Chapter Nine

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If you were anyone else and asked Draco how he was feeling, he would very firmly state that he was not nervous. At all. But if you were to look at him, you would realize immediately what a gigantic lie that was.

They had all been sent up to their Common Rooms at the announcement of a troll in the dungeon. Of course, it couldn't be that simple. Harry and Ron, much to Hermione's dismay, had taken up a habit of sneaking out at night every once in a while. They had run into a large three headed dog guarding some trap door in the forbidden corridor one time while running from Filch, and had made up their minds that the troll had something to do with it. They wanted to sneak off by themselves, but Draco had spotted them going the wrong way.

"Harry? Ron? Common room is this way," he had called after them. When he got no response other than "Shh!" he had tugged Hermione's sleeve and raced after them.

That was how he had gotten into this situation. He was in the girls' bathroom, which happened to be nowhere near the dungeons, because one of the teachers came by, so the four of them had ducked inside. Little did they know, getting caught by a teacher was probably a better option.

The troll came in the bathroom.

And now they were cornered.

Hermione screeched and pressed back against the wall behind them. Her skin had turned pale white with fright, which was understandable, since a large grey troll was blocking their way to the only door.

"What do we do?" Ron asked fearfully.

"Not go running towards danger?" Draco hissed angrily.

"Not helping right now!"

"Guys!" Harry exclaimed, drawing their attention, "Throw things at it! It's destroying everything!"

Draco looked to the ground around them and saw hunks of sinks all around. He, Harry, and Ron began throwing the ceramic at the troll, who didn't seem to notice very much. He was more interesting in the still-shrieking Hermione.

"Hey pea-brain!" Ron yelled. The troll looked straight at him. Ron whipped a pipe as hard as he could, hitting the troll in the eye. It moaned and snarled in anger, fumbling about blindly. It swung its club around in front of it in a desperate attempt to hit someone.

Draco tugged Hermione out of the way just as the club came crashing down nearby, earning another shriek which drew the hideous thing's attention. Its eye seemed to have healed enough to see again, and it gripped the club with both hands.

"Hey!" Harry yelled. Somehow he had gotten behind the thing.

Just as the troll turned, Harry leapt at it and shoved his wand right up the thing's nose. Draco winced in disgust, but then realized he should be more worried about the fact the the troll was now trying desperately to throw Harry off. Draco grabbed Hermione and tore towards Ron, who was now also on the other side.

"Ron, do something!" Draco yelled.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" Ron shouted. The troll's club flew upwards out of its hand, paused, then crashed straight into the troll's head. The troll began to fall and Draco, in a burst of courage, grabbed at Harry and yanked him off before he was crushed.

"Thanks," Harry huffed. He reached down and drew his wand from the troll's nostril. "Eugh, troll boogers."

The other three winced in reply. Harry stepped over to one of the broken sinks and washed his wand off in the spray.

"Is it... dead?" Hermione whispered.

Draco kicked the troll's arm. "Nah. It's just knocked out."

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