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     "ward 18, level 2", minghao told the lady at the counter and she started typing away on the keyboard.

     jun and minghao had left school early that day to visit minghao's sister. she was still recovering from the lab explosion she got injured from not too long ago. the doctor said that there was still some left over chemicals and shards she had breathed in that they needed to remove.

     the lady soon handed the latter their visiting passes and they made their way up to his sister's ward.

     minghao knocked on the door but there was no reply. he glanced at jun, who seemed to be unsure too as to why she seemed to be asleep. it was the visiting hours.

     they welcomed themselves into the room, finding the expected asleep young lady on the white bed. minghao smiled and jun let out a chuckle as they settled themselves on the seats near the bed.

     "do you want to go home first? i think my sister would take a long time to wake up", minghao asked the older. jun intertwined their fingers and let out a tired sigh.

     "it's okay. i can wait", jun smiled reassuringly, earning a nod from the younger. minghao rested his head on his shoulder, feeling exhausting from the long day. out of reflex, jun played with the younger's hair while they waited for his sister to wake up.

     minghao's sister eventually woke up, but with a sharp stinging pain in her chest which caused her to start coughing violently.

     "noona!", minghao quickly ran to his sister, eyes wide full of worry. she was rubbing her chest, her face evident of pure pain. minghao looked like he wanted to cry when he saw his sister in so much discomfort. that shattered jun's heart.

     "m-minghao... i-", she tried speaking but she erupted into more violent coughs and minghao could only stare in fear. he didn't know what to do, he was too shocked and worried.

     "i'll call the doctor", jun quickly said before he rushed out of the room, searching for a nearby doctor or even a nurse who could tend to minghao's sister.

     minghao got choked up by his tears. he held his sister's hand as a tear wet his cheeks one by one. "m-minghao... w-why are you c-crying?", she managed to ask when the coughing stopped for awhile. she was still rubbing her chest in hopes of relieving the pain.

     minghao didn't know what to say, he could only look at her and let his tears overcome him. he hated to see her in so much pain that he couldn't do anything to help.

     "what happened?", a doctor suddenly came into the room hurriedly, his expression showed much worry too. "do you mind if you wait outside while i do a quick check up?".

     jun shook his head with a polite smile and he gently took minghao's hand, pulling him out of the room as the doctor proceeded with checking what had caused minghao's sister to suddenly have chest pain.

     they sat down at the waiting benches outside the ward while several nurses came running into the room. minghao had buried his face in his hands the second they sat down, staining his hands with his tears.

jun swore he could feel his heart breaking into even smaller pieces looking at how much of a weak state minghao was in.

     "baobei...", jun caressed his head, slowly bringing the younger to face him ,"minghao. look at me".

     the only reply he got was loud sniffles. jun hated it so much. "minghao... please", jun brought minghao's hands down from his face and gently lifted his chin up.

     he hated the sight in front of him. it was the exact same hurt and pained expression he had seen before. it was the same scenario. it was the same heartbreak. it was like a deja vu, and jun hated it.

     "minghao... i'm here, okay? please don't cry anymore. it hurts me so much", jun spoke softly, almost stumbling over his words for tears of his own threatened to fall too.

      "i love you so much".

a/n : omg guys wat is this chapter 👀👀

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