Alias: (Hunter POV) Betrayal

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"Once upon a time, there lived a little boy. He lived with his mom and his dad and his brother in a big house with lots of toys and books and games. He smiled every minute, laughed every hour of the day and always told jokes. He was an all around happy kid-"

"Wait. Didn't this kid have a name?" Ryann interrupted me and I stared at her blankly.

"I'm getting to that. Now stop interrupting me before I have to throw something at you."

"Someone's got a stick up their ass."

"Anyway, this boy was really happy. He visited his friends every day and spent the evenings with his family. But then one day everything changed. The little boy, you see, had an older brother who he loved very much and one day the older brother brought home a girl. The girl was beautiful and friendly and a year younger than the boy, which was why he couldn't understand why his brother who was two years older than him had brought her home.

"He questioned her about it and she laughed, smiling at him and putting her finger to her lips. 'I'm his future wife but don't tell anybody ok? It's a secret,' she said, laughter in her eyes.

"The boy promised not to tell anybody and soon the little boy and the little girl became friends. The boys brother noticed this and begun bringing the girl around when the boy wasn't there, saying he was annoying the girl with his childish ways. Once again, the boy found this odd as the girl was younger than him.

"Soon enough, the boy begun to notice that something was wrong. The girl stopped smiling as much when she came over and always left with red, puffy eyes and new cuts and bruises. Her clothes always looked ruffled and more often than not, her shirt was stained with tiny dots of crimson."

Something in her eyes flickered as she frowned in confusion, my story obviously stirring something up.

"And then the girl started coming around less when the boys parents were there and more when they weren't, even when she wasn't allowed. But his brother made sure he kept quite, promising him stuff if he kept his mouth shut. The boy didn't know it at the time, but the big either was hurting the girl, hurting her in horrible ways.

"The boy kept his mouth shut and the girls visits lasted for two years before he got really curious. For what felt like the hundredth time, he heard the girl pleading with his brother, screaming at him and when he heard the door slam shut and his brother stomp down the stairs, yelling that he was getting something to drink, he ran up the stairs.

"He ran up to his brothers bedroom, his hand on the doorknob as sounds of sobbing came through the wall. Cracking the door open, his eyes widened as they settled on the broken form of the girl. She lay on the floor, blood caking the side of her face and staining her shirt and he knew immediately why she always came around when their parents were gone.

"He shut the door, raced down the stairs and tried to pretend he'd never seen any of it, although the girls pleading eyes that had met his were burned in his mind. Almost as if she were asking for his help, begging him to save her. Things went on normal for a year, before the brother moved away.

"The girl stopped coming around after that and soon, the boy and his family moved aw-"

"Shut up."

My eyes widened at her venomous tone and when I glanced over at her, her eyes were wide and angry and filled with tears.


"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" She hissed, standing up and glaring at me,"Shut up with that stupid story! Don't you dare say another word about it!"

I wasn't mad at her for yelling at me. I couldn't be.

"Ryann, I-" I stood up, hoping to calm her down.

"How do you know that story? Who told you about Caine? Was it him? Do you know him?" She grabbed my collar, fear and anger dancing in her eyes.

I glanced away from her in shame, sighing.

"I do know him...because that little boy in the story was me. I'm sorry Ryann. I was the boy who saw you and didn't save you when you needed it the most."

Hey guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's so late. I'm lazy and on holidays so it might be a while, although I'm probably updating tomorrow again. Love you guys and don't forget to comment and vote!

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