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     "it's still warm", jun said after trying one of the rice cakes.

     minghao immediately plopped himself down onto the sofa once they had reached his home. jun laid the packet of freshly cooked rice cakes infront of the younger, taking a bite of one in case they didn't taste good enough.

     minghao sat up hesitantly, pouting. jun was mixing the rice cakes around in the soup when he noticed minghao's sad expression. "what's wrong?", jun asked, taking minghao's hand.

     "you're not hungry?", jun asked again when he got only a sigh as a response from the younger. "no- i mean, yes-- i mean-", minghao mumbled. jun laughed quietly at how minghao sounded too adorable for his own being when he stumbled over his own words.

     jun scooped a rice cake into the wooden spoon along with the soup, bringing it up to feed it to the younger.

     minghao let the older spoon feed him for he, himself, was too tired and frustrated to do anything.

     the rice cakes taste good, i guess. minghao chewed lazily as jun plopped another rice cake into his mouth, consuming it happily. it felt like jun hadn't eaten in forever or, was it just that he hadn't eaten rice cakes in a long time and he probably forgotten what it tasted like?

     "junhui... i don't want to eat anymore", minghao muttered as he laid back onto the sofa and hugged a pillow. jun pouted. the rice cakes were so good! jun nodded and went to the kitchen to pack the dish again and store it in the fridge.

     "can i ask you something?", jun asked when he had sat down beside the younger. minghao nodded and wrapped his arms around the older tiredly.

     "why do you always cry seeing your sister like that?", jun asked hesitantly. he had tried his best to filter his words before saying them to minghao. he didn't want to trigger the already exhausted young latter even more.

     "i don't know what will become of me if she's gone", minghao mumbled quietly.

     minghao was an independent young man, of course. but minghao depended on his sister alot, too. his sister was his pillar of support when his parents weren't there. she was the first person minghao would talk to if he had any problems, and he probably has the most inside jokes with her out of all people. minghao loved and cherished her alot.

     jun didn't know what to say. minghao had said that before. that his sister was the only person he had left. that he's so afraid to lose her.

     the atmosphere fell into a seemingly awkward yet comforting silence, just the two of them in each other's arms.

     "i'm sorry for being like this", minghao suddenly said, breaking the silence. "i'm sorry for being so sensitive about things. i'm sorry that i'm so annoying", he breathed out.

     all jun wanted to do was to hug the younger tighter than ever, and tell him, for the rest of his life, that he deserved the whole universe. sure he got a little too sensitive about small things, but jun didn't mind.

     "what are you talking about? it's okay to be sensitive about things, there's nothing wrong about that. and annoying? that word doesn't exist in your dictionary, my love. stop being negative about this, okay? i don't care about your flaws because you know i love you for them too", jun said reassuringly.

     minghao snuggled himself into jun more, internally touched by every single word of assurance and affection the older had said to him. even if he didn't show any physical appreciation, he just loved everything that jun had said and he knew jun didn't need to be told.

     "can you stay the night?", minghao asked. he was already feeling tired and extremely exhausted. though he didn't look forward to going to school tomorrow.

     "of course", jun smiled softly. soon the two were getting ready for bed. minghao was still mildly affected by the series of events which happened today so jun took every action into consideration.

     minghao climbed into his bed, under the covers and turned to face the wall while jun followed behind. the older wrapped his arms around him in a backhug, and snuggled his head into the younger's neck.

     "minghao.. ", jun called out softly. it took the boy 2 seconds before he turned his head around to face jun ,"hm?".

     jun pressed his lips against the younger's, leaning into the kiss. it lasted for a good 3 seconds before minghao decided to pull away. "i'm tired, junhui. good night", the latter said softly before he turned back to face the wall.

     jun was a little taken aback by his sudden action ,"oh... sleep well". calm down, wen junhui. stop overthinking.

a/n : yeet

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