle. minghao then slowly sat up, tearing himself from jun's hold.

     jun got up too, remembering about the fruits he had bought for the younger. he got off the bed and walked over to the plastic bag beside the door, carrying it to the bed and settling himself infront of the younger.

    "i bought some oranges and bananas for you", jun said and widened the opening of the plastic bag, showing minghao the fruits in it.

     "thank you, love", minghao leaned in and planted a soft peck on the older's cheek. jun began unpeeling the oranges, feeding some of them to minghao and some for himself.

     they spent the rest of the day just staying in minghao's room as jun told minghao about his day, what he had missed in college and how he missed the younger so much.

    minghao almost forgot that he hadn't worn his make up but it didn't matter whenever jun was around. jun always made him feel so secure, so safe, so protected. he didn't need make up when he had wen junhui instead.

     jun did not love minghao and earn his trust just for the sake of it. jun learned to properly give someone his full attention and affection, and that someone happily happened to be xu minghao. someone who he thought he'd never even be an acquaintance to.

     and look how far they've come now. they're studying and being successful in whatever they were majoring in together. they didn't keep secrets from each other, they didn't argue unnecessarily. they had a perfect life.

but was there really such a thing as perfect?

a/n : bloop

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