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"Move McIntyre

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"Move McIntyre." Donnie said as he pushed Joe out of the way of the window, hoping to get a glance of the two girls.

Jordan smiled. "The blonde is kinda hot."

Donnie looked at Jordan. "Are you kidding? She looks like she's 13." But he was going to be the last to admit, she was smoking.

When the door to the bus opened, they all moved from the window. Dick came on board with the two girls behind him. "Guys, I'd like you to meet Amelia and Caite Lynn, your new assistants."

The brunette stepped around Dick, extending her hand. "Hi, I'm Caite."

Donnie looked at the blonde and noticed she had the most unusual color of eyes. They were emerald green with flecks of gold framed by thick, dark lashes. Her skin was the color of ivory, her lips lush and thick. Across her nose and cheeks were a few freckles. Her face was oval and accented by honey blonde hair that ended mid back. "And you must be Amelia."

"Yes, very nice to meet y'all." She had the typical southern accent that Donnie found attractive. Every time they toured here in Oklahoma he loved hearing them talk. He wondered if it was all true about Southern girls.

Amelia felt uncomfortable with the guys staring at her, one in particular. He was sitting on the couch reading a book. But he would look up at her with his blue eyes and flash her a crooked smile. She blushed, returned the smile, then turned her attention back to the rest of the guys.

"Well..we better get going." The bus driver closed the door. "Have to be in Saint Louis by tonight."

"Yeah, know that's how it's down Jay." Donnie smiled as he played the Nintendo, the sounds of Super Mario Brothers filled the bus. Amelia peeked over the top of her book. She held back a smile as she watched Jordan and Donnie sitting on the floor playing the video game. Jon and Joe were asleep in the back of the bus, while Danny was sitting on the couch watching. She must have laughed because Donnie turned to look at her.


She shrugged and continued to read the book. They had been traveling for a couple of hours now and she was amazed at how quickly the guys accepted her and Caite, she actually felt like family. But there was a growing hostility between her and Donnie. She wasn't sure why. "Nothing."

Donnie smiled at her, sizing her up. "What? You think you can do better?"

Still reading her book, she smiled. "Oh, I know I can."

Jordan laughed. "This I have to see."

Donnie grabbed Jordan's controller and held it out to her. "OK, Ellis. Let's see you do it then."

She slowly st her book down on the couch and walked over to where the small TV was located. Jordan got up from the floor as she took his spot. She grabbed the controller and began to play the game. Within minutes, she easily beat Donnie's score. "Ha! Eat that Wahlberg. High score."

Donnie looked at her, amazement on his face. "What the hell?"

Jordan began to laugh. "You're getting killed, D."

"Shut up Jordan." Donnie was getting pissed. He hardly got beat by a girl, especially at video games. It was embarrassing.

Amelia smiled and handed him the controller. "I have a brother at him. I do know my way around a video game. I'm not all pink ruffles and bows."

Not wanting to be beat by a girl, Donnie took the video game out and selected Street Fighter. "OK.OK. You think you're so good, let's go." She sighed and took the controller from him.

"Yeah, eat lead D." Jordan said with a laugh as Amelia easily took control of the game.

"Awww, man. She's killing you." Danny said as he held his sides. "I never thought the day would come that Donnie would get beat by a girl."

"OK.OK." Donnie was getting pissed. He put down the controller and held up his arm. "Arm wrestling., best out of three."

She got up from the floor and handed him the controller. "I better not. Don't want you to loose in front of your friends."

Jordan and Danny were in a fit of laughter as Donnie threw a pillow at them both. "Fuck you guys."

"So...do you think Joe likes me?"

Amelia looked up from stuffing clothes into the laundry tub. They had been on the road for a week and they were growing closer to the guys. Amelia easily adjusted to each guys mood, able to read them like a book. She learned how to diffuse a situation when need be. Her intuition and sixth sense made her a favorite with the security crew. If something was about to happen, she could sniff it out and alert the guys.


Caite hoisted her self up on an empty washer. "I don't know. I can't tell if he's flirting with me or not. He flirts with everyone."

Amelia took some wet clothes out of the tub and placed them in the dryer. She threw them in and closed the door. She placed a few quarters into the machine and looked at Caite. "I don't know..haven't paid much attention."

Caite let out a sight, twirling a dark curl around her finger. "Oh..So what's up with you and Donnie? Lot of tension between you two."

Amelia sighed and sat in a chair that was facing the dryer, stretching her legs out in front of her. "He's rude. He's stubborn, conceited, egotistical jerk...I could go on for days."

"You two are so alike, it's scary." Caite chuckled."

"He treats me like a little girl and it's bugging the shit out of me. Just the way he talks to me."

"Don't think too much into it, he'll come around."

Amelia let out a sigh. "I hope you are right."

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