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minghao decided not to visit his sister for the following week out of frustration and pain when seeing her.

minghao didn't want to go to school anymore. he didn't have the heart to do anything anymore. he missed his sister everyday but he knew she wasn't coming back.

jun wasn't acknowledged about any of this, though. minghao didn't tell or contact anyone for he didn't have the strength to do so either. he couldn't be bothered to do anything when he knew his sister was going to die.

the fact that she didn't want to tell him, hurt him even more. she thought she was protecting him in a way that he would still be focused in his studies and live a normal life without being so distracted by her being bedridden in the hospital.

but minghao was living the complete opposite. everyday he was worrying about her, whether it was in school or at home. even when he was with jun, it was only the thought of his sister's well being which lingered in his mind.

jun would be lying if he said he wasn't bothered by it. he knew, of course, minghao had his priorities, but wasn't he one of them too? wasn't he important to minghao too?

"hello?", jun's eyes immediately lit up. the two hadn't had a call ever since so long and jun was more than elated to hear his boyfriend's voice even over the phone.

"minghao! oh my god! i miss-".

"sorry, this is just a voicemail", minghao's recorded voice let out a cheeky giggle. jun's expression soon changed.

"leave a message, okay! i'll call back later", the voicemail ended. jun could almost see the small grin minghao had on after he had recorded the voicemail.

jun sighed deeply, ending the call which was never picked up by the other. jun rested his head on the palm of his hand, gazing out at nothing in particular. he missed minghao. so much.

"hey junhui", jihoon, who had noticed the chinese sitting alone at the cafeteria, slipped his arm around his shoulder. he peeked at the latter's face, realising that his expression seemed moody, yet again.

jun only let out a hum as a response. jihoon frowned. there was definitely something weird about jun's aura.

"something still wrong?", he asked the chinese. jun shook his head but he did not make eye contact with jihoon. jihoon pursed his lips into a thin line, clearly not believing the latter.

"is it about minghao?", he asked again. jun shook his head. jihoon sighed.

"do you want to talk about it?", he asked one last time but jun only shook his head again. jihoon let out a deeper and more annoyed sigh.

"wen junhui, i'm here to help you. can you please kindly coorperate before i roundhouse kick you back to china".

"minghao used to say that too", jun muttered, letting out a faint chuckle. jihoon sighed, mentally regretting he had said that to the chinese latter.

"please tell me what's wrong", jihoon tried once more ,"when soonyoung told me about you being so unusually moody, it worried me, okay".

jun looked at him, eyes almost glistening of despair. he chuckled weakly again ,"do you think minghao still loves me?".

a/n : short chapter because of my exams huhu im sorry :""((((

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