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the chinese latter frowned. he looked around. the surrounding area looked familiar yet so foreign.

"baobei... ", jun suddenly popped his head out of the kitchen, smiling warmly.

minghao's eyes widened. he was confused yet he was feeling some sort of happiness when he saw the face of his lover.

"oh- junhui... ", minghao suddenly found himself running to the kitchen. he only wanted to be embraced in his lover's arms after what felt like an eternity.

when he reached the kitchen, jun had his back facing him. minghao noticed that he had an apron on. a smile soon graced his lips.

"i'm preparing your favourite rice cakes, baobei", jun said proudly when he saw minghao entering the kitchen.

without hesitation, minghao hurried over and wrapped his arms around the older's waist, hugging him tightly.

"jun... i miss you... ", his cheek was squished against jun's back as he rested his head there, letting out a shaky breath.

jun soon turned around, not escaping from the younger's grasp as he, in turn, wrapped one arm around minghao's slim waist. he caressed minghao's cheek with his other hand as he sank into the older's touch.

"i never left your side, minghao".

minghao suddenly fluttered his eyes open. the sun's ray was piercing into the room when he looked up.

when he looked around, he soon realised what he had just experienced. he was never back home, nor did he ever get to embrace his lover for one last time.

it was all just a dream.

he let out a heavy sigh. he looked down at their still clutched hands and noticed that jun's sleeve was slightly wet from his tears.

he lightly graced his fingers over the spot, sighing again. oh how he missed his boyfriend's embrace, his touch and his love.

minghao glanced at the clock, noticing it was quite early in the morning.

he decided that he went home to wash up and get some breakfast to eat at the hospital.

he didn't want to leave jun's side, even if he was going to miss weeks of classes and lectures. jun was his priority now.

minghao took the container out of the plastic bag and set it down at the nearby side table.

he had bought some freshly made korean pancakes, jun's favourite dish at any time of the day.

"jun... ", minghao breathed out as he looked up at the older. "i got your favourite food ", minghao managed a small smile, then looked down at the food in front of him.

"i never really... tried them before", minghao confessed with a slight chuckle. "but i trust you that they taste good", he hummed.

as minghao popped a piece of the pancake into his mouth, a tear slipped down his cheek.

he stopped chewing and dropped the fork, running his hand through his hair.

he really couldn't stop replaying the fateful event which had happened in his mind over and over again.

it was like life wanted him to feel bad about himself, his mistake, his whole existence.

minghao closed the container and stuffed it back into the plastic bag, shoving it away from him. he hastily wiped his tear away as he stood up and made his way towards the room door.

as minghao was about to turn the door knob, the door opened instead, revealing a tall man standing before him.

"minghao", he breathed out. minghao managed at small smile at his friend. "how are you? ".

"i'm fine, mingyu. i'm just going to get some fresh air", minghao assured him, earning a nod from the taller after what felt like a minute of uncertain silence.

"hey", mingyu called out before minghao left the room. "it's not your fault that any of this happened, alright?".

minghao glanced down, calming his river of tears ,"yeah".

mingyu gave the chinese a light squeeze on his shoulder before he entered the room, leaving minghao outside.

minghao let out a very deep breath, as if it he had been bottling up all the despair, the pain, the melancholy he was feeling deep down inside.

he settled himself on one of the waiting chairs outside of the ward, running a hand through his hair.

minghao leaned his head behind, against the wall. he had hoped to clear his thoughts outside.

'it's not your fault any of this happened'

minghao hated what mingyu had said. no matter how many times he tried to believe it, he knew there was no way he could.

the river of tears he had been holding streamed down his cheeks upon the saddening thought.

of course this all my fault.


T R U S T | (sequel) junhao ✔Where stories live. Discover now