Alias: Afraid Of Ghosts

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Fuck you. Fuck you very very muc-

My phone rang for the sixth time in a row and I knew without looking that it was Damon trying to check where I was.

The electronic light from my screen dimmed and I pulled the covers closer, waiting for the light to fade and for the comfort of darkness to engulf me entirely.

"Um...those scars...on your back. Where did...they come from?" Damons grey eyes shone with pity, an emotion I had come to detest.

I hugged my legs closer to my chest, my scars stinging with phantom pain as Damon's gaze flashed through my mind.

Involuntary tears welled up at the corners of my eyes as I squeezed them shut, my teeth clenched.

Ding Dong.

I looked up in surprise at the ringing doorbell, wondering who possibly could be at my door.

Taking the stairs one at a time, I walked to the front door in a trance like state, preparing to yell at Damon for showing up at my door.

"If I don't answer your phone calls, that doesn't give you an excuse to show up at my hous- oh." My shout stopped midway as I met Hunter's handsome gaze, his smile reflected in his eyes.

"Is this a bad time?" He asked, tilting his head to the side and smiling.

"Yeah it is actually." I lowered my gaze, letting loose strands of hair cover my eyes.

He watched me in silence and my grip on the doorframe grew stronger.

"You haven't been coming to school for a week and you haven't been answering your phone since last friday. You can't hide forever Ryann," Hunter said, his voice soft and temperate.

"I'm not hiding," I said defiantly, looking up sharply with sudden tears in my eyes.

Hunter's eyes widened and he took a surprised step back.

"Now if you're done lecturing me, you can leave. Or was there some other reason you came here?" I averted my gaze again, wiping my tears away angrily.

"I brought you food. And I'm not leaving until I see you finish  off every scrap of it," He said, bringing his hand up.

I suddenly noticed the single plastic bag clutched in his hand and 'hmphed'.

"What are you, my dad?" I tried for an expression of indifference but I was secretly relieved someone had brought food as I had been running dangerously low for the past few days.

"So you don't want it?" He asked, raising his eyebrow as a knowing smile played on his lips.

My stomach took that as a queue to grumble loudly in protest and my cheeks reddened in shame as he chuckled.

"I suppose just this once is ok," I muttered, stepping aside and letting him step inside.

"I'm glad you came to your senses," He smiled putting his hand on my shoulder.

I flinched at his smile as awful memories came back; Hunter looked so much like him.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" My cry was desperate and frantic, filled with fear.

He smirked, cruelty and brutality dancing in his eyes as he drew closer, the knife glinting in the darkness.

His cold hand on my bare back sent shivers down my spine, rough and inhumane.

"Don't-!" I jerked back, fear flooding through my veins as Hunter stared at me in shock," Don't touch me! I... just don't touch me please."

Hunter watched me with concern in his eyes before dropping his hand, something I couldn't catch flashing through his eyes.

"So... what did you bring?" I asked, my heart beating in my ears as I began calming down.

"Oh uh... chinese take out. I hope you don't mind?" He flustered, setting the bag down on the table.

"Well it's a little too late to ask that now, isn't it?" I muttered, trying to disguise my panic as I rummaged through the packet.

"Sheesh... you sure are warming up to me now that I brought you food," Hunter laughed, scratching the back of his head.

I stopped my scavenging, narrowing my eyes at him as I slowly pulled the bag closer to me, sticking my tongue out as I suddenly raced to my room.

"Uh-hey! That's for me too you know!" Hunter freeze in shock for a moment before chasing after me, although by the time he was up the stairs I had already locked my door.

"Ryann c'mon! I gotta have some too!" He whined.

"It's all mine now!" I sung, laughing at his groan.

His shouts of protest and plea reached me and I responded with quip after quip until we were both lying on the floor, laughing until our sides ached.

And his voice faded until it was nothing but a whisper at the back of my wind; although a whisper... is still heard.

"I'm marking you as mine and making sure you can never leave me, no matter what I do to you, because no one-one will ever love something like you. No-one."

Hey guys so earlier this year I put this story on hold but I decided to update again(even though it's exams cause that makes total sense. Yep) and I must say it isn't my best work and I'll probably come back later and fix it. For now, please just enjoy this unedited version and feel free to point out any mistakes or things you think should change! I love hearing from you guys and you don't understand how much you guys mean to me! Be sure to comment and vote and stay awesome! (P.s I just realised I don't know if I'm even spelling Alias right... somebody tell me if I am... T^T )

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