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     the chinese latter peeked into the house. everything seemed to be in place as if the house was untouched for a long period of time.

     he welcomed himself into the house and breathed in a whiff of air, having not been in minghao's house for the past number of weeks.

      he was already there but still, he was hesitant of walking into the younger's room and actually checking on him.

     yet, he found himself walking towards the room door. he placed his hand on the door to knock on it, breathing in deeply. what are you so nervous for, wen junhui? it's your boyfriend, for goodness' sake.

     he knocked softly twice, before placing his hand on the door knob. surprisingly yet thankfully, the door wasn't locked. he opened the door slightly, enough for him to properly see minghao.

     the room reeked of dirty laundry, and air that seemed way too stuffy. there were several clothes lying on the floor, several books which seemed to have fallen from the shelve.

     his gaze soon fell upon his boyfriend. he was sitting at the edge of his bed, head hung low and eyes fixated on the ground. he was slouching and standing at the door, junhui was able to hear his sobs. his hair was messy, and he looked completely shattered.

     jun could feel his heart simply drowing in his own sea of melancholy looking at the state minghao was in. he looked worse than before. i should have never stopped visiting him.

     "minghao... ", jun called out soflty and slowly made his way towards the younger. he placed his hand on his shoulder, gently squeezing it.

     but minghao's reaction to it was so unlikely. he slightly flinched upon the older's touch, looking up at him with glassy eyes for a mere second before looking down again, burying his head in his hands.

     "why are you even here", he muttered. jun frowned in more of surprise rather than anger.

     "baobei... i came because i wanted to see you. i missed you".

     "go away", minghao's voice cracked but he said it in a tone slightly louder. minghao wanted to be alone, yet everyone was disturbing him and invading his space. he just couldn't help but notice that jun decided to visit only now?

     jun was taken aback. what was he doing wrong?

     "minghao. you've been staying in here for so long. shouldn't you be happy to be seeing me too?", jun almost pleaded. all he wanted to do right that moment was to pull the younger into his arms and just embrace him for eternity.

     "i want to be alone", minghao said almost demandingly, his eyes glistening and his lips trembling as he looked up at jun. the older breathed out deeply and stood firm, not giving up so easily.

     "look, i'm just trying to help you feel better. you know that you can trust me, right? you can't just neglect and shut me- everyone out like this, minghao. i- ".

     "who are you to say that to me?!", minghao suddenly yelled, standing up abruptly. the tips of his ears were burning red yet tears were falling and his eyes were shaking. jun stumbled back, surprised. he felt himself choking up.

     "h-have you forgotten?", jun's eyes went wide ,"i'm your boyfriend. i care for you. i love you".

     minghao closed his eyes for a short while, letting his tears stream down endlessly ,"and you decided to come only now?". minghao scoffed in between his sobs.

     jun didn't move. instead, he lifted his hand up, wanting to hold the younger's hand, but minghao moved his shoulder away and stepped back, sobbing.

     "i was giving you the privacy and the space you needed. minghao... please don't be like this".

     "like what? what is it that i'm supposed to be? i'm not allowed to feel sad? i'm not allowed to cry? oh my god", minghao sobbed even harder, pushing his hair back furiously ,"just leave, will you?".

     jun gulped, his own river of tears threatening to fall. "minghao-".

     "i said leave!".

     jun wanted to step closer to the younger, but he slowly recoiled upon hearing what he had said. jun looked into minghao's eyes, trying to find something he eventually never discovered. all he saw was a cloud of darkness covering his aura.

     "fine", jun breathed out ,"i can't bare to see you do this to yourself".

     jun turned around and walked towards the door, holding the knob too tightly. he stayed there for awhile, glancing back at minghao.

     minghao had collapsed onto the bed, hugging his legs and burying his head in them. he was sobbing so achingly.

     jun eventually left the house. the void in his heart stayed empty. they never had an argument that intense.

     they never had an argument before, to being with.

     they never yelled at each other before, minghao had never. on top of that, he couldn't get what he saw in minghao's eyes out of his mind. it was to his complete horror.
     nothing but despair was his mask now.

a/n : chapter a lil longer because we love us some d r a m a

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