Chapter 9 - Nina

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Nina sat on a stool by the piano, listlessly plinking the keys. Wylan had been trying to teach her to play, to give her something to do other than aimlessly wandering around the house, but she was as good at piano as she was at singing. At least it was a distraction. These days, she had nothing to do anymore. Her whole waking world had been bleached of colour by her grief as the lifeblood poured from Matthias's wound.

But sometimes, she wished that the grief that devoured her had drained the colour from her dreams, too: it felt like all the life and vibrancy had drained into her night-thoughts. And they weren't dreams - they were nightmares, and they were so real that she would wake up screaming each night.

Tuning into her surroundings, she realised she had started thumping the piano keys like she was Kaz Brekker and they owed her money. She stopped and sighed, resting her head against the cool ivory of the keys.

Suddenly there was a click and the front door swung open, and Nina caught a glimpse of a lithe, bird-like figure sprinting towards her before she was wrapped in her best friend's arms. "'Nej?" she asked incredulously.

"Nina!" Inej laughed, her teeth white against her caramel skin. She pulled back and stared at her, and Nina saw her expression change into one of concern as she took in the now-gaunt lines of Nina's face and the dark smudges under her eyes. Quickly, Nina stood and went to take a seat at the dining room table, where Wylan was already pulling up a chair, then patted the place next to her.

"Come here."

"Is that an order?" Inej teased, the sparkle Nina had missed so much back in her brown eyes.

"Yes. Yes it is."

"Careful, Zenik," said Wylan from across the table. "You're beginning to sound like Kaz."

Nina snorted, tossing her waves of chestnut hair. "Says the boy who's taking lessons on how to pick locks."

She noticed Wylan flinch - almost imperceptible, but years of working with Kaz Brekker had rubbed off on her. She'd known there was something up with Kaz and Wylan, but it was up to them to sort it out. And if either of them - especially Brekker - hurt my Wraith, I will unleash my unholy army of the dead upon them.

"Where are Kaz and Jesper?" asked Nina. Jesper had said he was going to bring Kaz back to the Van Eck mansion for a sit-down talk earlier that morning, but she hadn't seen the two of them since.

"Kaz, Wylan and I ran into Jes on the way here, and him and Kaz took off somewhere. He seemed... pretty shaken," replied Inej, her forehead creased with worry lines.

"Don't worry. They keep doing this," said Wylan reassuringly. Nina knew for a fact that wasn't true. Kaz did keep vanishing off to places, but he never brought anyone with him. Hopefully Inej's return would change that.

They made small-talk for a while, skirting around the increasing worry for the two missing boys, Wylan busying himself with making tea for them. They all sat in an awkward silence, clutching their steaming mugs, until the door opened and not two, but three - three??? - people walked into the house.

Inej looked confused and annoyed at the same time.

Wylan blushed politely.

And Nina dropped her mug, spilling boiling hot tea all down her kefta.

"Moi Soverenyi!" she gasped, her chair tipping over as she pushed it back in her haste to stand. She bowed low, and her head hit the table. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Compose yourself.

He laughed, perfect teeth flashing. "No need for that, Miss Zenik. I come anonymous."

"Wait - King Nikolai???" said Wylan incredulously, blush darkening.

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