Chapter 4 - Kaz

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The word lingered in the air like smoke, hovering wraithlike in his ears. Kaz had heard that name many times over the past few months, heard it choked out by dying men in the dark backalleys of Ketterdam, heard it whispered grimly to a friend after hearing about the latest murder, heard it make whole tables of drunken sailors fall silent with dread when it was spoken. He'd never actually met "Raven", never been paid one of her infamous visitings, never received-


The feather.

Kaz reached over and took the envelope that had held the letter from Inej's hands. She was frozen in place, eyes scanning the page over and over as if reading it enough times would make it vanish like some cheap conjurer's trick.

His gloved fingers reached inside the envelope and closed around it, feeling the soft brush of its strands through the slits in the leather. He brought out his hand and showed Inej what the envelope had contained.

"A... feather..?" Inej asked, the slightest tremor in her voice.

Kaz nodded his affirmation. "She leaves one at the scene of every murder, every robbery. Quite the theatric."

Inej took the feather back, examining it closely. He looked, too. It was large and glossy, with an almost blue sheen. Strange, how such a small thing could inflict so much fear.

His eyes travelled upwards, to Inej's face. The same could be said for her. He envisioned reaching up, touching her face, leaning in- you podge, Brekker, now isn't the time to get sentimental!

Inej lifted her gaze from the feather to meet his eyes. "You know her." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. Her voice was flat and toneless, and he couldn't make out any emotion. He'd taught her well.

"I know who she says she is. I don't know the person behind the name."

He'd tried to find out, though, many times, and each time he'd failed. It was as if she could melt into the very shadows. Kaz doubted that even he could peel off the layers of rumour that surrounded her, but if anyone could uncover Raven's identity, it was his Wraith.

"Who is she?"

"I just told you," he deadpanned.

Inej muttered something under her breath - Kaz strongly suspected it was a prayer to her Saints for patience. "You know exactly what I mean. Who is she in Ketterdam?"

It was all he could do to maintain his poker face and not show his worry at his reaction. "She... she took over what you left off. She became the new spider."

"You replaced me?" He didn't think he was imagining the hurt in her voice.

"Of course not. You can't be replaced. And anyway-"

Inej held up one finger for him to stop talking. "You just called me irreplaceable."

Kaz hoped that the heat he felt rising to his cheeks wasn't showing. "This isn't the time, Wraith. You have a crazy assassin who's just sent confirmation that she's got some sort of bad blood withyou."


But whatever she was going to say next was lost as the previously locked door opened.


Thanks for reading, I know this is short but I have more chapters coming.

One thing:

An awesome new book has just been released on Wattpad called "The Magician's Daughter". And yes, I know there are loads of magician books out there, but this one not only has a gripping beginning with an interesting plot beginning to develop, but it's author has an incredible writing style!

"The Magician's Daughter" by Book_Shadow_

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