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minghao at the corner of his bed as he let the overwhelming tears stream down his cheeks.

it had been weeks, almost months, ever since her death. and from that day on, he saw his whole life crumble into pieces right in front of his eyes.

he spent those day grieving endlessly. he didn't even spare a thought about feeding himself. what was he supposed to do anymore? now that his one and only blood left is nowhere near his presence. he always knew that her lab work had a bad feeling to it.

he shut everyone out. and he let despair overtake his body, his whole life. he didn't care. he didn't have an ounce of energy left to care. what was his purpose in life? he didn't know.

he didn't attend school. he didn't even get up to have breakfast anymore. he was devastated.

everyone who came to check on him never managed to examine the chinese latter properly, for he only locked himself in his room for countless days, not allowing anyone to even spare a glance at him.

he felt so empty, so worthless, so drained.
why in the world had this happened to me? minghao questioned and questioned. throughout those weeks, he seemed to have never found the answer he sought for, so he cried and balled his eyes out, hoping it would help him feel less devastated.

but that didn't work for him either. he never felt a tiny bit better. how could he feel any better? when he knew already that his sister was never going to come back home? it broke and shattered his heart yet he can't stop thinking about it.

every notification bell which sounded from his phone, every phone call ringtone he heard, he ignored. he did not want to even pay any sort of attention to his phone.

it felt as if the whole world was against him. his life seemed to be all rainbows and blissful nights before but now just tears and despair roamed his whole surrounding.

his glassy eyes lingered around the room. he wasn't searching for anything, the melancholy simply caused his body to lose its function. he couldn't do anything to help it.

his gaze suddenly fixed itself onto his phone screen. the phone was laying there purposeless on the vacant space beside him on the bed. though the attention he was giving to it wasn't 100%, he noticed that it was turning on and off repeatedly.

what the hell? the inner corners of his eyebrows tipped into a frown.


jun glanced up at no one in particular for not more than a second before locking his gaze back onto his phone screen ,"yes?".

"what's happening on your phone that's making you look so stressed?", soonyoung asked after their chemistry lecture ended. the students were waiting for the next period and soonyoung couldn't help but notice the chinese latter who was so immersed in his phone.

"uh... nothing", jun glanced up again, managing a small smile. sooyoung obviously wasn't convinced by his response.

"hmm... sure", soonyoung sighed. it'd be hard to dig for an answer from someone like junhui in these kind of situations.

jun hadn't had one text back from minghao and he was so worried, so bothered by it. he doesn't even want to take the initiative to text me back anymore?

he scrolled up and down their text message application. sometimes, reading their old conversations and calculating how long had it been ever since they last texted each other.

26th March ; monday
4:57 pm

hao<3 :
> jUnhUi

yEs?¿ <

hao<3 :
> can you get for me that
new flavored tteokbokki at the market !!1!

hmM <
and what do i get in return <

hao<3 :
> pLeasE
> mY unconditional love AnD affection
> pleasE !!1!1!

but i already have thAt :"))) <
okay i'll get it for you
because i'm a good boyfriend,, :) <

hao<3 :
> thank youu ahH ♥♥
> aLso i'm on the way back
from the hospital!!

g00d <
come back safely <333 <

hao<3 :
> i will ♡

jun smiled softly at their latest text conversation. he missed how much minghao used to love rice cakes. he missed everything.

"soonyoung... ", jun called out for his friend. soonyoung's expression lit up a little ,"yeah?".

"should i go visit minghao today?", jun reluctantly asked, truly unsure of his decision. it wasn't wrong for him to check on the younger, right? it shouldn't hurt. besides, he missed minghao way too much for his own well being.

"of course!", sooyoung agreed almost instantly ," it'd be nice for him to have you over after a really long time", he nodded repeatedly.

jun pursed his lips into a thin line.


T R U S T | (sequel) junhao ✔Where stories live. Discover now