Alias: Unknown POV

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I did three sharp raps on the wooden door, waiting nervously.

"Come in." A rich, sharp voice came from behind the door and I sucked in a breathe before swiftly opening the door.

A handsome teenage boy that usually made women swoon sat on the edge of the king bed, buttoning up his shirt. My gaze wandered behind him and I caught sight of a beautiful women I recognized as a model, lying under the covers.

"What is it Ryan?" He asked, standing up.

"Uh yes sir... Ryann and Damon are having a fight and it doesn't look like they'll be friends anytime soon again," I said, watching him as he walked over to a dresser and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

"And what of Hunter?" He asked, sipping on the whiskey before his cold grey eyes settled on me.

"They are still friends," I said, bowing my head.

"What?" His tone turned angry and he snarled at me," I thought I told you to take care of them."

"You... you did Sir. And I tried at the party but-"

"Enough excuses. You are to break those two up before I have to get involved," He snarled, sneering at me from over his glass.

My phone suddenly made a noise and I scrambled to get it out of my pocket, hoping I had gotten something I could redeem myself with before he got really angry.

My eyes widened in joy at the message and I looked up to meet his glare.

"Good news Sir! One of my men just informed me that Ryann has cast your br-Hunter out of her house and is now refusing to speak to him," I said frantically, trying for a nervous smile.

He stared at his glass blankly before bursting into a fit of laughter.

"This is perfect! I knew he would screw up!" He laughed.

"Sir?" I glanced at him curiosity.

His gaze grew enraged and before I knew what had happened, his glass was smashing against the wall beside my head, shattering into a hundred pieces.

"Shut up!" He hissed, glaring at me.

He smiled at me again, a look of madness in his eyes.

"Fetch the car. I have to pay our dear little Ryann a visit," Caine smirked.

Hey guys so I'm supposed to be studying and I always find it calming to write! Hope you guys enjoy the chapter and by now I'm sure you've figured out it's Ryan's POV (the guy) and are probably wondering why it says Unknown POV. ell I feel like if it isn't that you'll figure out too quickly what's happening and that would ruin the chapter. Also it's really short but you'll see why in the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to comment and vote! Love you guys!

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