Chapter 13 - Inej

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When Jesper opened the door to the living room, the angry voices doubled in volume. At one end of the room sat Kaz, eyes narrowed, and one gloved hand clenched tightly around his cane and at the other end stood Nina, practically glowing with anger. Inej could immediately tell that it was Nina who was the main source of the noise. She was screaming at Kaz at the top of her lungs. But though Nina's anger was white hot and roaring, Kaz's was icy cold. His rasp was at normal volume, and apart from the tightness of his grip on his cane his posture was as relaxed and nonchalant as if he was lounging on a sofa.

The Heartrender finished her tirade and Kaz observed her coldly. "You say I'm the reason that Jesper and Wylan are having a tough time," he said, leaning forwards in his chair. "Nina, dear, you do realise that the only reason we all come downstairs in the morning looking like hell itself is because of you? Your screaming stops us from getting any sleep. The others are too polite to bring it up, but honestly I couldn't care less about your feelings."

"And that's your problem, Brekker! You don't care!!! When Inej was stabbed, when Wylan was being abused and Jesper was in debt, when all the Grisha of Ketterdam were in danger and us, your friends, were going to die, you didn't care. You're oblivious to everything other than your precious kruge - Jesper's friendship, what Wylan gives up for you. You didn't even stay for Matthias's funeral. You didn't care that he'd sacrificed himself for you, Brekker."

Kaz's eyes were hard chips of flint, sharp and angry. He stood and crossed the room to her in one fluid motion, and Inej remained transfixed, rooted to the spot with a horrible fascination. "At least I still have people who care for me. Matthias is dead."

"Who? Who cares for you now, Kaz? Inej? Don't make me laugh. She'll never have feelings for you. And that person you always scream about in your sleep- don't think I'm the only one with night terrors - you think he'd still care for you now? You think 'Jordie' would care for you now?"

Kaz's face went slack with shock and hurt, the expression of a man who had just been stripped of his armour and left bleeding and vulnerable. For a split second he was no longer Dirtyhands, the infamous gang leader; he was a hurt boy raw with loss, flaws on display to the world.

Nina shoved him hard, and Kaz, caught off guard, toppled backwards. He landed with all his weight on his bad leg. Inej heard his gasp of pain even from across the room. It gave beneath him and he collapsed onto the ground, the thud snapping Inej from her trance. She flew to Kaz's side in an instant.

"Saints, Kaz, are you alright?" she said anxiously.

Kaz huffed out a pained breath, swallowing hard. His teeth were gritted together and he was much paler than usual. He took several moments before speaking, and when he did it wasn't to answer Inej's question. "Jesper, you podge, stop laughing this instant."

Inej shot Jesper a disgusted look. He was doubled over with laughter, wheezing hysterically. "Kaz Brekker... falling over!"

Kaz made an effort to stand and hissed, falling back to rest on his elbows. "I am a normal person, Jesper. I do fall over."

Jesper cackled.

"Kaz, ignore Jesper and sit down. You're hurt."

"I'm fine."

"Sure, that's what they'll carve on your gravestone: 'He said he was fine.'"

"No mourners, no funerals, remember?"

"Do you want me to fetch a medik?"

"What, to examine your head? Inej, I am fine."

"You can't stand."

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