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"what are you even talking about? of course he does!".

"how would you know?".

"everything he does, every one of his actions towards you screams the words 'i love you so much, wen junhui', now stop jumping to conclusions".

"he's not even around me often, what 'actions' are you even mentioning about?".

"junhui. he loves you. he still does. sure he doesn't come to school anymore but that doesn't define his love for you either. right now, he's losing someone so dear to him and it's his sister we're talking about. so please give him some time, junhui."

it had been over two weeks ever since minghao last step foot in the hospital. on that fateful day he found himself in the same place; same walls, same smell, same aura, just a different day.

"...i'm sorry", minghao muttered quietly. his sister wasn't awake when he came into the room. minghao noticed that more medical appliances had been attached to her when he first entered. he didn't like it one bit.

minghao held her hand tightly, not wanting to let go anytime soon. "i'm sorry for not being a good younger brother. i'm sorry i couldn't take care of you properly. i'm sorry for being such a burden to you", minghao said, tears eventually overwhelming him.

he laid his head on her arm as tears streamed down endlessly. only the sounds of his sobs and sniffles and beeps from the heartbeat monitor filled the quiet room. he hated the silence radiating from it. it wasn't comforting but it was instead, silence which was slowly killing him.

suddenly memories started filling his mind. the memories which were simply stored at the back of his head were overwhelming him. the memories of which he shared with his sister, their jokes, their laughs, their snowball fights. and here he was, crying so uncontrollably while his sister laid on her death bed.

minghao wanted to just disappear from that point of time. he never wanted any of this to happen. how is he going to live his life after losing his one and only family left? what will he do? what can he do?

minghao soon regained himself, looking up. he lingered on the sight of his sister for one last time, his eyes brimming. "i'm sorry for being like this. thank you... for everything", minghao said, sobbing in between his words. "i love you so much".

suddenly, the heartbeat monitor stopped beeping and instead, it let out a continuos digital sound. minghao turned towards the machine as more tears stained his already wet cheeks. he looked back down at his sister as one last tear drop trickled down from her eye.

that's it. she's gone.

"doctor!", minghao stumbled out of the room. almost immediately, a doctor and some nurses soon came running into the room, accidently bumping into him and almost causing him to fall to the ground.

minghao dropped himself onto the nearby seat as his tears fully overwhelmed him. his heart was beating rapidly, the melancholy and pain just simply taking over his body. he felt his limbs go numb, his lips getting dry and sweat dripping down his temples.

his vision turned unusually blurry. his hands were wet and slightly wrinkled. his head throbbed violently and suddenly, he felt himself falling.

"minghao!", a familiar voice ringed through his head as the person managed to catch him on time. he mustered enough to look up at the latter's face before his whole world blacked out.

a/n : another short chapter cos i'm in a rush huhu sorry :""

alth0 my exams are finally over!! so i'll be updating often now yAy :))))

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