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"take it slow, alright? don't go so fast".

minghao bit his lip, before nodding to himself. the latter then let out a breath as he looked at the blank canvas in front of him.

minghao had decided that he did something beneficial to his own health while waiting for jun's awake.

and he thought what else could be better than taking art class. it was something which reminded him of jun the most. it wouldn't hurt to get back on track.

he was attending a morning class at the moment. he seemed to have redeveloped his interest for art once again.

"i want you to think of something, or someone, which is somehow a treasure to you", the instructor had started. "now illustrate your inspiration from that thought".

"take your time to think about it. we have almost all day", the instructor said with a warm smile.

minghao simply felt contented as he thought it was a great opportunity to create something out of the inspiration of his boyfriend.

how much he suffered and persevered through all. he stayed strong and giving up was never an option for him.

flowers were definitely something universely illustrated, but minghao's was a little extraordinary.

he wasn't going to draw roses or carnations. the thought of snapdragons first popped into his mind.

it was an underrated yet beautiful flower. with it's bold, eye catching red colour, the aura of it immediately interprets strength.

and minghao absolutely adored them.

he stroked his pencil over the canvas, sketching the intricate and delicate details of the flower he had imagined in his mind. he wanted it to be perfect.

once he was done, he experimented with the paint colours to get the perfect bold red colour.

with the paint brush in one hand and the pallete in the other, he let out a calm breath.

never had he thought he would be in an art class, sitting in front of a canvas and in the midst of bringing his artwork to life. a smile graced his lips.

soon enough, the canvas was pierced with the colour of red, green, blue. minghao made sure that everything was in place.

"very well done, minghao", the instructor complimented him when she laid her eyes on the artwork.

"thank you so much", minghao slightly bowed in gratitude as he continued to finish the painting.

she was truly impressed even by the most simplest artworks the chinese latter had created throughout his 3 weeks of class. from this, she knew minghao was made for art.

the next 3 hours passed by quickly, with the students touching up their artworks before handing them in to the instructor.

"minghao, i need to talk to you about something", the instructor said before he was about to leave.

"yes ms? ", minghao was slightly puzzled.

"you're very talented. did you know that? it's like your hands are specially made for art and art itself", she said almost excitingly. minghao smiled sheepishly.

"here", she suddenly handed him a business card. "you can call this number to rent a studio specifically for art classes". minghao gasped in surprise.

if there was anyone who would be the most happiest for him about this news, it could only be jun.

"you can start your own career, you know? earn some money for yourself and all ", she smiled. minghao was still in shock.

this was definitely an opportunity he should not miss. minghao looked up from the card and nodded at the instructor.

"thank you so much, ms! i'll be sure to think about it", minghao smiled happily. she too beamed.

minghao was then on his way to the hospital, eager to visit his boyfriend.

even though he wasn't awake to listen to his stories, minghao wanted to tell the older all about his day.

when he entered the room, his expression softened at the sight of his lover. minghao settled down on the chair beside him, letting out a breath.

"junhui.. ", minghao hummed, caressing the back of his hand lovingly.

"my art instructor told me that i could start my own art class", minghao chuckled to himself as he looked at the business card which was still in his hand.

"i plan to start on this small career quickly. i'm really excited", minghao smiled, looking up at the older. he started drawing small hearts in the palm of jun's hand.

"hopefully you wake up in time to share this happiness with me".

a/n : sksjsksjsjsk

yoll this is what a snapdragon looks like!

personally i think it looks like a red christmas tree HAHA but i really like it,, it's really cute and prettyyyy

if you search up the meaning of the flower, you'll get one meaning about strength :"))

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